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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. It was a DYRL version but it was like $1000!
  2. Check this out. http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...pic=111349&st=0 Could be very interesting!
  3. Wonder if they'll make 1/6 dolls of the Macross "ladies" .... 410018[/snapback] Lady dolls - that's never gonna happen.
  4. Thats better. Damn EXO logging in on my computer with his grubby fingers.
  5. hirohawa

    More Cms Figures

    Isn't that ironic? Don't you think.
  6. I agree. Also you officialy have the coolest avatar on MW.
  7. Abuse of executive privelages and a party pooper. You're suspect >EXO<.
  8. The HCMs are really cool. One day I'm gonna pick these up.
  9. Nah. Those guys are out of my league
  10. Got this over the weekend from Fatalist. I am very pleased.
  11. Yeah but you can't S-S-S-S-Stack and attack valkyries now can you. I feel very sad for fans of Wheeled Warriors simply because that cartoon sucked. 380305[/snapback]
  12. I love the original Takatoku Grey 1S. I wish Yamato would make the 1/48 like that.
  13. Those are not recasts they are an original sculpt of the DYRL hands done by Eternal D himself. Not to shabby either. Come to think of it where are my LOW VIZ DYRL hands.
  14. hirohawa

    1/48 Gbp

    That is cool!
  15. I would be down for a couple of these. Probably a 1S and a 1A. Thanks
  16. The CF has white legs painted brown and white upper arms. Well, the brown intake covers and feet do seem to be a better choice to use with the camouflage than the standard grey ones. 374200[/snapback]
  17. I hate them. I'm only going to get 4 of each. The stealth is pretty cool and I BET THE LVII looks better in person.
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