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Posts posted by kkx

  1. hi,

    I have messed up one of the "danger intake" decal yesterday. Planning to reprint one on while decal paper instead of buying another box.

    So I will looking for a scan of the decal sheet. But can't seems to find any anywhere.

    I know this is not the best loved model, if anyone have a box of either the 0A or 0S, can you please help? :(

    If anyone is interested, here is my amateurish mistake:

    - bad position on decal placement the first time

    - soak parts in water till decal detach: a bit impatient, so push decal using brush, cause very slight upward bend on edge

    - adjust decal to correct position

    - apply microset

    - after 1 min, see that edge still curved up slightly: rush to apply micro sol at edge

    - decal started to roll up: panicked : apply more micro sol and press with brush

    - end up with a roll up tube shape decal: totally destroyed

    I think the soaking had removed all adhesive from the decal, so while the decal shrink after I applied micro sol has nothing to stop it from rolling up the decal.

    I really want to complete this kit, had been working on it for a while. Can anyone help?


  2. Wonderful build.

    I was thinking of getting the hobbyfan recast a while ago, but spend my budget on other things.

    Now, I must get one. But seems like your build has cause many to order from hobbyfan, their stock is runing low.

    The shipping cost given at check out (to UK) is 45USD....

    Anyone know where to buy this kit with a more resonable shipping charge?

  3. After seeing all the post and pic here, I wanted a VF-25 so much.

    Finally, I manage to acquire both 25F and 25S at one go.

    A shop here in Tokyo is selling at 3300 yen each. That is pretty amazing price, wish I could get more, but I am limited by luaggage space.

    When I visith the shop on Monday, there was about 40 25S and 25F, but today all the the 25S is gone, bar 3 (now is 2) but there are now about 80 25F instock.

    I think bandai produce lots of these, but the 25S is still selling like hot cake it seems.

    Can't wait to get home and start on these two baby. Still can't decide if I will paint them or not (worry about paint scratch during transformation)

  4. I try to resist the tempatation to start more then one or two new kits before I finish my current project.

    I can't multi task well and I will mess up my work if I have too many project going on concurrently. :(

    For the problem of too many boxes of model waiting for me to work on it, I do have a sizeable collection that I think I will be hard put to finish in my life time. Got to stop buying models.

    One solution to this problem is to sell some off. But I find it very hard to let go of any of my hard won collection.

    Anyone wants to buy these:

    VT-1 super ostrich (GBP 22)

    YF-21 (GBP 21)

    VF-1J valk (GBP 17)

    VF-1J max and millia special edition (GBP 27)

    I live in UK so postage to US could be costly, but UK based member will benefit from cheap shipping and no VAT problem.

    Please help me reduce my back log.

  5. Ai-kun IS a Vajra... it's been hinted for a long time now. First time was in episode 9 i think, when we first saw a Vajra egg hatch and 3 glowing eyes inside, then it immediately shifted the scene to a shot of not yet named Ai-kun.

    In this episode, aside from just seeing the familiar green tail and fur when the egg hatched, you saw an Ai-kun on Leon's screen, togther with a red lobster type.

    And him tearing up paper planes is some nice foreshadowing ^_^

    I just had a feeling, don't remember any facts to back it up.

    Wow, didn't know that there are already so many hints given. Thanks for pointing these out. I totally miss the red ai-kun shape on Leon's screen. Not as observant as you are.

    Ai-kun's relationship wil Ranka will bear some significan in later plot definately. I am really curious now. :) Interesting plot coming up.

    Somehow I find it hard to imagine the cute Ai-kun turning into a vicious red lobster. It will turn out to be a suprise for many unobservant viewer like me. :)

  6. Thanks for the link. Is this your business? If it isn't, have you used samueldecal.com before? I'm keen to place an order but wondering what the quality is like.

    I goot a set of virgin road replica decal from Samuel.

    Good service and friendly. The quality of the decal is decent, much better then I expect after I seen some ALPS decals.

    The white register well and the color ditering is very good. Image quality is sharp.

    the only problem I have is they got the size wrong. My 1/72 set looks more like 1/100. I have informed samuel and I hope he had fixed this for the virgin road set. Not sure if this apply to the other macross set.

    I have heard very good review of samuel from the Gundam community.

  7. With the VF-25's, they could possibly be more expressive due to the EX-Gears. For someone as experienced as Mikhail, it pretty much must be second nature.

