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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. 2 hours ago, F360 said:

    Haha I do that a lot and it seem to work.

    :p     You can even leave it in the shipping box and it will still look good , iirc @Saburo did one before of the amiami shipping box in his flex-hobby base .  Can seem to find the link or post .

    Yup. I have to agree on that statement. :good:^_^ 



  2. 3 hours ago, DewPoint said:

    You don't count the unassembled, unpainted (black) version that Arcadia sold as a separate release?

    No, I didn't. Because based on what have been discussed above is about updating the connnetors and adapters from Yamato add-ons to the Arcadia Valk releases.  (Fold Booster to YF-19 and Ghost Boosters to VF-0.) Whereas the VF-0 Armored Pack is only released by Arcadia. And not an initial Yamato add-on. Unless Sanity meant something else when he mentioned 're-did'.

    Also, the initial painted Armored Pack were also sold as a separate release by Arcadia and not as a part of a bundle set.


  3. 48 minutes ago, Bolt said:

    Ah so.. they only wanna do hero valks..

    It's more of like they just do what will sell. ;) 

    42 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    At least they re-did the VF-0 armor pack.

    No. They just did the VF-0 Armor Pack one time. There was no Armored Pack release for the Yamato version.


  4. 40 minutes ago, nightmareB4macross said:

    Nor did we get an updated fold booster for the Arcadia YF-19, but we did get the connection points that hooked up to the old booster. 

    Damn you Arcadia and your cheapskatedness.

    That was nice for the YF-19 since only the adapter needs to be updated and not the whole Fold Booster. Whereas with the Ghost Boosters, the Ghost itself needs to be updated because of the connectors.


  5. 24 minutes ago, Mazinger said:
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    Curious what you guys thought of Doctor Strange's number one gesture.

    I'm still not sure if he was saying - you just need to remove 1 stone or more like, Spock told Kirk, "Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."



    That's the 'One' possibility he told Tony Stary way back in Infinity War. But during that number one gesture in Endgame, he implied to Tony that if he told him what happens, it won't happen. Basically sacrificing himself.


  6. 26 minutes ago, Dirtyboy said:

    I wouldn't want to start buying macross figures purely as an investment opportunity. Would rather enjoy the figure, transform it and admire it. 

    Tell that to the scalpers. But then again, you really can't stop opportunists, can you? :rolleyes:

    Just now, Bolt said:

    So wonderfest had the pf O-D and the Sv-51 Ivanov mock up. Does anyone know what/when the next tease is going to be. Or are we still guessing and wishing?

    I imagine a “Nora”. version of the SV-51 (and a cannon fodder) would be an easy guess..

    We're still guessing and wishing, dear good sir. :rolleyes:


  7. 21 minutes ago, borgified said:

    Any pertained extreme weight in the joints , there's a high chance that the joints will wear down regardless - Wear and tear as they say.  

    I'll just put mine in the box then -- worry-free. :rolleyes:


  8. 8 hours ago, tekering said:

    If it's printed with a decent SLA printer, it'll be smooth as glass.  Liquid resin has come a helluva long way in the last few years.  B))

    Check out the curves on this 3D-printed model, for example:



    There's more detail present than can even be seen with the naked eye!  :o

    Thanks, @tekering! ^_^

    I really would love to have that Minmay Flashback 2012 figure. But sad to say, I really can't justify the price they're asking. :cray: 


  9. 2 hours ago, seti88 said:

    Found this in the wild ...armored pack but without supports holding it up...


    Nice to see it doesn't need the support. But what worries me is the long haul pertaining to the wing joints and hinges. I rather not risk it without the support. ^_^


  10. To be honest, as much as I like Scarlett, I like to agree with @M'Kyuun, they should've made a Black Widow movie earlier. But I prefer after the Avengers movie so we can see 'Budapest' up to the point where she connects with Banner for continuation to the next arc. But at this point, to put out a solo Black Widow movie is already too late in the game. I'll probably watch it when it came out on digital.


  11. 18 minutes ago, kalvasflam said:
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    My take is that they ended up creating an alternate timeline by doing what they did. 

    The reasoning is simple.  2014 Nebula died, so she isn't around to become good Nebula, and then be available to kill herself or to screw things up later.  That right there is a paradox. 

    Then there is Gamora, 2014 Gamora stuck around in the future, so, technically, she isn't there in the past.  Marvel was smart not to really talk about this whole Pandora's box.

    Finally, there is Thanos himself, because if 2014 Thanos kicked the bucket, he isn't going to be around to snap his fingers in 2018 and disappear half the universe.  Now, you can explain away Thanos by saying he and the rest got back to 2014 because of Stark. 

    But if Gamora 2014 sticks around, you can't physically make GoG work without Gamora because she ends up being somewhat critical in 2014.  Same concept in general with Nebula.  I guess we'll see how this universe shapes up.  One of these days, they are going to make an MCU recap movie, the sole purpose of which is to recap everything since 2008, and sets up for the next arc.  :clapping:

    I suggest they do that one in 2023, 15th anniversary of the MCU.  Then make it a downloadable on Disney+.  :o


    I agree with these paradoxes. There should’ve been some time ripple effect.


  12. 8 minutes ago, Pulltoeject said:

    Hmmmmmm ok.....thanks !! 

    I wanted to use it as a base to do the hasegawa YF-19 EXPO valk paint scheme

    If you’re not transforming it, would it be cheaper just to get a Hasegawa 1/48 or 1/72 YF-19 kit to do the said scheme?


  13. 4 hours ago, sh9000 said:


    Looks pretty cool but for the price, I’m fine without it.

    I know this is from their 3DLab line. I wonder how smooth the product is going to be?


  14. I agree with you, F360. TBH, I’m really not surprise at all regarding Arcadia’s pricing point since their VF-0 releases. And knowing that the SV-51 is bigger than the VF-0, I’m just glad that the MSRP is not Y40000+.


  15. Spoiler

    Is it safe to assume that all the kids from Midtown School including Peter and Ned were vanished, only to return five years later and resume their current grade/level? I mean, if Ned wasn’t vanished then he shouldn’t be there when Peter went back to school, right? If so, then it will be convenient story-wise to continue their story in Far From Home. Imagine a scene where a grown-up Flash seeing Peter again for the first time after 5 years. He will have a kick out of it. :lol: 


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