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Everything posted by todd77

  1. Noticed that the once flat nacelles now protrude quite prominently with the armor pack. Of course, the whole thing looks really good even at this stage. Wish we could see more of the front though.
  2. Ain't she lovely? Mikhail's and Luca's valks this month. This bird and reissued Alto in the next. Ozma's full armor in June and VT-1 in July.
  3. I wonder if they can make the gears telescope? Weird I know, but if space is an issue... Of course, it's got to be really tight to manage the weight.
  4. For me though, I always thought the DYRL, especially the main cannons, was "sportier" looking than the TV version. But yeah, compared to the slenderer TV version, the DYRL one is a beast. I like both nonetheless - it's the SDF-1 for crying out loud! I'm just glad we're getting a toy incarnation that truly justifies the "Super Dimensional Fortress" namesake. Just hope Yamato doesn't skimp on the detail. Or quality control for that matter, considering the price of admission.
  5. Oh wow, thanks for the reply. The 25G in the pic you posted looks awesome! I suppose the sound booster and ghost add-ons are another special order items from Bandai's Tamashii site? Anyway, I'm glad I pre-ordered the 25G along with the RVF. Now waiting for Ozma's full armor version and some kind of bundled version for the 25F (if they'll release any...).
  6. I've watched both and thought the animation was beautiful. The pacing of the films were a little slow for me but I like the melancholic feel of both.
  7. Although I've never once owned a chunky monkey, I actually like the chunkier (read: beefier) proportions of the DX battroid mode. It's unfortunate though, that the fighter and gerwalk mode suffers a little with that regard. Still, I like the overall look enough to want to collect at least all four 25s. By the way, can anyone confirm whether the DX 25G's sniper rifle can be attached in fighter mode? I haven't seen any pics that show this.
  8. I never said that she's doing it deliberately. I'm just pointing out that the way she behaves, her generally hazy nature which are captured in those photos of her, that look of uncertainty, betrays the awesomeness that is her true nature. One look at those photos and you couldn't tell that she's a world-class ballet dancer or a fantastic rideback-er. And I really like that part of the character's down-to-earth persona.
  9. To me though, it's more of "the talented eagle hides its talons" or something along those lines. She has a totally different, more determined look though when she puts on her A-game as shown in ep. 3, just before the race using the Balon.
  10. Hey, she's a college student now. If she isn't feeding on instant ramen on a daily basis or wearing the same rags for days on end, well, that ain't college life! On a more serious note, I like how every image of Rin, whether it's on her profile card or the printed interview, has her in this sort of modest, space-out look to her. It totally betrays her sheer genius in all things acrobatic, whether on foot or a two-wheeled mechanical monstrosity with funky arms.
  11. I hope there are no compromises to both the cruiser and attack modes, unlike the WAVE one, which had giant air intakes / vents / holes in the former. The pics shown here do look lovely and I'd definitely like to own one although my wallet may have a thing or two to say about that...
  12. I like Frosti's though they can be a little behind sometimes. And yeah, ep. 4 was awesome and the bike designs are growing on me.
  13. Here's one but it's in Chinese I'm afraid. Lot's of nice pics though. And the lights - wooooo!
  14. Nice! What kind of models / toys are those peacemakers and the X-0 in the background? They look a little Kubrick-ish / cardboard-like to be MG grade models and I wasn't aware that they made MG kits for these labors either (I'm no modeling fan though).
  15. Well, I was exposed to Patlabor a whole lot earlier than Gundam but it was a welcome surprise for me to hear that familiar voice when I first watched the original Gundam series.
  16. I will always remember Gepelnitch's actress, You Inoue, for her role as Kanuka "shut up!!" Clancy in the Patlabor series.
  17. If you mean their measurements, the screw cap is about 7mm in diameter and the screw tip about 3mm. The length of the screw is 1 inch. The label has a name for the screw though - it's called the 1-inch 6-32 (6-32x1). There are other variants which differ in length including a 1/2-inch 6-32. They also differ in terms of the shape of the screw cap - mine is the flatslot whereas another one has a semi-spherical cap.
  18. That's an effective alternative fix. And it looks like the stand works really well too with heavy loads. Anyway, I used these screws. Forgot to mention that they were nylon. I got them from Fry's Electronics so I assume you could find them from electronic or computer hardware stores: And here's my contribution to the thread:
  19. For what it's worth, once the prongs are firmly tightened, the stand holds up beautifully.
  20. Looks like my issues with the flexidisplay v2 are confirmed by Carlos himself, judging from his email:
  21. Don't forget the fold booster - that one lights up too - if you find batteries for it
  22. Since the flexistands are brought up in the discussion, I have an issue I'd like to bring up: I've recently received my flexi v2 and for the life of me, I could never get the prongs to hold up tightly enough with the supplied screws - the prongs are very floppy and won't hold my Yamato 1/60 v2 Valk at all. It seems that the supplied screws are a little too big for the screw holes and hence, they can't screw in deeply enough in order to tighten the circular plate that holds the prongs together. I've tried this many times to the point that I've totally worn out the screw caps. In the end, I had to resort to getting thinner screws - the 1-inch long 6-32 type - in order to tighten the prongs securely (which works wonderfully by the way). With that, have any of you flexi display stand owners out there experienced this before (v1 and v2)? Or is my case simply an isolated one?
  23. The flashing pat-lamps look really nice and the light-up chest lamps are a nice touch. Knowing Yamato however (fold booster hello!), I think it's a safe bet that batteries are not included.
  24. Hello Drifand, That's the first thing I wanted to do but unfortunately, I don't have my CM's Ingrams with me right now (they're in my home whereas I'm currently living in an overseas dorm). I did measure it with a ruler and WAVE's Ingram tops out at above 19cm (about 19.5-ish) for antenna height and above 17cm for head height. I remember measuring my CM's and if I recall correctly, they top out at about 18cm for antenna height. Still, I took a pic of my WAVE's next to a fastened ruler. I hope this helps.
  25. Updated pics of Yamato's Ingram here. Is it me or are the proportions a little more balanced now? Shoulder armors are still a little over-sized though, IMO.
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