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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Hey Miriya, Got the info from one of my favorite old school books. its worth getting if you can find it, it has ever possible mecha and specs from Macross II in it. Also included are the Destroids from Macross II, they never seem to get much mention, but are little bad a$$e$!!!
  2. A Hover Tank, whats looks like a G.I. Joe Aircraft carrier? Nice collection there!! But you have plenty of time to make room, you have another year minimum before this SDF-1 comes out.
  3. Hey Miriya, Are these what your looking for? Macross II Marduk battle Pods. Version 1 & 2.
  4. Megan Fox is ok, not one of my favorites. The movie will be on Netflix one week after it releases!!
  5. If Galactica 1980 is what i remember it being, its the worst thing ever filmed.
  6. Hey Areaseven, don't tell me what to do!!! I don't pull rank on you for anything!!
  7. Exactly, the cockpit and canopy look great, proportion wise no problems there. But Isamu needs to go on a diet or something.
  8. The shots of you VF-0A are awesome, especially with Mao!!!
  9. Well now that we have a new thread, time to get some pictures loaded up!!! Anyone who has them yet, Good, Bad or just so-so??
  10. Definitely make time for GUNBUSTER and Project A-KO when you get time!! Just watched A-KO today for the 1st time in like 8 years, it was exciting and I laughed my ass off, forgot how much I really liked that one!! Gunbuster is pure legend, all I can say!!
  11. Cool thanks for the pics!!! So I'm not the only one who thinks Isamu needs to lay of the Ben & Jerry's Ice cream!!!
  12. Hey Kenny, thats starting to look really good, wasn't to sure about your color scheme at very 1st, but its really coming together now!!! Are you doing it landing gear up or down for this one? Keep the pics coming!!!
  13. Money for models or toys now a days is super tight, but if they released HIGH quality kits of the 3 you mentioned above LoneWolf, I'd be all over that in a heartbeat, way way over due for these Valkyries!!!
  14. Wow, the old thread got that big already? Dam!! I hope I'll have enough spare cash to get this one, truly on of my favorites!! Although from the pics I've seen, maybe its just me, but Isamu looks awfully big in the cockpit, what I mean is the figure seems like hes rubbing on the cockpit. Are there and better pics to show a better view?
  15. I'm gonna go with your a big fan of the YF-19, its cool that you have one of each!!! The VF-1S is a classic, I have that one too, fast packs and all!!!
  16. First time I saw Venus Wars was at a small comic book convention in 1992, on VHS, raw and no translation. This is when Anime was still really under ground and no companies were releasing them yet or worse people would say "Japanese animation, you mean... Speed racer??" then roll your eyes. For anyone else who has not seen Venus Wars, its awesome, A must see!!! Just make sure you watch it subbed though, the Dubbed version is terrible.
  17. Cool!! Glad to hear you got your new jacket, I guessing it fits alot better than the last one, I think you said a size to small.... Any pics?
  18. Hey RavenHawk, just saw your list of Anime you've seen and noticed that GUNBUSTER, AKIRA and PROJECT A-KO are not on your list. Fighter planes, good laughs, total seriousness, awesome mecha and motor cycles are included with these, in no particular order. Either way amazing anime's if you haven't seen them yet. Sometimes, the older Anime's are way better. Artwork, talent and story are their strengths!! take the kids to grandmas, make some popcorn and enjoy!!
  19. Gall force is a awesome series, Its old school and great. Eternal story has some awesome battles and mecha in it!! Some of the designers from Mospeada also worked on Gall Force, hence some of the similarities.
  20. I like the 1/5000 for sheer size, However I always thought the 1/8000 had greater accuracy and detail. especially in the joints and arms. Much smaller, a bit harder to paint, but a good kit. (Arms on the 1/5000 are a joke, I spent days reworking them so they were poseable) I can see why Tancist chose the 1/8000 for his custom project here. you can still find them fairly inexpensive, good kit!!
  21. Is it still where you left off, or any closer to finished? Its been sometime since I saw, but always wanted ( I'm sure you did too) it in complete form!!
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