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Posts posted by vlenhoff

  1. 6 hours ago, sqidd said:

    Yes, for sure. This, the Supra and 90's RX7.....with an LS swap.:D

    Oh yeah.

    4 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    My friend and I were really into Z's back in high school. I bought his 280Z from him when he got a 300ZX from the 80s. Then he sold that and got a white 300ZX from the 90s that looked just like that. Then he rammed that into the back of a pick up truck, and no more Z's for him (he was fine, but his parents wouldn't let him buy another one).

    Sometimes I think about getting one of the new 370Zs, but they don't seem all that great tbh.

    that sucks :ohmy: Yeah, almost sold my car to get a 370z, but idk. Maybe it is the design or something. i mean , it is not ugly , but meh. With that said i do still like them. I do think the styling on the 300zx was superior. Also the 350z was not bad.

    1 hour ago, Slave IV said:

    My favorite from that era were the Supras and RX7s. But I also love the Eclipse/Talon/Laser. Those little things with AWD were wicked! I would say the Subaru 22B but for some reason, I put that in an entirely different category. 

    The 22B is my >unicorn.jpg.cf0021a54d051edff02bb71221a214d7.jpg

  2. Just now, beatsing said:


    @vlenhoff, did you look at Bandai's model kit a few years back?  They did the lineart where the legs swing down, and detach from the chest with "appendages" that reattach to the nose cone.  it didn't sell well.  The model kit, like many of their Macross model kits, aren't for the feint of heart.  But also a lot of peeps don't like the partsformers, and like the perfect trans.  


    I am lost. Why do you call it parts former? The current DX also detaches or splits at the bar. Why are you not calling the DX parts former? I know the bandai kit failed, but that mechanism, as seen in the animation, is not parts forming. Since the part is attached one way or another to the toy while being transformed. 

    As i understood the "appendages" swiveled, delivering and locking the legs to the waist, then they would detach. I don't think that qualifies as parts formers. The original Yamato V1, were parts formers.

    I think bandai could effectively do this today.

  3. giphy.gif.864dc05c256996f0f2d9bef111edcb46.gif

    Yup, I had no idea this existed, lol.

    Hey diecast gurus, i got a question for you. Is there a batman figure that could fit inside the 1:18 Hotwheels batmobile? Or if it doesn't fit, would it look good standing next to it? I saw one at the beginning of this thread, but i think that batman figure cost a little chunk of bills. 

  4. 12 hours ago, jenius said:

    My review of the Gnu Dou precedes my fanatical measuring days but I did find a comment in the article:

    GNU Dou is roughly 13.5CM so it’d be like 1/115 scale. The Hi-Metal came in at about 17CM or 1/91 scale.

    Wow, i was completely off! I got confused there. Thanks so much Jenius! Thanks for all the video reviews. I often look at them for reference.

  5. Wow @sqidd that's some great run you had there! I have never seen the world at 200mph in a land vehicle, it must be crazy fun... and scary, lol. Specially in a motorcycle. I love riding bikes too, but sadly you can't predict everything on the road. I am personally done with motorcycles, TBH. Not only everyone around  you is too distracted or not paying attention, it is also the elements that take the fun out of it. It was always too hot, or too cold, or too rainy. Or the rocks and hitting your skin and making you bleed. Or the feeling of rain needling your skin at 60 or 70 MPH. Or the time a Styrofoam cooler flew off a truck's bed, and it went up in the air spinning, only to suddenly land on my front tire, exploding instantly in a million tiny bitty pieces. Chances are if i tried to avoid it, I would have killed myself in dense rush traffic. Or the time this car cut right in front of me, and it almost made me crash. I caught up immediately to give the driver a piece of my mind, only to discover it was a actually a Nun. I said nothing, I just looked at her angrily, and went on my way. She definitely didn't see me, or it was a motorcycle hating nun, who knows. Or the time there was oil in front of the gas station i was arriving at. It was night time and it was rainy, so no chance see it was there. A truck had just left that gas station and it was leaking massive amounts of oil. Or at least that's what the gas station attendant said as a defense, while i was nearly yelling at him, for having such a nasty spill all over the station.  I loss control of the bike, only to regain it as i nearly crashed. Cars are my thing now, i am not going back to bikes. 

    Honestly i felt like i was paying for the darn thing, and i was using it too little. It is an unforgettable feeling of freedom and near immediate speed, while you are holding for dear life, and i'll never forget that. Honestly I don't feel my life is worth someone else's addiction to texting.

