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Everything posted by aerocombatpilot

  1. The 2012 version of Total Recall, I LOVE THAT FILM! I know that may be crime to say this but: I FREAKING HATED THE ORIGINAL TOTAL RECALL!!!
  2. No matter how I try, I can not get hyped about a new Star Wars film. Wait, let me regroup...I can not get hyped about a new Star Wars film that re-visits the original trilogy. To me that stuff is sacred ground, and I don't think anybody (not even old George Lucas himself) can do anything with it. It ended with Return of the Jedi. Please leave it alone. Seeing the new models being built and the new sets, is giving me that old school 1977-1984 vibe I had when I was a kid, and yet there is this little voice telling me: "It's not going to be anywhere as good as the original, they're only going to screw this up..big time!
  3. OH YEAH, I forgot about V.I.N.C.E.N.T AND Old B.O.B! I'll have to dig out the old DVD along with Disney's 20,000 Leagues under the Sea staring the only REAL CAPTAIN NEMO: James Mason, and I still side with Nemo! F#$k Ned Land!!!
  4. Just got back from seeing it and..it wasn't bad at all. Not enough of what I paid to see, but I never figured it was going to be another Pacific Rim. As far as the acting goes it wasn't bad for a Godzilla film, and I didn't want to see any of the main characters die, which is pretty good for me so, all in all it was pretty good for a "first" Godzilla film; but they CAN'T DO THIS AGAIN!!! Next time: MORE MONSTERS FIGHTING, PLEASE!!
  5. Would somebody call Kawamori and tell him this is what the new Macross tv series SHOULD LOOK LIKE!!!
  6. WAITAMINUTE! Did he say: "nature has a power to restore balance"?! Does that mean Godzilla could be the good guy?!! I hope so because I miss the days when he was the hero. I know those films are considered silly nowadays, but I loved them as a kid.
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