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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. thanks. i actually caught both references though. what i thought you meant was that one of the staff characters was modeled after an anime industry personality.
  2. i missed this one. can you let me know in spoilers? thanks
  3. i'm up to date on Shirobako and yes, i would encourage folks to give it a try. it's a bit of a rarity being a slice of life show that isn't about students (the entire cast are working professionals). pretty interesting insights on the ins and outs of making an anime, including some discussions on 3D vs. hand drawn, and the characters are shown drinking actual beer rather than tea or softdrinks. the last few episodes had a good dose of heartwarming moments. Denki-gai no Honya-san is also another show currently airing where the cast are working folks (crew of a manga/anime shop in Akiba) and is quite hilarious at times.
  4. so much for my plan to let Psycho Pass episodes pile up for a yearend marathon. this latest episode got me waiting for the next one.
  5. are these same size as MH? i think my other Figuarts Zero is like 1/9 or 1/10
  6. cool! maybe Jehuty didn't sell so well simply because ZoE is not such a hot property anymore. sad if true. i still want to see ZoE3
  7. about halfway into Guilty Crown. been good so far. i'm trying hard not to anticipate when it'll go south. so the name of the protagonist's father is OUMA KUROSU and a girl's singing can turn the tide of battle. hmm.. i'm trying to remember what was that other anime... the soundtrack is reminiscent of Attack on Titan, in fact some songs seem to be patterned from it. or is it the other way around?
  8. longshot. wondering if anyone can recognize this gashapon also looking for recommendations for gasha that are close to 1/18. intend to use them with my die cast car collection
  9. i'm trying to remember: did the previous CF VF-27 release come with commander's head/ears as optional parts to make a Grace version?
  10. i readily admit that Cross Ange is a guilty pleasure, but looking forward to each ep? that'll be Log Horizon S2, Madan no Ou to Vanadis, and Hitsugi no Chaika S2. Psycho Pass S2 has been great but for some reason i'm not as hooked as i was with S1. the story's interesting and the conspiracy is developing nicely (dare i compare to GitS?) but perhaps the narrative is not sufficiently propulsive to make we crave for the next ep. whether that is by the writer's design or not, we shall soon see. strangely, i'm actually contemplating on leaving Psycho Pass for a while and let a handful of eps pile up. at the moment i would rather catch up with the shenanigans in Nanatsu no Taizai and Akame ga Kill. SAOII has been so-so. i still like it, but i feel a bit disengaged. epic eps this week: 1. Inou-Battle ep7. emphatic delivery by Hatoko VA + subdued BGM = sublime moment in anime. in my books at least, Hatoko's rant tops Nadeko Sengoku's when she flipped 2. awesome fights in Log Horizon S2 ep8. Akatsuki FTW! 3. great battles in Madan Vanadis ep8 i've just started on Guilty Crown. i hear it's pretty polarizing so i got curious. that and i was looking for more of Egoist (Psycho Pass ED). the soundtrack certainly does not disappoint and the visuals are stunning. for now at least, those are enough to compensate for a number of things that doesn't make sense.
  11. has anyone come across a VF-25 model printable in 1/144?
  12. i was hoping it was this GK that would make it to a general PVC release
  13. nice build. how did you go about fixing the turrets? amusing you chose a banana for scale. during my last trip to Japan the chef at an udon place proudly showed me a banana that was nearly the size of his arm and definitely bigger than my GX-64
  14. i wonder if the captain or exo would be interested to take this on <fingers crossed>
  15. @Jefuemon wow, you sure build fast. glad to see it being put together after years of languishing in my closet. @007-vf1 looking forward to your build updates on the Valhalla. maybe i'll pick up a thing or two.
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