  6. Just now, tekering said:

    If it had been intended as a joke, it would've been at Tatsunoko's expense, for having to farm the work out to other studios with lower production standards.

    Sometimes the mecha was so poorly-rendered, it was practically unrecognizable...  <_<


    LOL, Definitely a group of "monsters" as in ugly! OMG these things are hideous!

  7. Just now, Sanity is Optional said:

    I’m just wondering what I’m doing right over here, since all 4 of my DX digs seem to hold together quite solidly without sagging or disconnecting swing bars.

    Don't you have to be super careful for the swing bar to remain in one piece during transformation? 

  8. Just now, beatsing said:

    Yup, same here.  I saw a reviewer set the legs on a table so the weight doesn't strain the joint (@jenius, maybe?) but it'll still pop out.  This kind of fit problem should have been dealt with at the testing (and redesign) stage.  I've fiddled with it a lot, and the top part vs the bottom part is never really flush to both the top of battroid and the cockpit connector, unlike the yammie which is flush even though it has a little give.  I wonder how many prototypes broke at the swing bar during testing.  

    It's still an awesome product, but this part of the transformation process is really important as it's weight bearing.  

    Looking at the clear plastic adaptor for the stand, it's obvious that it encloses the swing bar connector to support it.  without it, leaving it in battroid mode for extended periods of time would put a lot of strain on it, and sitting on a shelf, the top half would nose dive when the joint disengages.  If that weren't the issue, Bandai didn't have to make the adaptor enclose the swing bar joint to lock it in.  This is something I haven't seen much discussion about online (although I don't speak Japanese, so I don't know if they have discussed it), just comments about the stupid disengaging swing bar.  But not much about the "bandaid" of the adaptor, or that they could have designed it differently.    

    Yup, I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but this is my main issue with the DX. LOL, i love the "bandaid" comment, as it is accurate.  We were so close to the near perfect Valkyrie. I know this has been discussed before, but i wish Bandai would have gone the line art way. Where the legs swing down, and they detach from the chest, and reattach to the nose cone. Or simply do it the HMR/Yammie way, as a solid bar and call it a day. I wonder if someone[shapeways] could make a solid swing bar that could replace that flimsy break away swing bar.  

  9. Just now, beatsing said:

    This DX is lots of fun right now, but that plastic/metal swingbar might be an issue down the road.  And the arms probably will droop more too.  I'd rather Bandai not swivel the waist and have a solid swing bar, solid metal bar on a metal bracket because metal on plastic will eventually put too much weight on the plastic.  

    Agreed, I don't like the swing bar as it is in the DX. It is like transforming something made out of glass. It sort of takes the fun out of it, doing a balancing act so the darn thing wont come apart. I can transform any of my 1/48 Yammies with my eyes closed. You try doing that with a DX, it is impossible. That is the testament of the Yammies, fun, well engineered Valkyries. [except for the shoulder thing on the early 1/60]

  10. Just now, beatsing said:

    The arms sometimes droop in fighter mode; I think others pointed this out back when the 1j came out.  On my Max, it does it sometimes and takes some fiddling to get the arms/legs/backpack/gun all tight, bcuz when you move one thing, the others shift thoses fore arms off of the pegs.  The yammie didn't have that problem even though it came out a decade ago, and mine are still tight enough.  It's a small issue but noticeable compared with transforming the Yammie.  

    I agree for being a 10 year old design, it is mighty solid in all modes. 

  11. Just now, beatsing said:

    A swing and a miss.  Haha.  No idea.  The fact that the yammie 1/60 v2 arms stay in place is another issue that the DX has that even with the pegs, doesn't stay pegged but the yammie is solid.  I also liked that little hook for the backpack in battroid mode.  

    HA< i haven't noticed the arm thing in mine. Funny, I actually dislike thet little hook thing in the Yammie, 1/60, and I never use it. 

  12. Just now, beatsing said:

    IIRC, it was bcuz some peeps had a hard time getting that swing bar into / out of the connector on the bottom of the cockpit.  Mine works fine, though, so I don't speak from experience.  The DX swing bar isn't totally flush with the cockpit, I think because of the part that goes from the back and clips to the inside of the chest in battroid mode.  I think Bandai knew about this problem, added to the problem of the weight from the heavy legs, and the torque, so they made the swing bar have a release part.  The swiveling waist seems like an afterthought.  If Bandai had designed it around separating the swing bar just for more waist swivel, they should have made the swing bar attach better, like on the Yammie as you pointed out.  

    No, i am referring to the rear part in fighter mode. In fighter mode, where the back pack meets the legs. It has nothing to do with the swing bar. 

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