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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. My brother of all people had an interesting view on that which is simply, they'll find no home, at least in the series that is. Thats where the movies are supposed to come in, but then again the writers keep throwing us some curve balls. Either way I enjoy surprises, so I'll be lovin how the series ends either way!!
  2. Between HG and guys like Carl Macek who think they invented anime and are entitled to everything, they are a bunch of tools. Even the newer people of HG are just as bad. Instead of meeting half way or saying the truth, who gives a "%$%@!!" They feel that the USA is RT merchandise only. They seem to think that anything that is Macross they own, they only own the rights to the original Macross TV series, not any others that I know of, but the moment it seems their shotty RT toys will loose out to superior MACROSS toys & kits, they have a sh_t fit!! Total political BS!!!!!! I grew up with Robotech, but I turned in my loyalty badge ages ago cause of this stuff!!!!!
  3. Thanks Letigre, I know I can count on you to call 911 for me!!
  4. Well what ever happens in the final episodes will be exciting, plus there are still the BSG movies that will follow as well.
  5. That is frakin crazy my man, keep the WIP pics coming!!!
  6. Great episode. Admiral Adama is bad ass, even in the face of death! That was my thought too, whats up with those cracks in the engine room? Is the Battlestar ready to fall apart? Not sure if the mighty putty would hold long enough...
  7. Minus the VFX-2 Battle 13 since that would be a Yamato deal. I'd say all of the above if they were to make them!! But then again no one after 20+ years has even made an up to date version of the SDF-1 TV version, but stranger things have happened!!
  8. I miss KROQ!! (used to live in Northridge) Christian Bale sounded sincere to me as well!!
  9. Yep, real solid rubber tires. Check out the collection DX review on youtube!! Once I have some money saved up, I'm getting one!!
  10. Always a good informative video from Collection DX!! But I gotta say that transformation process looks a bit tricky, makes the old Gakken type like I have seem pre-historic!!
  11. just heard his little temper tantrum this morning, sucked to be the guy he was yelling at!!!
  12. Hey Skonchboy, Love the concept of your idea, you ought to try doing the deck of the Prometheus or something since you have some skill there!!
  13. Hey All, not trying to be "that guy" but can we try to keep this thread to what its about which is the Macross Quarter and its counter part the Battle Frontier, some day being released by Bandai. We've been getting into topics about who plays with there toys, fly's them around, other Anime series and about 2 tons of speculation to its size and how we all wished the M-Quarter was this size and that.... We all know its going to be rather small, until otherwise noted by Bandai. And yes to those who'd love to point it out I know I'm not a moderator for this site, but still lets stay on target here please.
  14. I see you've put it on Ebay now, Hope it sells !!
  15. Thats bad ass Ghost Train!! Will you be posting any pics of this in both Gerwalk & Fighter mode? I would love to see those, especially gerwalk!! The VF-25 looks awesome in that mode!! Again great job!!!!!
  16. Thats an awesome paint job my friend, I say keep that one and save up for one of the other Max VF's!!
  17. Its hard to find a good Anime store now a days!! Especially one with or without over prices Valk's!!
  18. Hey Yamato, where my VF-0D!!!!!!
  19. I think you'll get your wish in the coming weeks. Frakin Traitor!!
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