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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Anybody know if the single dvd edition has the deleated scenes? I could care less about making of and commentary but i do want the deleated scenes.
  2. My Revoltech wishlist: -Maharo -Complete set of Tenho Tenge girls -Complete set of Ikki Tousen girls -Ghost in the shell figures -A tachcoma -All of the girls from DearS -Nono, Lark and Noriko from gunbuster
  3. Grimlock could work...he crashes into a museum next to a t-rex and thinks its cool. He's so stubborn that he refuses to scan anything else.
  4. I'd like to see a pissed off dinobot in the movie. Grimlock rules.
  5. Anybody notice the appearance of Nono and Lark in ep 6 of Gurren Lagann? Rei, Auska, and Maharo make have a cameo as well.
  6. Is there a subbed version of ep16 out yet? All I'm finding are Raws.
  7. Upconverion can be done with component...its just not very typical. My PC can upconvert DVD to 1080i or 1080p using Component cables. My DVD player also suposedly can with a firmware hack. The HDMI to DVI adaptors work good. Personally I think the whole HDMI thing is a total crock. It usually ruins your audio timing and they are so overpriced its rediculous. I had my sister who works at best buy pick me one up. It was priced at $72 but cost +20% was only $16. All for a garbage HDMI cable.
  8. Anybody know about this Gunbuster vs. Diebuster liscense that rightstuf is reporting?
  9. Can anyone tell me if a Japanese region playstation 3 will play America region ps3 games? For some reason I recall hearing that they were getting rid of the whole region coding thing. Thanks.
  10. Does anybody know if the PAL disc swap still works? I finally got the one Japanese gamecube game I want (gundam) and a pal disc (Fifa 2003) and now I can't get the swap trick to work. I'm wondering if one of the updates made it so the swap trick won't work.
  11. S-vid, VGA...Hells no! You gotta go with 1080 component output. It looks truly awsome on my 42" plasma.
  12. I would have like to have seen it broken up into 2 films with a simultaneous release...or even make them 2 weeks apart. They'd have made a ton more money and would have had a better film.
  13. I missed their presentation. But after reading the summary...I'm scared...Scared that I wasted my money. If mario galaxy, metroid prime, and smash bros is the best their going to make for real gamers it will really suck.
  14. I just saw the new Harry Potter flick...it totally sucked. They butchered it. This is the first Harry Potter movie that I've felt like I wasted my money going to see. I didn't like the transformers movie much but it was still better than this.
  15. Two things: 1. Did anybody catch the line from prime apologizing to megatron for fighting him where he called megatron "brother". What was that about...I don't remember Megs being Primes bro. 2. Is the voice of Prime also the voice at the intro of Voltron? Cheers...good to see that some others thought the film was poor.
  16. This movie gave me a kinda funny feeling where I didn't know if I liked it or not. Some of the parts reminded me of the old series and there were other parts where they totally dropped the ball. All said though I'd bet most good TF fans could have made a better cut of this movie than Michael Bay did.
  17. Does anybody else think a couple of the scenes were just total filler? I figure that they could have totally done away with the whole hacker guy character and his arrest. To be honest, I think they could have also done away with the blond but at least she looked good.
  18. Thanks. Hey...wasn't brawl one of the original autobots? Some little green and yellow cherokee or something like that. I thought they should have had hound in the movie. BTW does anybody know if the location where prime kills bonecrusher was shot at the bigstack in phoenix? It looked really familiar.
  19. Well I just returned from seeing Transformers and gotta say that I was entertained but disappointed. The effects were good but giant robots jumping and twirling through the air just isn't transformers! It kinda looked like a John Woo fight scene on crack. What's worse is the focus on the bloody love story between sam and the girl (a major hottie). Hell I still don't know all of the deceptacons that were represented in the film. Let's see there was: Magatron...I'm still trying to figure out what he transformed into Starscreem (barely played a role in the film) Devastator (just a tank) Soundwave (maybe...very poorly represented...and a total wuss-retard) Scorponix (in the desert)? Bonecrusher But who were the following: The chrysler 300 police car The Mt dew machine The helicopter the video camera the x-box the escalade Then of course they had to kill off the token black dude (or bot...you know who I mean) The more I think about it the more the fight scenes piss me off since they moved so fast you can't even sell what's happening. I really hated the spikey metal...boomer like designs. They look way too organic...especially the deceptacons. Maybe they ought to try making a robot movie about robots instead of a story about a teenager with annoying parents. What the hell was with the parents...comic relief? How about they ditch that and show some more of the robots. This moving would have been better as a standalone franchise rather than raping our childhoods.
  20. I think I bought that when I was in Japan. I haven't even opened it yet.
  21. Hey IAD do you think the new Transformers starscream microflyer would work as a starting point for a YF-21? At radio shack http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.js...rentPage=family Reviews http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=695754 Supossedly it comes in at about 18.5g total. That includes the small prop motors. It seems like there are already some beginnings of ducts. Are there any small and light fan units that put out around 20g of thrust?
  22. Anybody think that this is pretty close to a YF-22? Its the Transformers starscream microflyer. A RC plane similar to the Air Hogs Aero Ace. http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.js...rentPage=family review http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=695754 I'm thinking about taking the shell and trying to add fan units...maybe
  23. I rather like the rounded mecha style. Just enough to be different. Everything else out there seems like a Eva or gundam clone. I kinda liked the lighthearted music.
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