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Everything posted by MacrossMan

  1. We should be hearing a winner of the customs' competition any moment now!
  2. Cool. Thanks for clearing that up.
  3. I remember the exclusive 1/48 decals, but figured with everything being produced in 1/60th scale that they had come out with a set for the new Valks. Does it say those are the same exsclusive decals for the 1/48's or is this something else?
  4. About halfway down the page on the below link there appears to be a set of waterslide decals. Can anyone tell if they are 1/60 or 1/48 scale? Almost certain these will be available to Japan residents only, but if these are some sort of exclusives is there anyone here willing to purchase a few sets for members? http://www.yamato-toys.com/event/200907/in...l?infolnk=index
  5. Ahh...didn't see the earlier post, so cool deal. Looking forward to seeing all the festivities in all their HD glory.
  6. Looks like everyone was in awe and forgot to take pics and video!
  7. Anxiously awaiting the first reports of how the con is going...
  8. Can anyone tell if those are 1/60 scale waterslide decals on the link? If so, does it explain how to get them or will these be available at Wonderfest 2009 or something?
  9. Excellent idea Kicker. Some sort of twitter page might have been cool to for those attending to tweet throughout the con.
  10. ruskii, you are sick with it man! You come up with stuff to do with these things most of us would never think to do! I'm gonna try to copy these two. Keep'em coming guys!
  11. Whoa! Nice to see you guys getting in on the action. Totally expected ruskii's awesomeness here. If it's not too much to ask please explain which length rods used for the poses. About to call it a night, but I am looking forward to see more amazing stuff! Awefully quiet around these parts tonight. Everybody must be gearing up for tomorrow. Lucky!!!
  12. I know there is already a thread for posting pics of members' favorite poses, but I was hoping we could have one dedicated soley for Flexi-Stand poses. Since becoming a member of the site I have seen the some of the most amazing and creative poses be done with Flexi-Stands and think it would be cool to have a thread dedicated to what can be accomplished using them. Who's up first?
  13. Oh man that silhouette is looking devine! I'm hoping they sell this as a bundle as well since I already have the stand alone Hikaru VF-1J. I have to agree with what some have said in regards to collector value of the 1/48's. I have several, but when I think about collector value I think along the lines of hopefully having bragging rights of owning awesome and rare Valks one day. Regardless of their "dollar" value my attitude will always be "well that's cool", but I aint selling because I enjoy them so much.
  14. Pete's on one Explain the problem here in Little Rock!
  15. There's a very good video on this process on Youtube. I am at work right now and can not access it, but do a search there and you should find it without any problems.
  16. No "Just Married" decals or tampo printing?
  17. Not sure what you mean here bro. I was actually piggy-backing on some other posts that there is still plenty of Macross stuff that could be made by Yamato or another company. I'm not even sure I read your posts in the thread. As far as the movie comments, if it ever comes to fruition, the story and all its mecha has such great potential I just hope it doesn't get "hokied" up like Transformers did. I can forgive Transformers because in my opinion it was okay for it to play out on the big screen the way it did, but Macross has a more serious tone and layered plots to get watered down. To change the Valkyrie to some other new fighter would just be bloody wrong.
  18. I believe there is plenty left to do with Macross and my hope is that Yamato will continue to produce toys from the series. If a movie is ever made I hope it has a serious tone. Transformers was "fun" to watch, but disappointing that it didn't really remain faithful to the the cartoon. I believe the problem is that there are too many investors with their hands tied to studios and production companies and this is where things go sideways. I'd like to see a no namer director who's a fan of the show come in with full control and direction with no outside entities driving designs and story lines. The movie would probably have to be rated "R" to keep all the silly hokiness from bleeding into the story. Flavor Flav would definitely have to play Exedor...that is an idea for Yamato or any other company who makes action figures! Singing Flavor Flav as Exedor...Kyuun kyuun! Kyunn kyunn!!!
  19. If the powers that be could ever get past all the silly licensing and copyright crap; and a Macross (not Robotech) movie was made, a whole new generation will be exposed. There won't be a need for any new ideas. Talk about a cow with an endless flow of milk? The VF would rain in another wave of collectors.
  20. Curious to know what you are using for your display cabinets Mave. Would you happen to have any work-up pics or better ones of the cabinets? If so, please share. Thanks!
  21. Thanks for clearing that up guys. The Youtube link provided some clarification as well; this one in particular Copyright issues. The Jetfire toy was a remold of the VF-1S Valkyrie from the Macross/Robotech series. Because the toy was from an existing anime series, the character had to look completely different, as TF was also released in Japan For some odd reason I see Jetfire in the cartoon though as well as him being referred to as Jetfire.
  22. I do not know if this has been asked or is just a plain dumb question, but here goes. I've been watching the first season of Transformers from 1984. My question is what happened to Jetfire? I do not remember him looking the way he does in the cartoon. I specifically remember him looking exactly like a VF-1. That is what drew me to Robotech. I thought it was in-depth story about Jetfire originally. They also refer to him as skyfire in the cartoon. Was this always the case or is there a different version out there with the original Jetfire?
  23. Yo congrats on the new cam Vegas! These shots puts me in the mindset of eugimon's pics. Don't know if you are using the same techniques or if you were not able to pull these shots off with your old cam. Anywho, looking good bro. And dust bro!
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