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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. Thought I may be asked to hand in my male-gamer fanboy card, no, you're not alone in that this is not of the cool. In fact, it's getting rather tired. Less eyecandy for the sake of eyecandy and more gameplay goodness. The scary thing is that this sort of thing is spreading. When the animation (both 2D and 3D) students here passed in their final porjects last semester, many of them featured scantily clad women. Now I know how many hours and hard work goes into developign and shaping the deatils of polygon and nurb characters. So I couldn't help but feel bad for the male student that spent countless hours staring at a screen and working on a fake CGI female body and often times with "reference material". Yet, they care less and less for the real girls in their references and literally pour their hearts into the animated character they just created. It's very distrubing. I have a student who believes he's in love with Velma from Scooby Doo. Know not a look alike or the actress that plays her int he POS movies but the cartoon character. It was funny when watching Otaku No Video eyars back but since being in the industry... I'm not laughing anymore. For me, the scantily-cladness of the women in games has always felt tacked-on, just for the sake of giving the 16-30 year-old male audience a woody. It serves no purpose for the plot, gameplay, or anything of value. Case in point. Look at the cover of Everquest. Need I say more? Now then, I won't claim to be a total prude. I enjoy the DOA series of games and I AM looking forward to the new Leasuire Suit Larry game, but that's because they go towards the campy end of the spectrum and don't really want to be taken seriously. But for games with a serious bent, the complete polarization of the female characters is getting very old, and has been for some time. For a military game, the male characters are decked out in body armour and uniforms... and the female character is in cutoffs so low they count more as stockings and a shirt that's ripped high up on her torso. Crap like that just irritates me because of it's total lack of use in terms of the game. To get this slightly back on topic, I am impressed with the modelling for BloodRayne 2. The way they've been able to render her face in that screenshot is nothing short of amazing, and it would be great if that was an in-game screenie and not a prepainted special release.
  2. Thought I may be asked to hand in my male-gamer fanboy card, no, you're not alone in that this is not of the cool. In fact, it's getting rather tired. Less eyecandy for the sake of eyecandy and more gameplay goodness.
  3. Actually, I rather enjoyed Daredevil the movie. One of the few films I have no desire to fastforward through large segements of. However, it seems like they're tracking to cram in too much stuff into this movie. Daredevil had it right in that using only one villian is a good thing, keeps the movie focused. Here, it looks like Elektra will face off against half a dozen baddies of varying skill. Not that that's a BAD thing, mind you And the chance of seeing Jennifer Garner in red leather and high-heels? I'm all over that
  4. That's one thing I really enjoyed in the original novilizations of the first film, how the "fantasy" element, with pirates and princesses and royalty was there and in your face. Unlike the other two movies where the swashbuckling theme was played down somewhat, Star Wars really felt like a medieval tale told in the future, which I thought was really, really neat.
  5. Yes, but they're not supposed to come off when standing in Battroid mode and a slight draft of coughed air brushes by them. My 1/60ths flopped faster than a diver getting caught in a belly-flop.
  6. *gasp* Oh, the horror! How would he ever survive?
  7. As I recall, all the music was sung by an acapella group called Rockapella. I was amazed at the sheer variety of noises they could make (on command, no less).
  8. In that case, think we might get our first Alpha custom outta you?
  9. Pray to the toy gods Oh, that's SOP when it comes to toys these days Repeat after me ten times: "Open the pod bay doors HAL". I would, but I'm too busy with my own mantra: "Box will come today. Box will come today. Box will come today." My Alpha's left LA yesterday morning. They should be here by now!
  10. Pray to the toy gods Oh, that's SOP when it comes to toys these days
  11. I suppose the fact that some people (namely, myself and others) actually enjoyed AVP is totally lost on you? Was it Titanic or LOTR? No. Was it entertaining? Damn straight it was.
  12. they're just breeding to make a wookie-humanoid hybred Ahh, so *that* explains the wookie's grin in that pic. Gotcha.
  13. I'm still on the pleased side. I'm just bummed that they don't allow for me to fix it. It's called a "dremel" tool. That should fix your glued together problem I wonder how long it'll be before we start seeing some Alpha customs? I have a dremel. Let me know when you take yours apart and customize it... I would, if I had any customizing skills. I can barely build a snap-together, pre-painted model.
  14. I'm still on the pleased side. I'm just bummed that they don't allow for me to fix it. It's called a "dremel" tool. That should fix your glued together problem I wonder how long it'll be before we start seeing some Alpha customs?
  15. What would have taken a hand much steadier before that seventh cup of Tims Double-double of the day and the patience of Job, plus a good smattering of skill and exceedingly decent hand-eye coordination. In other words, I strike out on all counts. The toy will be enough for me, thank you very much
  16. Yes, but Graham gets upset when we do that
  17. Hey, that's better than removable legs, isn't it? Can anyone show me where on this toy the folded-up Cyclone goes?
  18. I love the colouring on this pic. Very good, Rariry. Still love your work
  19. I dunno what sets me apart from nearly everyone else on these boards, but I had a damned fun time at that film. It was a very fast-paced movie, sometimes good and sometimes bad. There were no spots that dragged for me or made me want to push the fast-foward button (unlike Spider-Man 2, which I hated most of), and in fact there were several spots that I wanted to see again becaues it was so cool. I hardly noticed just how much time passed between sitting down and the end credits rolling (which is more than I can say for any of the LOTR films, which make you painfully aware of just how long you're sitting there for). Now I'll agree that it's no work of masterful filmmaking, but nor is it the smoldering pile of garbage that it's been labled as. There are homages to each of the franchises that gave birth to it, if only by a spoken line or a specific camera angle. Little caveats for the fans who've been following the franchise in the comics and novels and even the games, and other little touches like that are what make it a fans movie in addition to a good summer popcorn flick. Is it a better movie than Spider-Man 2 or LOTR? Not by far. Is it enjoyable? Damn straight it is. Will I see it again? As soon as I can. I'll be kind and wait for some time before covering some spoilery issues that have been raised in this thread, but that really shouldn't take long given how packed the theater was tonight. I talked with the teller lady and she said that nearly every show had sold out. Gives hope to a sequel with Colonial Marines
  20. Damn straight you should I already parted with $160 USD for these guys. You can part with half of that with no problems
  21. If it's possible to elaborate on that without spoilers, could you please do so? ie: is "rock-tackular" a good thing or bad?
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