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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. The cake was nice but we had nothing to cut it with ...fortunately someone had a sword with them...yes, a sword
  2. Had a great time, sorry for being shy again. I go every year and barely say a word, i dont think anyone even remembers me from previous years but Shawn and Egan because im always so quiet. Someone post the group photo from today.
  3. Wasnt feeling well, i had to leave early right after Booby Trap. Ill be back tomorrow.
  4. New Pictures , nice and big Macross Trial Frontier
  5. per usual ill be there ...but this time after years of promising it i will have an actual completed macross model to display. I actually busted open a Hasegawa the other day and got the sucker primed and ready!
  6. The next Call of Duty has been revealed and its the history of secret operations. seems to be some kinda information they are trying to get out of a soldier and possible flashbacks. The game spans cold war operations, Vietnam, South America, Cuba. Looks pretty badass and i love the look of the new Character. http://kotaku.com/5528598/your-first-look-...-duty-black-ops
  7. I just ran into this great article here, wonderful and interesting about one of the greatest machines ever built. Makes me wish i could suit up and jump into one. I figured alot of you guys would love this. http://gizmodo.com/5511236/the-thrill-of-f...sr+71-blackbird
  8. only have 200 dollars to my name..which i need for the train back to Narita and food for the next five days and i keep walking into Family Marts and seeing the special limited addition orange and white vf-25 being sold. Cry for me oh the temptation ...who cares if i'm stranded in Japan, i've been here four times and adore it. time to play devil /angel on shoulder...go to buy or not to buy!
  9. thanks wolf ill check it out. I agree Horo has to be one of my favorite female anime characters. I love the way her and lawrence tease and play off eachother and ignore the obvious. The landscapes and colors are wonderfully done and im always jumping on the first download i can get each week.
  10. Spice and wolf season 2: sure this isnt for everyone but i love the dynamic between the two main characters, im as much if not more a fan of quiet story driven adventurous anime then the action stuff. Haruhi season 2: sure the concept is interesting but its really bordering on monotonous with that groundhog day stuff, it needs to at least be somewhat different each episode,i wish they had at least gotten different artists to contribute so it would be a unique look each time. I hope this doesnt go on the entire season. Tytania: only on episode 2 so far so good Golgo 13: still loving this, some of the translators skipped a few episodes when it changed subber hands , hopefully they get around to it. i just watched the entire of Eden of the East: had a great mysterious plot, great animation, interesting characters, a few bizarre plot holes but im not sure if this was taken from a manga which might explain that i pretty much go to animesuki, look at whats up and if it seems interesting ill download episode 1, if that works ill get teh whole series or follow it Anyone know of any new anime of the nadia/spice and wolf adventure variety? I hat most modern anime with overly complicated nonsensical plots that try to be way too deep. I liek deep meaningful stories but alot of newer stuff doesnt carry it well and tends to try to be deep for the sake of being deep.
  11. Anyone have any good scans of lineart they can post in this thread , i need it for a project. thanks
  12. YAY WALLPAPERS, courtesy of me nothing special i just screen captured and then twiddled around with them in CS3 to look better....made for 1900x1200 but prob look better a little lower
  13. Bilrer formed the entire sms just as a way to achieve his own goals in finding the megaroad 1 and minnmay....i like that i think its massively interesting and interesting the way he was left open ended and ambiguous so we can see ourselves in him because im sure that didnt want to be given away until the end. Too bad breras eye was ok in the end, i would love to see a side story where Brera with a patch over his eye travels the Galaxy doing good deeds and trying to come closer to his humanity....and falls in love hehe. I guess it can still be done..sans patch..but the patch would have been cool =) BTW...most awesome ending ever. I think when we see more macross its going to be something smaller and more internal...less massive and a more intimate story...Now that the Galaxy has been opened up by alot...maybe something far out on the edges of teh Galaxy.
  14. *hopes gg sub comes out tonight so it would cap a nice opening weekend* Im waiting on the sub before i watch..its killing me heh
  15. well whatever any of you decide..lemem know id love to make some models and textures for this stuff
  16. Ernest Borgnine just had a restrospective of his career here in LA and a big article on him in the LA times, i met him about a month ago..hes tops...very energetic and funny. Not alot of people alive from the black and white era anymore ...i mean this guy was in From here to eternity...so he was a cool guy to meet. Still making movies..bad and good..he just goes with the belief just keep doing and doing and doing. Iggy Pop is 60 and still kicks the ass of most people half his age. The stooges reformed last year and are currently on tour.
  17. What are the chances well get some spin offs ...OVA's or movie after the series ends...wasnt this supposed to air until feb 09?
  18. yea i just finished watching episode 13 last night, ive loved every single episode and how they are all stand alone The prison episode is one of the best so far i think Id like to see a two parter
  19. BY CROM!! its Agent One! ok back on topic boo remakes..no conan remake please but a new conan story based on one of REJ's books would be good if it stuck to the material...too bad basil polidorious is dead though
  20. If i remember correctly Dent takes off his seatbelt just before teh accident..i guess implying he bailed before we see the crash
  21. As soon as i can i get all the video clips converted from giant ass MOV files to AVI im going to make a very long montage video from all the footage
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