    Off course, mecha control has always been one of the more vague parts of anime.

    A lot of anime suffer from vagueness in giant robot piloting. Gundam being one of the most obvious one for me.

    The Macross series up to MF have the same issue, apart from Omega-1 that have BDI.

    I think, from our current technology outlook, only something like BDI is cabable to making what we see in anime possible (what Michel did when talking to Klan in ep 9).

    From the top of my head, only two other anime sort of give a sensible design for pilot interface to giant robot, Fafner and Evangelion. The are based on something similar in nature to BDI.

    The original VF-1 have only pretty standard cockpit control very much like a general fighter jet. But somehow the pilot seems to be able to control the battroid mode VF-1 to do pretty niffty things. :) When this happen, I just think "anime magic".

    I am thinking the same for the power system and actuators for moving parts. The VF-1 battoriod will need some pretty advance actuators to allow it to do the things we saw. But generally with some advance tesch, not impossible.

    I am quite interested in the SWAG system. I could be wrong, but somehow I have the impression that it have something to do with feeding power to the armor to allow more "strength", like to with stand some of the more minor "bullet".

    Talking about bullet and missile, I have also seen unlimited ammunitions from older Macross series. The newer one are a bit more realistic (by our current technoligy standard) in comparison.

    Weapon system is one area that is quite interesting too. How does it works. I don't think all weapon in Macross are ammuniction based. Some are clearly energy based, but it is not 100% clear to me which is which.

    Michel's big gun seems to be energy based. And most of Macross-zero system are ammuniction based it seems (apart from the bird-man at the end).

  8. Amazing. 11 days!!!

    I took 6 months (well, there are many longs pause in between, but still) to complete mine and it didn't looks as good as yours. I have a lot to learn from you.

    Congrat, at this rate you could have a full set of Hasegawa macross kit soon. Keep it up man. :)

  9. Update: Drilled details.

    Here is the box art of some drilled holes in the front of the aircraft.


    Because the details are so shallow, and I was afraid I would sand them off, I drilled the three holes underneath the canopy. This adds some depth and detail to the heavily sanded front end (I was never any good at sanding, but I'm getting better.) I also drilled the holes behind the canopy for more depth, much like what I did with the VF-0D, except I didn't drill all the way through. Just enough to get some depth into this area.


    Great idea. I wish I drilled mine when I build it. :( Well will apply your tirck for the next kit of SV-51 then.....

    I have seen somewhere else that it is good to apply a thin plastic card cut to the right shape for the raised details on the side of the nose cone. They are a bit thin. Doing this will make the edge look shaper. You might like to consider this.

    This same trick can be applied to the arrow head shaped raised detail on the side too (the one with the hole in the middel, with a seam line that is a big pain to fix). Cut a thin plastic card and drill a hole in it. Sand the original away and glue this card on. Looks much better when this is done in my opinion.

    I tried to sand the seam line in the hole, took me a lot of effort and still didn't look good. I wish I know this trick when I am building mine, again hope to use this on the next round. :)

    Great build up, learned some very useful trick from you. Thanks.

  10. People have mentioned already that we don't see "cannon fodders" being deployed and don't get a sense of how large the scale of the battle was. We get blue and red streaks flying about to represent cannon fodder vs enemies. We only see Skull Squadron in action and only barely seeing Pixie and Koenig Monster haxx0rz so it seems like they were the only ones participating in the battle. Should've shown more cannonfodder blowing up, nameless pilots screaming, etc. But i like how Skull are depicted as an independent special forces team, save Alto and Luca being reckless.

    I also feel that there is very little actual "dogfight" sequences for such a battle. It is a great ep, but I feel that for such a big battle, maybe a bit more "action" is to be expected. But I still love this generally.

  11. I'd probably buy 3 of each variant and permanently pose them in the 3 different modes o.o;;;;; Probably. The scary thing is I may not the only one that thought about this ;)

    After looking at the pictures of the prototype, I have exactly the same feeling. Build 3 static model in each mode. Paint chip and poor fitting seam lines doesn't make a good looking model to display.

    Damn, Bandai will earn 3 times the profit from me and at the same time maybe take over some of the perfect tranforming toy market share from Yamato (given the price advantage).

    Smart move Bandai.

    I am not happy with the lack of details, but maybe these model kit from Bandai will be a good starting point for some master here to add some details and build a superb kit.

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