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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. That jacket looks much better on ya Hikuro!!!
  2. The 1/72 scale Destroid were made by Imai and they are older kits, late 80's. Maybe a re release in the 90's. but they are pricey if you can find them. But the detail is fantastic even today!!!
  3. Give it time, they might just go for it!!
  4. Definitely Jetfire!!! But thats a whole other topic & toy!! I've seen that 1/48 version before with more pics, Love it!!
  5. Take your time my friend, good things are never rushed!!!
  6. Hey balstaf87, Welcome to MW!! Well for your 1st post, heres yoru 1st answer, mine is long gone But I had that model kit and a few others, they are relatively easy to assemble, just gotta take your time and follow the pictures, Good thing is that part "B6" is is "B6" in English or Japanese. If someone does have translated instructions, you might find them here in a archive thread. As for paints, Tamiya is your best bet, good choice of colors and smooth application. Both in spray can and bottles for a brush. Or if you have an Airbrush machine, shoot, just mix your own custom light brown. And a flat or off white if you want a slightly used look. I'm sure others will post their tips or give you some better pointers on how to make your kit the best one possible!!! Good luck on it, keep up posted!!
  7. Cool8or that Tomahawk is superb and extremely detailed!! You just need a pilot for the Destroid and your set!! the Parade picture is awesome!!
  8. If and when a Spartan Destroid comes out, think it will have both a std. Pilot and Ichijo included? As well a ground crew and opening hatches.
  9. That would have been great a selling feature, but I think Bandai was going for a total 80's nostalgic vibe with these. But after the Yamato 1/48 1/60 system.... Well its hard to be as excited as when you were 10 y/o in 1985 and seeing a Jetfire or Bandai VF for the 1st time!!!
  10. The VF-11B, its a thing of beauty!!! Can't wait to get one!!
  11. You still going to get a VF-171 or VF-2SS in 1/100 if there made Graham, or just give it enough time for 1/60's to made in the future?
  12. A custom 1/48 JETFIRE!! State of the Bad A$$ art!!!
  13. Hopefully Yamato made sure there was enough clearance space to avoid that possible situation!!
  14. Well at this point of the series, there are so many rumors, theories and people who swear by the Gods of the 12 colonies they've got the answer. I'm just going to enjoy the next two episodes and hope its an ending that makes some sense, is powerful, makes ya cry and cheer and to know that in the pages of History, this will truly be noted as the greatest series ever made and no remake could do it justice!! Can't as for more than that!! And to say "Galactica is best ship in the fleet" is more of an homage to her, as she is the only remaining Battlestar left, Unless another one folds out of no where to save the day???
  15. Very clever heat shield design, and the Gun pod is great with removable cover and exposed magazine!! I am getting this one!!
  16. When things are at its worst, Spark up a chronic and say "Frak it"!!! Will boomer have a change of heart in the end. And GALACTICA is truly the best ship in the fleet, She is not going down without a fight, no way in hell!!!
  17. That particular Zentradi ship only shows up in DYRL correct, or was it in the TV series too?? Nice specs though!!
  18. Ishtar and the VF-2JA, love it!!!!
  19. Because sharing is caring!! here is my odds and ends collection. I have more elsewhere and RT role playing books too, but there still in boxes!! Of all my books, the Macross Gold is the Holy Grail. And the books from Haruhiko Mikimoto, the guy is a total genius!!
  20. Whoops, I think I wrote that wrong (puts down shot glass of Jack). The 1/5000 is small in size and 1/8000 is far smaller. But between the 2 kits, I'll take the biggest one there is. What sucks is even the newest SDF-1 from WAVE is only 1/5000.
  21. A Cannon Fodder VF-1A will probably be sited or announced shortly, their making every other Valkyrie so far. As far as a VF Stealth goes, Has there been mention of one??
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