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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. And you're complaining? I'm married, not dead. Somehow the screams of women and seeing them run from the theater freaking out made it more enjoyable. Indeed. I went alone when I saw The Ring in the the theaters. By the end of the movie, I'd had my arm glomped no less that three times by the girls sitting beside me
  2. Didn't know he did the character designs for Mospeada and Southern Cross, and even if he did, so what? All the official artwork and character designs I've seen for SDF: Macross have all the characters, especially the women, as androgenous blobs only given gender by their Voice Actors. EDIT: And yes, the "SDF-4" is an ugly, ugly thing that shouldn't even be seen on celluloid.
  3. Odd. I think that about almost all of Mikamoto's designs for SDF: Macross. Minus the needle, naturally.
  4. One for me (that hasn't been done to death on this list) would have to be the old 80's Hercules cartoon, with that stupid centaur. "Hey, Herk!". Ugh.
  5. Just came back from the Sneak Preview, and the movie was hilarious. But the Puppet sex scene was there, and it was pretty graphic. When I said "trimmed out", I meant the scene was shortened, not deleted. The puppet sex scene on the final cut is less than 40 seconds long. Do they make Viagra for puppets? That might help...
  6. I've been reading Macross & robotech forums for more years than I care to admit....suffice it to say, that's always been a popular robotech fan opinion, and one thats supported by the extreme lack of technical explanation in robotech in general. Especially pre-HG's attempt to rip-off Macross stats after completely & totally ignoring them for almost 20 decades. Actually, I've seen the Macross forums and tech specs that have said the -1S had improved engines, avionics, etc. over the other two styles. Most of the "official" Robotech stats (and you're right, those are sorely lacking) say they're identical save for the number of headlasers.
  7. Not really, since those are both VF-0Ds. You really don't get it, do you? Your complaint was that Shin got a Valk that was somehow "unique" becuase he was the hero of the show. Those screengrabs show many other VF-0D's, showing that Shin's valk is completely run-of-the-mill. Cory Holmes = owned I stand corrected. You're right, I was wrong in that statement. I didn't realize that there were other VF-0Ds. Just out of curiosity, how many VF-0s DID they make? And Where do you people come UP with this crap? Where is said that the VF-1s in Robotech are different because of styling? Because where else can the mecha progress to? Look at how insanely powered the Macross Plus (and by extension, the more advanced Macross 7) valks are. What will the next generation be capable of? Self-folding without a booster? Carry 200 micro-missles? Maybe it'll be mounted with a mini-Main Gun. My problem is that there's little room for the mecha to grow without going totally into munchkinism, in my opinion. That was in response to another poster on RT.com, who was saying the Alpha's 60 missles was unfeasable, but the Q-Rau and YF-19 were perfectly alright. The context is totally off when that response is viewed without the question. I view the Overlord the same way I do the Koing. Neat, but wholly unneeded and really suplurfluous. They were both designed, "just 'cuz" and have no real in-story need behind them, which is something I don't like. And I do. I hold Robotech to the same standards I hold Macross to. I am just as critical of (believed) errors in both shows, since I feel that they're capable of being so much more than what they are. Is that so wrong? I admit that I was wrong about multiple VF-0Ds, but the rest of my comment stands to reason, I think. For a plane that wasn't supposed to be combat-ready and rushed to become so, there's a heck of a lot of support for them. Armour packs, different gun pod, valk-mounted drones, etc. And it still has the A, D, and S styles, which I find bizzare for a "rush job". If the D-style was meant to be a testbed for a delta-wing style valk, I can go along with that, but I've not seen anything that states as such on any "official" source. Bah, no offense taken. This is a conversation, and so far no personal insults have come from you; so no harm, no foul. No, I've just spent the last 18 hours straight at work, so no time to come here and listen to you spout off about how stupid I am for enjoying Robotech. I come here becaues I greatly enjoy Macross Plus and SDF: Macross. Does that mean I'm not wanted here because I won't toe the Anti-Robotech rhetoric that seems to be in the TOU for these forums? I always thought MacrossWorld was here for discussion of Macross, no matter what the series. If I'm wrong in that regard, let me know now.
