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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. no3Ljm

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Agreed. If it’s $280 shipped, then yeah, it’s a good price.
  2. Not to mention the new double-hinge shoulder joint that looks fragile.
  3. no3Ljm

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I paid one that I have roughly with EMS for Y29570. That’s $260+/- in USD. And that is during PO. Both copy that I bought is Y25000 without shipping. So at $280 right now, that is already a good price. And also, I’m not going to worry about the price going up and down. It is what it is in this hobby. Nobody knows. The only thing that you can do at the end of the day is shake your head.
  4. Hahaha! Love the trailer. Seriously, if Fred Savage is going to be there, I’m going to watch it!
  5. Hey Convectuoso. I don't have a straight answer but I just stumbled on these links. Hope it helps on your deciding factors. YJA link that has photos of the resin parts: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s553967145 From Amazon Japan: https://www.amazon.co.jp/TECT-1-100-VF-11-MAXL改-ミレーヌ・バルキリー-バトロイドモード・サウンドブースター付-マクロス7-ガレージキット/dp/B074LFB61C From GBMShop: http://gbmshop.blogspot.com/2011/08/vf-11maxlsb.html The model done at GBMShop somehow resembles the Amazon link. But I'm not 100% sure if it's articulated.
  6. Cool! You know where I live so I'm expecting that one coming Monday, ok? Happy Thanksgiving!
  7. Nice! Are those old Colossus and Jean Grey released figures? What series they came from and year? And are they going to release a new ones or I need to get the old releases too to complete it?
  8. Me too. At 1/2000, I might end up getting the old 1/3000 Takatoku version just to compliment Arcadia's SDF. But I'll probably just wait... for now. Need to save some dough first for the Holidays.
  9. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    And fulfill also everyone's hope of completing the whole Zentran mechs first. Not to mention rounding up the unfinished Destroids as well.
  10. If KC will have it painted like the first picture, I'll just bite on that one (for now) just to have it pair with the 1/3000 SDF-1 DYRL. Well, as long that it's going to be 1/3000 too. And just regret later when Arcadia decides to make one. Until then, I'll be a happy camper with a KC one.
  11. What?! You managed to snag two? I hate you Anubis! Hahaha! When you get a chance, can you post comparo pics with the old SF in the MB thread, please. Thanks! Btw, congrats on getting these new Holy Grail.
  12. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Everyone was talking about VF-4 as being popular or not. And back then I'm seeing Yamato VF-4G like $900 or less from scalpers on eBay.
  13. no3Ljm

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Glad everything worked out great, @onnasake. I'm pretty sure you will like it even more when you pushed and massaged all the circle ones in and have it flushed.
  14. I’m just eyeing mostly the Spider-Man costumes that I like. And yes, I have to agree it’s a new rabbit hole for me. I didn’t realize that I spent around 200 instantly just to get the X-Men figs. The only good thing though is that it’s still cheaper than Mezco and Hot Toys.
  15. C’mon you guys. Be nice. I don’t think Takani got it ‘right’ too on his VF-1J back in the 80’s. Right? I’m borrowing @Vi-RS‘s attachment:
  16. Max and Millia release is branded as ‘DX release’ by including the said armaments. And probably Hikaru’s decal sheet too. That’s probably why they’ve included the photos. And it’s Y1000 more than Hikaru’s VF-4 release. https://www.hobby-wave.com/products/mc058/
  17. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Let's not forget that prior of Arcadia's reissuing it, it was highly sought 'Holy Grail' for $900+.
  18. BBTS already charged me with the DX9 K2 AncestRod. Just need to wait for Kazuya figure before I let it ship. For now, I saw this via Youtube. Not sure if this has been already posted. And I have to say it looks nice. Too bad it needs some 'lubricant'.
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