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Everything posted by MacrossMan

  1. Yeah, but seeing that you are catering to overseas collectors who might be intetested in a "case pack" at least offer as an alternitive and re-coup your costs if any....at least that is what I think.
  2. I guess I can understand that to have each case checked after packaging for insurance purposes but at least re-package the items in their origingal packaging if its being bought as a case.
  3. The same could be said for some older movies. I believe Star Wars was one of the first movies to use Dolby Stereo and they were able to re-do the sound in 5.1 as was the Macross SDF-1 DVD's by ADV. Only someone that might be distracted by the new sounds would be me as my son is clueless.
  4. True that, but my hope is that the other seasons will be released as well. That way I can get actual US versions off all the episodes. Having the original box set would be majorly cool, but at this point I just want the original episodes to sit and watch with my son on the big screen. Hopefully its been digitally remastered and maybe has 5.1 sound to enjoy in the man cave!
  5. HOLD UP!!! WTF?!?!?! The entire 1st season is available on DVD now for only $19.99??? I will stop by Best Buy on my lunch break tomorrow to cop a copy! Do you know if the other seasons will be released? I've been checking online for the box set but keep coming up with the Japanese version and it is outrageously price. Got to start checking my Sunday ads! Thanks for sharing the info!
  6. Will there be any raffle tickets to purchase like last year to help support the con for members who are not able to attend or just want a shot at winning something cool? Surely you guys are going to have some expenses; if not put the funds towards the next con or the guys who helped set it up can treat yourselves to evening out or something as a token of appreciation.
  7. If you're looking to buy, word has it that there won't be anything for sale at this year's con.
  8. If you are not in driving distance of Frank & Son's I'd say order from them. I've had several successful transactions with them. The last being about 4 or 5 1/48 Valks and maybe a couple of stands. Shipping was only 20 bucks or so. This was last year.
  9. Yes, our thoughts and prayers are with you. As miriya said, just try to keep your side of the street clean throughout the process. Keep your head up bro. There is always sunshine at the end of the rain.
  10. Yo, eugiomon! Gotta give props where props are due. Those YF-21 shots, even in their dull backgrounds, are sick! Looks like the Valk is haulin' ass and about to literally "fold"! Kinda reminds me of Back To The Future when the car starts sparking and what not right before it's zapped back into the 50's! Unbelieveable shots! Thanks for sharing.
  11. I agree with miriya on this one. I gave my son Joon knock off back when I first started collecting. He has since demolished the thing, but he was only 6 years old at the time. I so want to get him a new 1/60 but I know he isn't ready for it; even with the HLJ and Over-Drive sales I can not bring myself to spend that kind of money on a toy that I know is not meant for a 7 year old to play with. More than likely I will continue to buy him Transformers until he shows some real maturity in caring for his toys. As I see it, he's just a kid and is supposed to play with his toys and not be like dad who buys them and simply displays them. They're fun gadgets and he wants to swoosh'em around and bang them together in mayhem so who am I to take that away from him. I say get your son something he can play with and enjoy without you having to worry about the fact of whether he breaks it or not; that is just my opinion of course. Take it for what it's worth. Good luck!
  12. Yo Q, buying in bulk like that you'll probably end up paying about $10 shipped per piece. With the savings altogether you can't go wrong. If we only knew then what we know now, we all would have held out.
  13. lol Me either! That picture just reminded me of an OG street gangster in a tampon commercial or something. Surely I thought he was kidding...iin a joking kind of manner of course!
  14. My friend, those there are tanker titties! Look at the fleas on fluffy! WoW!
  15. If you ever decide to sell any of these I'll certainly be in for one. Any chance that rotating deal could be modified to the dish on the new Elint?
  16. Exceptional quality in that helmet! I'd definitely be in for one when he's ready to open up shop. Do you think he will other color schemes? Great grab ruskii!
  17. Never seen it. I've just noticed that it's a word used in Macross fandom like deculture or something.
  18. What the hell is bombaa anyway? It reminds me of something you might hear a rastafarian say.
  19. I'm still trying to envision something as mediocre in power like a watch being able to turn the dish???
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