  8. something uve despised about Macross?... or Macross Zero? Hikaru's VF-1J wasnt a night and day diff from the other mechs. just a diff head and diff color scheme. The problem I have with that is that Hikaru got the -1J right out of flight school, when the all-mighty Compendium states: The only reason he got it in the first place was because he was the hero of the show and needed a different mecha from all the rest. Had he been assigned a -1A when he graduated, then picked up the -1J after Mars (and his promotion), then moved onto the -1S when he took over for Roy, I'd be the happiest fan on the planet. But he skipped right over that -1A class, and I don't like that. I only bitch about SOME things. Just the details, since I'm a perfectionist by nature.
  9. Flamebait much? I won't even dignify this (or you) with a response. ... I don't think its possible for me to be more dignified than I already am. Modest too, I see.
  10. Welcome to MacrossWorld Heck, if you think this is bad, just wait until a comic book or video game movie is announced. Or any sort of "cult" movie, for that matter. Then you'll see some REAL harshness
  11. My problem is not with having prototypes or unmanned drones or whatnot. I actually like that. One reason why I like Macross Plus is because the mecha are bleeding edge technology when compared with the rest of the Macross universe. My problem is that Macross Zero has gone overboard. EVERYTHING is "prototype" and "special use". To me, it means that the producers and designers have gone with new stuff simply for the sake of having new stuff in the show. I mean, they even had a prototype full armour system for the VF-0 to use. Why not use the regular system? Because they could design something new and maybe sell a product off of it. Do I mind the unmanned drones? Hell, no. I like them. I like 'em a lot. It's a good, "realistic" desicion. I dislike the fact that they're being launched from the VF-0. I mean, the VF-0 was supposed to be rushed into production to fight the SV-51. Like I said before, it's got a helluva lot of support behind it. Not only do they have three seperate styles of fighter, one of them is completely different! The delta-wing design we see on Shin's VF-0 is there simply to make the hero mecha different from the "cannon fodder" mecha; and that's something I've always despised about Macross. It'd be like giving Luke Skywalker a different X-wing during the Death Star run just to show that he's the hero of the movie. Different paint schemes is alright, and even believable. A wholly different mecha? Not my cup of tea. Same thing with the Monster. Why is a "prototype" of that mecha showing up in Zero? Just because the people in charge saw a chance of making a new (and hopefully marketable item. Flamebait much? I won't even dignify this (or you) with a response. Entirely untrue. I rip on some Robotech mecha just the same. (VF-055 Devastator and Shadow Dancer Cyclones are my favourite target). I simply refrain from bringing them up on MacrossWorld because I like to talk about Macross here. I save the Robotech discussions for RT.com and other sites, unless someone else brings it up on here. In no way, shape, or form did I "cream my pants" over the Overlord mecha. I just said it looked neat. I'd have to see it in action before I can make an opinion. Oh, I bitch about those a lot. Check out the Warzone on RT.com and you'll see me go off on that. I just haven't had the chance, or reason, to bring it up here on MW.
  12. If you don't like, why are you watching ? Actually, I stopped watching after Episode 3. Just gave up on the whole series after that, but I still keep an eye on what's going on, to see if it's worth my time at all to try to get back into it.
  13. Actually, even some real world plane did carry drones. Results weren't satisfying, but someone tried it. FV That doesn't make it any less rediculous. I mean, for a bunch of fighters that were reportadly rushed into service and production, they have a remarkable amount of support equipment to go with them. Also, *everything* in this show seems to be "prototype" or "special version" and I don't like that.
  14. The Thinking Cap was also used to help the very fine details like balance, manipulation of the fingers, and all those other little details that it takes to run a giant robot.
  15. It's called the Badlander in Saber Rider. It SHOULD be called "Badass", because that's what it is Though I did enjoy how that fight eventually became hand-to-hand. That was cool.
  16. Do my eyes decieve me, or is that a Victory-class Star Destroyer in the background of that space battle pic?
  17. Devistator from Transformers. Always will be the greatest.
  18. My first thought. The point of transforming is the idea of a change in function. There is none here. vinnie So basically, they took a Tread, a Gurab mixed with a Iigau and a Gosu and came up with that? Nobody said it had to make sense
  19. I remember loving the armour designs for each of the characters. Normally I hate stuff like that, but in this case, I couldn't get enough of it. I especially loved the cowboy hat for Colt's armour. Sort of like knights of the old, each had his or her armour designed for them and them alone. That was pretty darned cool, I say.
  20. For some odd reason, the words, "Holy Mother of God" are what springs to mind when I look at that beast.
  21. Heh, I bought mine for US$3 yesterday, boot of course not original as I have no intention of supporting HG Graham So when are you gonna tell us what you think of it?
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