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Everything posted by MacrossMan

  1. Tip-toeing behind Kicker to see what he's up to. Third eye's open!
  2. No, no, and No!!! Bwahahahahahahaha!!! Gotta leave something exclusive to the Yamato 1/48's bro! I'm desperately trying not to sell mine, but I believe it was Graham that stated the obvious about the new 1/60's; it's the recycled real estate that the 1/48's take up some much of. As I start displaying more of the 1/60's with 1/48's it's starting to look rather silly. I can only imagine what the Max & Milia's are going to look like with my 1/48's. I will probably never sell them. Just box them up for nostalgia's sake.
  3. This little piggy will be double-dipping and will certainly pack away my 1/48 M&M versions as well. Never thought I would do that. Seems to be the only therapeudic reasoning for purchasing another set.
  4. This is just plain awesome Ron! Great work as usual!
  5. Gotta love Overdrive's "immediate" shipping cost once you are ready to buy. SAL was not even an option when I ordered two v2 1/60's and two sets of Super & Strike part sets. Besides easy navigation of their site I received my goods in 3 days. I'll still purchase from HLJ because they have supported the MWcon over the years, but right now Overdrive is my first preference.
  6. True that, but I'm sure you've got extras after shelling out a mortgage payment for that last haul from HLJ.
  7. My wallet breathes a sigh of relief at that news!
  8. My completist COD with these things is sure hoping you are right.
  9. I'm trying my friend. Hoping to become part of the MG squad soon. We'll just have to see.
  10. This Valk was released with the shoulder fixes that plauged the first v2 1/60 Valks. Trust me, you will not be disappointed with this Valk. It is by far one of my favorites in fighter mode.
  11. Man, just when I got caught up on the 1/60 I took a look at what I am going to have to spend before the summer over; close to $1000.00 with everything coming out that I want. Thank God Macross toys are my only vice I have when it comes to collecting toys.
  12. Maui wowy!!! I didn't see where you could order any of these. (had my screen minimized and couldn't see the pre-order area) So these are already pre-built and painted right? If so I need to figure out a way to order a few sets! Thanks for sharing!
  13. I am hoping like hell they release some sort of special for the I'd be all over that!
  14. Yo miriya I used to have so of those back in 5th grade in 85'. That looks like a Jump Bot! Coolest thing since slided bread at the time.
  15. When I first saw the MG's I thought they were the most outrageous in design and did not understand what was so great about them. They have grown on me since learning about Macrss and have become one of my favorite Valks. Hope to have one some day.
  16. Very selfish indeed! As much as I like the new 1/60's I am still a diehard 1/48 fan at heart. Even though Yamato never made any exclusive MG Valks, with anasazi's 1/48 decals and a good customization job you truly get an exclusive. Here's hoping Yamato sleeps on the MG's for the new 1/60's. I won't be too disappointed if they are made in the new mold. I actually have a strong inclination that Yamato will commission a company to create a limited number of both. Cancel all the silly exclusive weathering Valks. This truly would be worth shelling out the extra cash for in my opinion. I love these in battroid mode and they would look kick ass in the new VF-1S mold.
  17. Yeah, aside from his weirdness later in life, those who grew up watching and listening to him in throughout the 80's can't deny his musical talents. I still remember my neighborhood playground clearing when the Thriller video was scheduled to come on MTV at a certain time. Games of H.O.R.S.E and Kill The Man came to a halt about 5 minutes till the start of the video whenever it aired. Odd to think that Macross was in its hay day when he was at the top of his game. Happy to have all his music. He's going to be missed by many.
  18. I am so hoping they do not create these in the new 1/60th scale. Awesome customs Kicker! Lucky fella you are!
  19. Oh what it would be to live somewhere in Asia now. Lucky bastids!
  20. I'm at work right now so I am not able to access the video so I will ask here. In the video do you show the process you used to add lights? If so and you provide a list of materials? I'm pretty good with that type of thing and would love to add this effect to my 1/48 diorama. Thanks Mave!
  21. Wow! Simply wow! Is this the same one with lights? If so you've got to share some photos of it in the dark!
  22. I crashed and burned last night after all this discussion took place. I've worked in a warehouse and a distribution center before and what's mentioned above is not always the case. The Sharper Image distribution center is based in Little Rock and I worked there as a warehouse worker during their Christmas help season to earn extra money. Talk about seeing loads of cool gadgets by the truckloads! There was always a constant flow of inventory being delivered, unloaded and staged in the warehouse and not all items were opened. Here's a funny example. I was working in the smaller "hand-pick" area. Of all things I was preparing for shipment was a device used to exercise Kegal muscles (Google it ). I should have taken down some of those addresses of the women they were being delivered to! Anywho, some orders were for multiples those were the easiest to prepare for shipment because you only had to grab a case and slap the shipping label on the box. No tedious packing for a single Kegel . All my shipments from HLJ have come to me just fine with their packaging methods, but it seems to me that it would make more sense to keep some products packed because it makes for easier and safer shipping for multiples of the same item if the items are kept in their original cases that were designed to protect its contents. Besides that if a store has to RTV (return to vendor) an item, their loss isn't as great because the distributor is able to re-distribute case fresh product. I think what eugimon has explained above is the case with HLJ though. I watched the video that was posted in another thread about HLJ's warehouse. Most items were removed from their case "stocked" or staged rather for picking. Their fast moving products were placed on pallets in their cases for easy access to speed up the shipping process.
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