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Everything posted by aerocombatpilot

  1. I got hooked on the original "untouchables" with Robet Stack when it came out on DVD. This kind of reminds me of that show..looks good!!
  2. Yeah, maybe we'll find Hikaru, Misa, and Minnay in 2013!!! (I can DREAM!!)
  3. Yeah and I think he smoked that sucka when he shot this film!!!
  4. OK, I'm probably the LAST person to see this film and it was "WORTH" the wait. Why? Not because it was a great film or even a good film, but because somebody put the entire film on YOUTUBE. It's gone now, but at least I didn't pay any money for this! After watching Prometheus, I got the feeling that I had been watching an old sci-fi b film; only with better special effects. The editing was horrible. It seemed like the film had litte or no continuity; just a bunch of scenes with no transition between them. The ship Prometheus(one of the things I was looking foward to seeing)had very few scenes beyond what had been revealed in the trailers. As far as the characters go,the ONLY ones I cared about was SHAW and Janek. Holloway was a pure jackass that deserved to have his punk@ss lit-up, I was litterly cheering when he died. The rest of the crew were nameless "cannon fodder" as far as I was concerned. Much of this film didn't make sense BUT I don't mind. I'll probably get the 4 disc set in order to get the bonus material. Maybe they'll explain How Vickers managed to get crushed by the juggernaut, when her escapepod was ejected AWAY from the Prometheus as it was on a collision course with it.
  5. I finished watching the Pond's final episode. Not bad, it just didn't end like I wanted it to: Final scene: Amy crying her eyes out and Rory trying to comfort her. AMY: "Why Doctor? Why?" DOCTOR: "Amy, I could lie and tell you I'm going into the TARDIS for my sonic screwdriver. Truth is I'm leaving you and your lame @ss husband Rory here to find myself a new companion! Now, dig it while you cannn because the light just turned mother#@&^%* green! bye b!tches!" TARDIS door slams shut and fades away. Well maybe not exactly like that...
  6. So ladies help me out with this: your man mocks your faith then makes wisecracks about your mother and father and you still want to make out with him?
  7. I feel you man.. I was SUPPOSED to see Prometheus tomorrow, unfortunately I got roped into seeing The Avengers...AGAIN!!!! Now I'm going to be busy for weeks and unable to get to the theater...does anybody know how long Prometheus will be in theaters? Hopefully it will still be hanging around in July.
  8. OK, I did not get a chance to see Prometheus last weekend, but SOMETIME this week I will go see it. My question is (to all of those who saw it) what kind of food did you buy at the theater? Is Prometheus strictly a Popcorn and Soda film, or is Pizza and Nachos OK? Mind you I usually finish eating before the trailers end: I like to be seated long before the movie starts!!!
  9. Thanks, I was really starting to scratch my head on this one.
  10. I have a question for those who have seen the film and who know about "At the Mountains of Madness". Please explain how Prometheus could ruin any chances of Del Toro making At the Mountains of Madness when from what I've read the two stories are not the same.
  11. You know....given some of the things I have read...I could be wrong!!!!!
  12. You know, I think the hard core Alien fans are going to be dissapointed in Prometheus. They keep asking the same questions over and over: Will there be facehuggers? Will the Xeno be in the film? what about the Alien queen, is she in the film? Is Prometheus a prequel to Alien? I think RS wanted to make a film about the "space jockey" and go in a direction away from ALIEN, unfortunately the movie studio probably kept asking him the same questions about Xenomorphs, Facehuggers, and Chestbursters(or Chestbusters), the very things he wanted to get away from. He said that the last 8 minutes of Prometheus ties in with ALIEN, but I don't think he's going to cram Xenos, facehuggers, chestbursters, and Ripley's mother in those last 8 minutes. I think Prometheus will be a good film and I'm hoping it will be a great film, but for those who want ALIEN, I think you should buy the BLU-RAY. (Is Alien out on Blu-Ray?)
  14. Just pre-ordered the Art of Prometheus book and I think I'll look through it before seeing the film: I scare easily!
  15. True, I had not thought about that but still.... I WAN'T THAT @#TCH TO PAY FOR THAT!!!!!!!
  16. Man, who is this chick?!! Maybe it's just me but in every Prometheus photo I seen of her makes me want to marry her!! I hope her boyfriend in the film dies a violent death.. I want Shaw for myself!!!!
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