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Everything posted by JB0

  1. The original MOSPEADA units used hydrogen fusion. Fuel came in standardized H2 cartridges. If I'm not mistaken, the storage compartment is the MOSPEADA "fuel tank", for lack of a better word. Those engines up top are a joke, sad to say. Mainly beause there's a hand right behind the nozzle. Not sure what pic you're talking about, but ... This pic shows a hydrogen storage comaprtment. HBT is hydrogen something or other.
  2. You know how they REALLY work? The bottom of the cockpit has a dimensional rift in it. The pilot's legs actually extend down into a special room on the vehicle's mothership full of holes in the ceiling connected to Q-Rau cockpits that have lots of zentradi legs sticking down during combat.
  3. Good insulation? Overtech: We can make a 60-foot tall suit of powered armor for a 40-foot woman to drive, but you'll still have to hold it.
  4. Ah. Eva. Would you believe I've never seen it?
  5. What's in the middle of that set of 3 non-Macross toys on the left edge of the pic? I recognize the top and bottm, but not the middle.
  6. Same here. Both OAV's? CHECK. Theatical Movie? CHECK. It's too bad Mangle Video half assed their Movie Version DVD. It looks like they're trying to win some fans back. Hey, I'd love to have the Manga movie DVD release. It beats the VHS tape I have now. The one UPS apparently set on top of a magnetic surface. But I can't justify buying the DVD of a show I already have. Especailly not when it's a BAD DVD.
  7. Depends on the laptop and the peripherals. It'll come with USB ports. PS/2 ports are less likely.
  8. Why do people not like FF9? It's WAY better than FF8. It's better than FF7. ... Hell, it's even better than FF6/3 was.
  9. JB0

    HLJ sale

    I want to know when this goes on sale... http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?BAN911829
  10. Anything in particular you need? Like a rough summary of The Silver Star, full of nice juicy spoilers?
  11. You're missing an S. And as a long-time Lunar fan, Lunar Legend is my arch-nemesis. Game Arts doesn't do good remakes. The only versions of the Lunar games I play are the SegaCD ones. ... I do own the PS ports of the Saturn remakes, and I played through both of them once. Eternal Blue came out far better than Silver Star Story did, despite the fact that The Silver Star was in far more desperate need of a remake(it was a 1st-gen SCD title, and it's age showed at many places). I borrowed Legend from a friend before I bought it after hearing many bad things about it. One play squished any urge I ever had to buy it forever. I don't know. Lunar Legend seems to be pretty good to me. The battle engine was an instant turn-off. There's no good reason for them to have completely stripped it down like that. I have always liked the more complex battle engine of the Lunar series, in large part because it WASN'T another FF-style "stand there and stab the air"-type engine. You had to take character location into account, which was a big deal back then, and still is today for the most part. To see it all stripped out for something that was almost literally ripped straight out of FF7(including limit breaks)... It broke my poor little hardcore gamer heart. The music sucked. I realize this was at least partially due to the severe sound restrictions on the GBA(why are they still using essentially the same sound hadware from the original Gameboy?), but it felt like they didn't even TRY to make something decent. ... And what was up with using Eternal Blue's theme on the title screen of a Silver Star remake anyways? Oh, and I still resent the massive liberties taken with the characters in Silver Star Story, upon which Legend is based. NASH IS NOT A TRAITOR! DRAGONS ARE NOT DURACELLS! AND A WHOLE SLEW OF CHANGES TO EVERYONE FROM ALTHENA TO XENOBIA! Silver Star Story does not fit continuity. Eternal Blue Remix's story doesn't quite line up with what happened in Silver Star Story, because it still assumes events happened as depicted on the SegaCD. And yes, I take my games too seriously sometimes. But as I said, I've been a fan of the series for a long time. I bought a SegaCD and Genesis to play exactly 2 games. The original version of Eternal Blue has long been my favorite video game of all time, and nothing I've seen stands much of a chance of dethroning it. I actually bought Silver Star Story before I owned a PlayStation. When and if Game Arts gets around to making Lunar 3, I'll probably be on the pre-sell list. Assuming they don't completely crush my love of the series with another couple of half-assed remakes. I take my Lunar very seriously indeed.
  12. Do the ASS subs of Macross 7 count?
  13. You're missing an S. And as a long-time Lunar fan, Lunar Legend is my arch-nemesis. Game Arts doesn't do good remakes. The only versions of the Lunar games I play are the SegaCD ones. ... I do own the PS ports of the Saturn remakes, and I played through both of them once. Eternal Blue came out far better than Silver Star Story did, despite the fact that The Silver Star was in far more desperate need of a remake(it was a 1st-gen SCD title, and it's age showed at many places). I borrowed Legend from a friend before I bought it after hearing many bad things about it. One play squished any urge I ever had to buy it forever.
  14. I'm thinking silver or blue, but I might go Onyx. Really depends on what they've got. Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep 'em coming. I might skip Metroid and go for MegaMan. Vostok 7 Which ones? Megaman and Bass is more of the same platform action everyone knows and loves, but Battle Network is an RPG.
  15. METROID FUSION IS NOT AS GOOD AS YOU'VE HEARD! The developers seem to have had only a passing familiarty with the metroid series(resulting in a few plot issues, and more importantly, at least one seemingly invincible bosses because it can't be hurt with missiles, which is the exact opposite of what one's instincts tell them). And the game has some blatant flaws that get ignored all too often. Mainly in it's very heavy-handed method of ensuring you stay on the right path. The ship's computer locks doors on you. All the time. Anything not directly on the way to your objective is almost guaranteed inaccessable. They took Metroid and ripped it's soul out. Now then... Circle of the Moon is great. Aria of Sorrow less so. I found it boring, personally. Lady Sia is a fun little platformer. The retro-gaming compilations(Midway's Greatest Hits, Sega Arcade Gallery, Atari Anniversary, Konami Arcade Advanced) appeal to me. I like the old stuff. Your mileage may vary, but given your admittedly short attention span, they seem right up your alley.
  16. On the other hand, Chekov COULD just be very proud of his heritage. And Star Trek has inverse Jetsons syndrome. Technology keeps catching up.
  17. VF-1SOL's, according to the game.
  18. I posted one. REPOST!!! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!! http://www.seibertron.com/cotm/200210/Hound_t001.jpg
  19. Hasbro is blameless. It's all Harmony Gold's fault.
  20. Brute force wins again!
  21. <--- Yah. 2036 rules. Never played ELS, though.
  22. I always though thte general lack of articulation was a bigger problem with the older Transformers. Most of them couldn't even WALK beause their legs were either fastened together or had no forward/back motion. "I'll get you Megatron! HEY! STOP MOVING! HOLD STILL DAMMIT!"
  23. The Jeep looks good, but the robot itself has... flat feet... It, umm, IS a robot. And the Transformers were never big on matching human anatomy too closely. And it beats the heck out of the chunky feet he had originally. He had cinder blocks for legs. Just LOOK at him! http://www.seibertron.com/cotm/200210/Hound_t001.jpg
  24. Not bad for Micromasters. ... And who cares about Tracks? After having THREE of them break as a kid(always in the same place, stupid POS legs), I lost all love for him. Don't tell me I was too rough either, as he was one of TWO Transformers I ever had any problems with(the other being my much-loved Shockwave, whose right shoulder refused to stay intact), and 3 toys total(the third being an SD Max VF-1J). I was nice to my toys. Tracks just sucked. I say screw him. I'd say the same about Shockwave if he weren't just so bad-ass.
  25. So you claim. Let me ask... would I really offer a justification as infantile as "transforming jets" if I was taking this at all serious? I know I never saw the movie.
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