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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Tell that to the scalpers. But then again, you really can't stop opportunists, can you? We're still guessing and wishing, dear good sir.
  2. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'll just put mine in the box then -- worry-free.
  3. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    Thanks, @tekering! I really would love to have that Minmay Flashback 2012 figure. But sad to say, I really can't justify the price they're asking.
  4. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nice to see it doesn't need the support. But what worries me is the long haul pertaining to the wing joints and hinges. I rather not risk it without the support.
  5. To be honest, as much as I like Scarlett, I like to agree with @M'Kyuun, they should've made a Black Widow movie earlier. But I prefer after the Avengers movie so we can see 'Budapest' up to the point where she connects with Banner for continuation to the next arc. But at this point, to put out a solo Black Widow movie is already too late in the game. I'll probably watch it when it came out on digital.
  6. I read some of the articles from TheWrap.com, and it helped me understand some points regarding the ‘method’ they used to fix the problem.
  7. If you’re not transforming it, would it be cheaper just to get a Hasegawa 1/48 or 1/72 YF-19 kit to do the said scheme?
  8. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    I know this is from their 3DLab line. I wonder how smooth the product is going to be?
  9. I agree with you, F360. TBH, I’m really not surprise at all regarding Arcadia’s pricing point since their VF-0 releases. And knowing that the SV-51 is bigger than the VF-0, I’m just glad that the MSRP is not Y40000+.
  10. Love it! Though it somehow raises some questions regarding time related stuff. Anyways found this video at YouTube. Spoilers ahead.
  11. Hey Dobber. Not sure what’s going on with their site but I did manage on placing this preorder 5mins ago. I have to go HLJ route here since it’s an expensive purchase. And I really need their support in case I will get it defective. Anyways, here’s hoping that you will able to place an HLJ order without a problem.
  12. True. But then again, we never had problems securing one expensive Arcadia Valk compared to trying to secure a preorder of one DX VF-1’s. But you still PF-ing a PF Valk, Lolicon.
  13. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    The cannon is from Fext-Hobby OWL-One armor. Photo courtesy of @Saburo.
  14. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not putting any hopes up for any HMR announcement based on the Twitter photo feed from the said event. #tn_tokyo https://twitter.com/hashtag/tn_tokyo?src=hash https://tamashii.jp/tokyo/
  15. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't think that's a Macross HMR. Up until this point there's no info on that blurred HMR figure.
  16. It's safe to assume that it is. Because it's unforgiving if it's not. It's like getting Roy's VF-0S without the Skull mark on it.
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