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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. Yeah when I picked up Drift, the Animated section had only a bunch of Ratchets. Looked like the scalpers had already hit it.
  2. I'd like an Arcee fig, but I'm not a big enough fan to pay that much for one. I found Peg/Drift on Friday night. Panel lined him. Really great poseability.
  3. Yeah that looks fairly tidy, as kibble goes.
  4. Just FYI, I tried to click on your sig line and the link doesn't work. I'd hate for anyone to be deprived a look at the "Dobber" scheme SV-51.
  5. io9 has a pretty favorable early review: http://io9.com/5594440/it-was-awesome-first-impressions-of-the-scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world
  6. Yep. Not interested at all. Blecch. In other news, I got Universe Thrust from BBTS. I don't usually like paying their prices and shipping, but I have very little luck finding new TFs in my area, and didn't want to miss out. Dirge comes out this fall, and then all I need is for Hasbro to finally release Thundercracker and I'll have all the seekers.
  7. I think what's bugging me is that you've got the destroid's shoulders at Cammy's elbows. Kind of throws it off, IMO.
  8. While a Falcon-sized Tantive IV would rock, I'd love it if they did a slight revision to the Falcon. My big beefs: - Hallway to the cockpit. There's even room for it and they just blocked over it. - Folding landing gear. Even the original toy had that. Those new poseable figures look pretty cool, though.
  9. I really want to like Defender (Springer). His 'bot mode looks great. I love the storage for all the weapons. Unfortunately I just can't get into his alt modes. They both look lumpy and junky to me.
  10. Saw it last night. I thought it was really fun. I really enjoyed how it felt like they were moving toward the larger Marvel universe.
  11. No way, man. I missed out on G1 Thrust back in the day. I'm going to buy Thrust so hard it'll register on the Richter scale.
  12. I'm really enjoying the War for Cybertron designs, and I am going to buy Thrust so HARD.
  13. I know you're talking about the old school look, but the movie armor is based heavily on the Extremis armor from the comics. They even hired Adi Granov as a conceptual artist for the first movie. Extremis is a pretty good story, too. I recommend picking up the trade paperback if you're interested.
  14. I haven't played in a couple of weeks. I've maxed out two Fed characters. Not really interested in Klingons. I'll probably check back in when they get some new content.
  15. Grand Admiral


    Here's the 1/48 "Masterpiece" Jetfire I made for a buddy of mine. Stickers from Reprolabels.
  16. I played the Infected "raidisode" mission yesterday. I came away with a mix of feelings. Some bits were good, others not so good. I feel the rewards aren't worth the effort. Anyone else done it? Thoughts?
  17. I'm pretty sure getting quests is tied to your level. Just grind some of the Defend or Explore missions until you hit LtC 5 and I bet some new missions will show up. I don't bother with collecting anomalies because right now, the Memory Alpha stuff takes so long to collect for that you'll have better equipment by the time you unlock the higher tiers of items. I think that's something they need to re-spec.
  18. You're not using a straight Saber class. you're using a Saber with the Ushaan nacelles. No problem there. The problem lies entirely in the Saber nacelles.
  19. The starboard nacelle is too far forward. You cannot unsee it. I would be using the Saber right now if the model wasn't f'd up. One thing I have noticed is that some people in top tier ships have made the mistake of switching to top tier weapons that they haven't spent skill points in. Using a weapon type matched to a skill, Phaser Weapons, for instance, will give you lots of extra damage versus using a weapon in which you haven't spent skill points. All weapon types of the same level do the same base damage, and only their secondary effects differ. So an Admiral using phasers with a maxed phaser skill is going to do FAR more damage than he would if he were using another beam type in which he hadn't spend any skill points. If I recall correctly, the base damage of my MkX phasers is around 180, but with my maxed skill I do over 500 base damage. (Numbers estimated because I'm at work )
  20. I started over, trying Tactical in an Escort. I really dislike the LtC level Escorts. I would use the Saber class, but one nacelle is WAY off from the other one. You can't unsee it. Anyway, here's my ugly little ship. Can't wait to get to the next tier. Here's a couple of pretty screenshots with my Star Cruiser. I think I may have found the least shovel-y look for it.
  21. Heh. I hit max level the other day. There are "epic" level weapons and equipment you can grind daily missions for. I've been doing that lately and also helping some friends level up. Once a buddy of mine makes it to top level we're going to both start new characters and try different ships. Since I chose Engineering and Cruiser, I think I'll try Science next. Cryptic should be releasing the first "raidisode" epic-level quest soon.
  22. Nice to see that Mindwipe looks that good in jet mode. I might have to look for one.
  23. Here ya go. Looks pretty much like the Sov in profile.
  24. New screenshots for today: Been playing with the Sovereign class design a bit. I swapped in the hull, neck and pylons from the Noble class. I like the larger deflector and wider look of the pylons, but I wish the pylons didn't have the little gaps and holes in them.
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