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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. People probably assume my screen name is directly related to Max from Macross and I guess it kind of is but in reality I had this game named "Blue Max" for the Atari 2600. The game play was kind of a combination of your general top down shooter but added other aspects of gameplay that where about as infuriating as Top Gun's carrier landings and mid air refueling. Basically a masochists wet dream I know I have my Atari somewhere but I don't think it functions anymore unfortunately so I won't be reliving those memories anytime soon. I do still have my NES and SNES systems and carts handy. I play them fairly frequently and I think my favourite title of the bunch is the SNES Turtles In Time. Einherjar mentioned Blaster Master which I think was pretty innovative at the time because not only did you have the ability to get in and out of your vehicle but gameplay also changed between top down and side scrolling. It's really hard for me to define BM genre wise as it's kind of a Platformer but then also very much an Adventure title. I feel the same way about Act Raiser actually.
  2. I'm not saying you guys are "wrong" or it should be one way or the other but there's definitely a precedent for both. Mr March's site has some pics ( I assume it's in the animation too but I'm not going through all those frames!) with the red triangles and two Technical manuals/art books/guides I have at home have the red as well. It's right here on this books jacket too for some reason. http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF32557 Take it for what you will.
  3. Well specifically his picture of DYRL Strike has yellow triangles on the shoulders.
  4. I actually backup my audio CDs, so I only keep the copies in my car and the originals on my shelf at home. I know no Ipod in my car wtf? I actually have an old Ipod but I'd rather not have someone try to steal it. I do use a cheap (cheap, in case I fall and break it) MP3 player on my motorcycle though. I have some CDs from like 98 and they're still working but I know a few have started to skip and I've replaced them. I imagine factory DVDs and CDs will last a lot longer? I know my copies of Diablo 1&2 still work I've made a new commitment not to buy any PVC collectibles anymore. I hear they decompose pretty quickly depending on environmental conditions. I've never experienced anything personally even from my old(99) JP Gundam MSiAs but I'd like not to waste money on something that becomes gelatinous ooze. I just got hit by the exclusivity hammer. The new RD Jegan is Tamashii only. Pretty annoying, I'd like to get three but since it's going to be such a hassle I'll probably only get one if any. I wish HLJ could work out some kind of deal with Bandai like they have with Yamato. This does not bode well for my chances on the RD White Dingo GM Sniper II and that's even more frustrating.
  5. Here's Tokyo Hunter's old posts on the exclusives, all expired of course. http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2010/03/bandai-robot-damashii-arbalest-m9-color.html http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2010/01/bandai-robot-damashii-rapid-deployment.html http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2010/02/robot-damashii-m9-gernsback-indian.html http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2009/10/bandai-robot-damashii-savage-crossbow.html
  6. Just from my own personal experience with my brother who is about 10 years my junior there seems to be a trend moving towards the digital. He never really was big on actual toys/action figures/etc and now that videogames are moving towards digital distribution he definitely is more welcoming to the idea than I am. Maybe I'm just the proverbial dinosaur but I'm more than a little hesitant to spend money on something I never physically own. Semantics aside about software being licensed and not owned. It may be a bad analogy but brick and mortar in general is going the same way in my observation. Only in this instance I'm hesitant to purchase something I've never seen in person. I'm kind of rambling now..
  7. The markings on the shoulders are different colours too. Just check out Mr. March's Macross Mecha Manual pictures. http://www.macross2.net/m3/m3-index.htm
  8. I suppose he infers/insinuates it but he did not state it matter of factly..
  9. You're about 6 pages late with this vital info. What took so long
  10. I definitely prefer the way "Resident Evil" is delivered/spoken on the title menu (especially for 2) over Biohazard. Otherwise it's not really a big deal. What's annoying is the English voice over for RE1(?) or was it just the Wesker files? Wesker calls the STARS Special Tactics and Rescue Squad. STARS actually stands for Special Tactics and Rescue Service. Of course this has lead to a few elitist arguements over the years..
  11. I figure you have to take into account you have people that hold everything to standards that only the animation is "canon" and others that the line art is "canon". Sometimes these two meet and sometimes they don't even in modern animation.
  12. I dunno maybe that's just a typo I interpreted differently. I figured he meant these exclusives and not this exclusive. I'm going to stick with I think he's not but he's certainly welcome to clarify.
  13. Gratz, hopefully you're happy with them. Maybe give us a comparison later?
  14. Roy's example isn't specific so it's entirely possible it is basically the same figure(repaint/additional or different accessory/different box/etc). Sometimes you're really just paying for the exclusivity. If I'm buying say the Tamashii exclusive Regnant that's a different story.
  15. It's hard to say from that small low quality picture but I can see why the zipper would generate complaints. It looks totally out of scale IMO, like they just put a child's clothing zipper on it and called it a day. For the price people probably expect high end 1/6th scale equipment from the likes of Hot Toys or others (maybe even better because of Yamato's reputation?).
  16. I certainly believe their is some truth to the claim that videogames are replacing tactile/physical toys. Kids even barely go outside these days in my experience. Too busy with social networking and videogames to bother I bet From what I see marketed and what people have posted I'm under the impression LARGE high quality toys in Asia are kind of on the out (mostly because of the size previously now somewhat do to cost in this economy?). Maybe someone who lives in some of these areas can comment with their personal experience? I could see how these could be among the contributing factors to the birth and increase of exclusives especially the web variety. Another thing I've always been curious of is the various brick and mortar retail models followed in Asia. Are high end toys/models more of a specialty shop deal or more main stream and Wal-Marty?
  17. I believe they had some. They didn't turn though? The Lightning Saix was compatible.
  18. Robot Damashii figures still have some pvc in their construction. They are advertised to be constrcuted from PC, ABS, POM, PVC etc.. From in hand experience with some of the UC Gundam figures I'd have to say it feels like mostly ABS construction but maybe I'm wrong? Revoltech figures are great for wide legged stances or poses but not so great for anything else IMO. This is where the RDs come in (also with better construction IMO, which you pay for). If you're going to get some you better hurry because I think preorders for the Tamashii exclusive sets are just about over, or are they over already?
  19. Richard is looking pretty under the weather. It's unfortunate if he's ill, I hope he has many years ahead of him still. I like how this last episode teased us with a possible firefight and then did not deliver. I can't say I'm surprised at the sudden revelations with Lou Diamond Phillips since I feel they've been foreshadowing this to an extent. Let's just see if it goes somewhere interesting!
  20. Looks great. Do you actually have a MK23 with silencer? I like the cigs, that's attention to detail! I ran across a set that actually had a pack and not just the individuals. You should make an alternate smoking head or something I assume you visit http://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/ ? Is there no good 1/6th tailoring "how to"s over there?
  21. Oh, okay thanks. For the record this is what I was talking about. I think, it's been a while. http://www.takaratom...zoids/zoids.htm
  22. I have not really seen Fuzors (thankfully) but I was under the impression that the White Konig Wolf was from a web comic? That is where I saw it before I decided to import one and the missile + rifle accessories for a friend. They sold out pretty fast on HLJ so I felt kind of lucky to have gotten them. I wonder if my buddy even still has it sometimes. He had panel lined it up pretty nicely which gave some great contrast against the stark white base.
  23. I want to say it looks more like the Live of Legends Mylene than the CMs one but I can't tell. Is Bandai or someone soliciting a new Mylene? http://www.toy-world...&extra=page%3D1 EDIT: oops looks like more half age girls lol http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4004/4621244372_8d3b542de9.jpg
  24. It says "Action Model" so maybe it's a hybrid of some sort? Does look really nice.
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