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Posts posted by kkx

  1. 13 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Very nice.... If I had artistic ability, I would so be trying to paint the VF-1A.  But... I suck at that sort of thing

    I am very bad at painting too. Maybe for this style, I have more room for mistake.

    Still thinking. Will let you know once I have decided.

  2. 3 hours ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Hi @kkx

    To answer your questions, the VF-1A TV Max includes pilot figure, gun pod, 4 fixed-posed hands, 4 of the white triple missiles, and 4 of the black box missiles.

    Does not include box, instructions, sticker sheet, or display adapters... since they were not included in the eBay auction I originally got this from.

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks. That clarify things.

    Apart from the panel line and yellowing. Is there any other problems (loose joints and broken/cracked shoulder joints)?

  3. 4 hours ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Yeah.  I thought I could paint it or something, but from what I have been hearing, I probably would not be able to do a good job, given my lack of experience.

    And yes, TV Max is a v2.

    Does the TV Max come with the sticker sheet and gun pod plus other things that are normally in the box?

  4. 18 minutes ago, Slave IV said:

    Thanks! I don't think you can go wrong for under $20. It gives a nice additional option for looks on these VF-1s that most of us have a bunch of. Just a warning that you should keep an eye on your order status because I didn't realize mine would be sent to a distribution center where I had to login and pay an additional fee to have it sent from China to the US. After a period of time, they start to charge you a storage fee and then they might eventually return the item to seller.

    Would love to pick up a set. Like you have said, just for extra option.

    But I am having trouble with the website, not easy to search. Can you provide a link? Thanks.

    Does $20 include the extra shipping?

  5. 3 hours ago, slick_bricks said:

    Totally, if I get some major $ from a settlement I'm waiting on, I might jump on it if It's still available. I don't want a ton of valks, but it would be nice to be able to display 2 modes alongside each other. :)

    I wish you luck on the settlement so that you can have more fund for Valk (this one or others).

    2 hours ago, Bolt said:

    The stealth Valks are bad a$$!


    Totally agree. I am not good with photos so shamelessly steal the effort from @tekering to show why I love the stealth so much and why you should buy one (hint, hint to anyone who is sitting on the fence about this valk).


  6. 12 hours ago, slick_bricks said:

    While we're talking about customizing 1/48 stealth valks... Any chance there's an extra Strike Cannon someone wants to sell me? Really wanna try dual-strike on mine. A + S head versions sound awesome, too, though... Inspiring. :)

    If you buy this then you will have the extra strike cannon. :)

    I wanted to keep everything new and in the box, so I am not removing the cannon, otherwise could be fun to have a photo shot of twin canon stealth.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Bolt said:

    It does look really good, I’ll give it that. 

    But I’m keeping my 1/48 collection SMALL. Too many scales already!

    It looks too good to pass.

    The 1A head and the blue/white contrast makes me drooling.

    I really hope I will be lucky with the PO.

  8. Have two of this. Was thinking of using one for a custom paint scheme, but seems a shame to "defile" such a beautiful valk.

    So this one is up for sale to free up some space.

    NIB, never transformed. Only taken out of the box to inspect and take photos. Box has a bit of wear.

    Will package securely. Any question please ask.

    Asking for SOLD before shipping (I am located in CA bay area) and Paypal fee.

    I have done a few transactions here that went smoothly.














  9. 12 hours ago, Blknblumark said:

    Just realized I did not provide an update. Amazon got the busted one back, and did refund the item, initial shipping, and 12k of return shipping. The remainder of the return shipping was applied to my account as a gift card, which I promptly spent on the HMR VF-4.  

    I have another YF-19 coming that I got for ever so slightly more than the first one. After all of the stress of having so much money in limbo went away I realized that some of the sour feelings I experienced was related to knowing how good what I no longer had was. 

    Thanks for the update. I appreciate knowing what to expect if I ever need to deal with a return to amazon.jp.

  10. 1 hour ago, Lolicon said:

    One of my copies has dried glue residue on the fuselage from a sloppy worker who didn't wash his hands properly. I don't need four so maybe I'll sell it discounted. :unknw:



    I might buy it from you for customization or weathering project. Let me know if you really decided to sell.

  11. 5 hours ago, ScrambledValkyrie said:

    Agreed, fighter mode on the VF-4 is beautiful. That’s likely where mine will stay, since I’m not as much of a fan of it’s battroid mode.

    Interesting to note that based on @sh9000‘s photo above, the VF-4 appears to be the longest HMR valk released so far.

    I also expect that I will like fighter mode the best, but after having it on hand and try out gerwalk and battroid mode, I didn't expect to find that both of them looks so nice. I might like them more (much more) than fighter mode. That was a total surprise for me.

  12. 5 hours ago, sh9000 said:



    Is that VF-25 1/100 scale? Looks nice, where can I get one?


    Edit: NV, saw Tekering's reply. It is a VF100 line.

  13. 4 minutes ago, mechaninac said:

    I got slightly Bandai-ed on the copy I received from Amazon.jp.  Whoever the sleep-deprived line monkey who assembled my VF-4 was, he/she/it used two right main body missiles (the ones that swing up from the main fuselage) so that the right side missile sits flush in the down position, but the left side, because the strut is reversed, sits about 1 mm proud of its intended recess; in the great scheme of things, it's a minor thing, but it is still frustrating because once you notice it you cannot help but be acutely aware of it to the point of it becoming a slight, yet nagging, eyesore... I have to display it showing the right side of the fighter so as to keep the "offending" side out of sight.  This may be something I could, perhaps, address by disassembling the fuselage, cutting the strut, turning it 180o and cementing it back so that the erroneous right missile's strut's curvature mimics what a correct left strut would've been and give it the correct orientation.  I think, however, that I'll wait until I have my copy from CDJ, and it that is perfect, I may just display the gimpy one in battroid, where that issue won't matter.  This has had the result of dampening my enthusiasm for this piece considerably.

    So sorry to hear about this and really hope the CDJ one will be perfect.

    My copy from Amazon.jp also has a small defect. Not as serious as yours.

    A mark was left on the bronze metallic paint on one of the shins. It looks like the part was press against something before the paint is fully dried.

    I have been trying to match the paint color with Tamiya dark copper, but it was too light/yellow. Need a bit of dark brown maybe. Alcad copper is too red.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Currently available via AmazonJP from seller eおもちゃやさん.

    12,769 yen + 1,200 yen Amazon Global Shipping to the United States (DHL usually)



    Note that the 13,791 yen price listed in the screenshot is for Japanese residents since they also pay tax... Your price in the US would be the 12,769 yen

    Just ordered. Thanks.

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