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Everything posted by aerocombatpilot

  1. Does anybody know where I can get a Transformers Dark of the Moon t-shirt and movie poster? Plus does anybody know if there will be a DOTM moviebook or a making of Transformers Dark of the Moon book?
  2. THE NUMBER 1 MOVIE IN THE WORLD!!!!! Yes, I'm just that excited about it!
  3. Thanks, as I noted earlier I know pratically NOTHING about American cars, something I'm not proud of. Hopefully This Camaro will be the first in a long line for me!!!
  4. It looks like in order to get one as close to the one in the movie, I would have to buy a ZL1 with the Transformer package and the 20 inch rims with ground effects. As far as the paint goes I'd just have to live with the color that comes with it. I'll have to go by the Chevy dealer an see what they say, but if I do decide to go through with it I'll post pictures when it arrives!!!
  5. Yes,in my excitement I assumed that the people who were commenting had already seen the film. my mistake, it isn't the first one I've made and won't be my last. However the crack about the United States was uncalled for!
  6. 10 days and there are STILL people who haven't see it? Didn't you believe the HYPE?
  7. Exacly how long has Transformers Dark of the Moon been out?
  8. Serves me right for being so cheap! My DVD was released by KID RHINO home video and the only extras I got are STORYBOARD and Interview with the Composer!! Now I'll have to buy the 2 disc set!!!
  9. WAITAMINUTE!! DVD extras? What DVD extras? Was there DVD extras?
  10. Thanks alot. I have to admit that this would be my first American car given my first car was a Honda Accord and my current car is an Acura Integra. I love the look of the new Bumblebee Camaro and I would buy it RIGHT NOW if it would look just like the one in the film. Thanks for the info!!
  11. I'm giving some serious consideration about purchasing the 2011 chevy camaro "Transformer edition", however I've heard that the previous editions did not look like the ones that appears in the film. Does anybody know if this is true?
  12. I think Bay amped the violence for the movies, much like the original Transformers animated film did the same. On TV the Autobots and Decepticons yelled at each other and shot it out all day long and NOBODY got killed, yet in the first few minutes of the Transformers movie the Autobots are getting wacked right and left! What happen? Did the Decepticons finally create guns that could kill Autobots? No, they did it for the movie; and to sell the new line of Transfomers toys. As far as the Autobots killing Decepticons then begging for mercy,the only one I remember asking for mercy was that weird looking scientist Autobot and He probably never did any fighting.
  13. Well, yes and no. They would talk using only phrases from TV and radio, but they had their own voices. Dang, I haven't seen that movie in over 10 years and I STILL remember that stuff!!!!
  14. He did say: "I wish to stay with the boy" at the end of TF1. However, my guess it that Bay thought it would be cooler to have Bumblebee talking through the radio so he's been doing it eversince. Maybe they could not find the right actor for Bumblebee, in which case I would pefer that his radio do the talking; especially the radio evangelist: "Raining from the skies in Heaven Hallelujah!!"
  15. I've read a number of reviews that call Prime a d!ckhead for allowing the murder of civilians in order to prove his point, like the Autobots waited until the civilian death toll reached a certain amount before showing up. But that's not the impression I got from the film. I thought the Autobots had just arrived in Chicago when we see them. I mean they were riding the rocket booster when it seperated, and it landed in the ocean. Autobots don't fly and none of them transforms into a boat, which means they walked to Chicago and some of the distance was under water!! once on land I'm sure they transformed into automobiles, but I don't think Optimus Prime or the other Autobots can travel at mach speeds on the road; I think it just took some time to reach the conflict, not Prime just waiting around watching the destruction!!
  16. I agree, Megan is Hot, but Rosie is classy. It's like one you would date, and the other you would marry.
  17. Well...yeah in the Bay universe of Transformers it could; I forgot about the matrix dust. Thanks!!
  18. WAITAMINUTE!!! How did Prime get the Matrix of Leadership back? In ROTF the Fallen took it from Prime and placed it into the machine that was going to destroy the sun. Prime destroyed the machine with his Jetfire armor!!
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