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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. i've been ignoring it, but now i'm very curious, lol!
  2. i'm trying to look for my wallet. i think it scurried into a corner somewhere.
  3. i ended up pre-ordering the heavy version at a local store for ~21k yen equivalent. damn you mike for bringing this to my attention. hope you end up getting one too
  4. another vote for samurai champloo. since MAL was mentioned earlier, i checked out champloo's entry just out of curiosity. it's ranked #9490. WTH? the reviews though are consistently 8's and 9's with a smattering of 10's with an average of 8.74 which is in Top20 territory. the catch is, just 39 users have have bothered scoring. talk about underrated...
  5. as it turns out, i might actually be in NY in October. is availability at NYCC already confirmed or still 50/50?
  6. lol! speaking of Wildcats, has there ever been a decent Zealot figure? btw, i don't think Liefeld ever drew Wildcats. if he did, i'm fortunate enough to have never seen it.
  7. any asia-based stores put up preorders yet?
  8. what i meant was that i prefer the 31V bazooka pose where one doesn't have to raise the entire arm over the shoulder. the 31 has to because of more limited articulation, at least from what i've read. if the 40th anniv version can do this, and not go over the shoulder, then i'll be happy :
  9. dang, looks like they want back to GX-31 bazooka (left). i thought 31V (right) bazooka was an improvement
  10. it's just you. you're just paying more attention now. c'mon. give in. you know you want to.
  11. Kaiki FTW! another great installment for the gatari series. as Marzan said, Kanbaru is quite a revelation. as it turns out, she's arguably the most mature character in Araragi's "harem", Hanekawa included. or maybe another way to put it, is that she's the most "normal". in a cast where everyone has few loose screws here and there, it's actually quite refreshing. and yeah, loved her jogging outfit. hope a PVC will come out of this OVA series. haven't rewatched Mono 2nd since it aired, so i think i'll do just that to tide me over. 'gatari is such a cruel mistress..
  12. what's new with the 40th anniv version of Voltes V? or is it a straight re-issue?
  13. Ques Q. that expression is priceless. i'm surprised the other one is a GSC. it looks so uninspired, and the machinery seems like an after thought rather than integrated with the design.
  14. kanbaru isn't my favorite but as with you guys, i have a constant craving for anything gatari.
  15. man, i've never seen animation fall from such lofty heights as with Blade and Soul. seems like by the 9th episode they were so out of budget they used kindergarten students to animate the rest of the show. from this: to this: to quite possibly the worst rendition of fire in a modern anime seriously???
  16. just started watching Blade and Soul, and i have to say i'd like to have some PVC come out of it it's the bad girl though which really caught my eye:
  17. started watching Blade and Soul. the animation is gorgeous but uneven, ie. the female characters always look fantastic, the rest though pale in comparison. jury is still out on the story, but it's not bad, even if a bit generic. the ED though has to be one of the most embarrassing i've heard in a while.
  18. saw on a billboard that the sequel will be showing in theaters Aug20. it kinda snuck up on me, but i'm pleasantly surprised it will be showing locally. now to get me some tickets.
  19. ugh. another impulse buy. saw her at a local store and she emptied my wallet.
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