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Everything posted by Tober

  1. Tober

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I remember the Drakken didn't show up in the search when it first went up on HLJ. Which was kinda weird...
  2. Tober

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah. HLJ said they would be listing today, but it might not actually be at 4 PM. It has been the last few times though...
  3. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    1 hr 15 mins until 4 PM in Japan. ^ Ninja'd.
  4. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi-Metal R Spartan and DX VF-31F Countdown Timer
  5. Tober

    Hi-Metal R

    About this time tomorrow. 6th January 4 PM Japan time
  6. I just noticed that the Robot Damashii SIDE LABOR is back in stock at HLJ and is at 'Low Stock'. Looks like it has been released and is being distributed.
  7. Yamato USA sent me replacement parts many years ago even though I live in Australia. You could try contacting them, but I don't like the chances of them still having any. Those toys were released about a decade ago. There are a few upcoming Garland toys you could consider over the woeful Yamato version.
  8. From HLJ: Dear Xxxxx, Thank you for writing. We are accepting pre-orders for the inquired book now! http://hlj.com/product/KOB90215 Thank you for shopping with HobbyLink Japan! Best Regards, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx HobbyLink Japan http://www.hlj.com
  9. So I finally got the Fairy version with SAP on Friday. Is there supposed to be a gun in with the SAP parts where there is an empty space in mine? I just want to double check before having to deal with Amiami support.
  10. Thanks Save. My initial impression is that the center part of the chest is too thin resulting in that small head.
  11. 'Phew! Can you say what scale the ride armors will be if you know?
  12. This?https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153964017763285&substory_index=0&id=234880208284 I'm on my phone so difficult to copy the pic directly from Facebook .
  13. I'm hoping you're right. I wan't aware of a CM's Corps association. I believe, in all fairness, that the VF-2SS wasn't a total disaster, it was just over-priced, before being cleared for a far more reasonable price. The same thing happened with the CM's Legioss and Tread combo, which then received an add-on pack that fixed a few problems.
  14. If their VF-2SS is anything to go by, no.
  15. Compositing work for 'Battle of the Bastards' done by some local lads. Good onya Iloura! And thisTweet from Art Parkinson who played Rickon Stark:
  16. You can't distinguish between the point that is being made and the plot of the show. It is not why characters survive, it is how! One of the things that's really great about ASOIAF is that it forces you to think and pay attention. The paradox of GoT for me is that I seldom get what I want - which is for the 'good' guys to win. They seldom do, which turns out to be justified because, usually, they deserved to lose. So I end up getting what I really want, which is to be surprised and entertained. This is why I also disliked the last second saves from earlier this season: because they were cheap and repetitive (I was almost expecting Lady Moremont to save someone... Davos, maybe? ). Although I don't think the Vale showing up at the end was nearly as bad. It was a bit like Stannis showing up beyond the Wall, but far more predictable - it was largely obvious who Sansa was writing to. I think in the end we all knew the better bastard was going to win - Littlefinger.
  17. Why not duplicate using the Form2 instead of casting? Is it just not cost-effective or not enough access to the Form2..? Nice looking results though.
  18. Latitude - yeah, more in line with Dorne; Longitude - Meereen is way out to the East, above Slaver's Bay. Big Map
  19. It would sorta be counter-productive for Daenerys to sail to the North first. Half-way there she would almost sail past King's Landing. Then if she defeated the White Walkers she would have to go back south. Although it was Davos that said to Stannis something like 'Instead of winning the throne to save the kingdom, save the kingdom to win the throne'. Besides Tyrion and Varys, there is the Red Priest to advise her now. As for Sam, yes, there are interesting things happening in Old Town.
  20. Eddard died in Season One. In Season Six he was saved by Howland Reed during Bran's vision of the raid on the Tower of Joy.
  21. "They"? Meera is disposable as far as I know, unless a connection to her father is needed. I sure didn't expect Bran to die there, my gf actually said she though Benjen would be there, although I'm not quite sure how (I guess it doesn't really matter). My point was the way they were saved. Once again a last moment save is used to get a character out of danger - Eddard, Davos, Sansa - and that's just this season. Yeah, Varys does have a direct connection to Illyrio, who would be one of the few Daenerys could trust.
  22. Yeah, was good to see Walder and Edmure again. Benjen too I guess, but I'm getting tired of all of the last second saves. Tyrion might be able to sort Dany out.
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