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Posts posted by briscojr84

  1. I've just been rewatching macross plus OVA.

    With regard to the "who loaded the gunpod with live ammo?" mystery, was Guld in fact guilty of having tampered with the inventory program to make Dyson look like he was trying to cheat?

    The goal of Guld's being that if he won the battroid brawl he would win the project, but (as a backup plan) if he lost he could then say Dyson had attempted a dirty rotten move (using real ammo to destroy the yf-21) and then still look good? (covering both ends - remember that just before this scene is when guld is confident that he's won myung, and all that he has to do now is win the competition so he might have had time to plan ahead)

    Or was it sharon apple who hacked into the inventory program: ie help guld frame dyson (without guld knowing what happened) so myung can sympathise with the injured guld, and that way she (sharon) can have Dyson all for herself?

    It was never really clear to me whose fault it was. And before you say that Guld must be guilty because (in the elevator scene) he wonders why is the black guy "helping him", that to me is not enough evidence that Guld actually put the live ammo in the gunpod. It could just be that he is curious as to why he is being helped by a filthy human (he is being cynical and guesses that being saved means the black guy expects a favour in return for this).

    I think it could have been sharon apple, because towards the end she reveals she is after dyson. Getting Guld injured by having dyson physically hurt him with the live ammo would allow guld to get sympathy points from myung (she hates it when they fight so she would be drawn towards the least violent one more) and then sharon can make her move unimpeded. (no love triangle if guld gets his girl)

    Guld was the one that switched ammo, and I think it had more to do with him either wanting to kill Dyson or if that didn't work Dyson killing him and being nailed for murder.

  2. No, he's right about that one point Zinjam. An episode of Macross 7 clearly shows three New Macross Class ships as part of the Macross 5 fleet (in addition to a VERY brief, and ONLY, shot of the Neo-Nupetiet-Vergnitzs class ship). briscojr84 has a picture which he has posted before that shows the multiple New Macross Class ships in the Macross 5 fleet. Hopefully he's watching this thread.

    I am but unfortunately that image is on my old computer and it needs to get the power supply fixed I'll see if I can find it on here.

  3. The VF-19A was derived from the YF-19 prototype. The model for the VF-22 was indeed the same one used in M7, only colored in more YF-21 colors....kinda (I believe they used a darker color blue of the "Max" paint scheme).

    Actually there are two models of the VF-22, the VF-22 [no added designation], and the VF-22S which the compendium says was first produced by the M7 colony for two fighters [although it should be three since Gamlin ended up with one].

  4. They also did this in SDF:M. They had those black things when the airshow was on and they didn't seem to do much.


    robot drones will never be as smart as humans. The government just wanted to save money in macross plus since they wouldn't have to pay people to fly the planes, cheapasses. Good thing dyson beat the drone boss in plus even though it had mind control powers through the use of holograms of naked women to hypnotise and confuse you. This should be a tactic of future wars they could use against the bugs, so they can get close enough to shoot them in a weak spot (the nuts) like in many arcade shoot em ups. This is how yang managed to beat the sdf-1 with dyson's: aim for the brains.

    The QF-3000E was not black it was dark blue, and they were only shown two or three times and after the air show, they are first shown taking off from the runway then flying past the SDF-1, and I forget what the third was.

    *Sigh* Watch M+ more closely, Gomez wanted to cut down on the loss of human life, that is why he was pushing the X-9 Project. And it was actually mostly the music she was using to hypnotize people.

  5. Which begs the question of whether it has any use at all.

    Does it allow colonists to see out into space? No (except when there's a battle nearby)

    Does it close quickly enough to protect colonists from battle? No

    Could it protect colony from heat of atmosphere entry? Yes, but no obvious shells on the Island modules

    It was a neat idea, but fairly impractical. What I could accept, actually is that the Islands are newer additions that have a more advanced shell system built into those ribs.

    I believe the lid is also used to project a holographic sky.

  6. Wow!

    It looks like all the colony ships are connected and appear to be named after major cities, San Francisco, Shibuya ETC.

    Love the Mecha, Love it, the CG really allows for better colorization. Kind of reminds me of Sol Bianca.

    It's nice to finally see better views of the Algenicus style vessels.

    Looks like the Bugs are really gonna be a problem, and they also remind me of an EVA at least head wise.

  7. I wouldn't go so far as to compare them to the mercenaries in Iraq, however in the most simplistic terms that is what they are: mercenaries.

    However from a Japanese point of view they could actually be more like the JSF which is a military set up like a volunteer public service branch (if I remember correctly). It's a civil servant job not contractual servitude to the military like it is in the West.

    It is entirely possible that this was intentional to demonstrate the differences between the JSF and modern Western militaries, through the differences between the SMS and Spacy.

    Just a theory of course.

    I am wondering if they are going to tie the games in closer to the anime canon of the show with this series, by drawing from what was established in the games and importing elements into the new series?

    I hope so, be nice to see some of the game ships and mecha make it into some real anime finally, that and I really want some line art of the Algenicus.

  8. Ok, I got the screen of it. I'll try to point several ship on the image below:


    1. Looks like a New Macross class colony ship

    2. A new ship, its remind me of a cruiser from Yamato series

    3. Stealth frigate?

    4. Acshio type colony ships?

    If you look at a couple of other screen caps you'll see the Maizaru/Guantanamo, look for the one with the girl looking out a window and look below her bangs, as for the Acshio Types, they seem a little large, either that or they are really close to the camera perspective, I have a feeling they are more likely either huge rural colony ships or supply growing ships, which they would probably need quite a few of if the colony consists of 10 million. The stealth frigate can also be seen in another clip, it might be the same as the one I mentioned above but I can't remember, as for the Yamatoesque ship it kind of reminds me of the Algenicus from the M3 video game.


  9. uhmmmm... Why am I getting private military contractor (pmc) vibes from the SMS? No idea though if its a good thing or bad. :-( Hmmm.... Its seems PMCs in mecha anime (see Gundam 00) are becoming prominent.



    The mature dude is giving me Roy Focker vibes as well. :-)

    Probably just following a real world trend, there are tons of private military contractors out there now, for anything from hostage negotiation to guarding water trucks for the military.

  10. Just because 1 to 2 Megaroads were launched a year, doesn't mean they were together.

    Ok, so, the Marcoss 7 was of the 37th Colonization Fleet. The Frontier is part of the 11th Fleet, but takes place after Macross 7. Or we are assuming, because of the mecha we see, but the year given is 20XX. Oh, and they seem to have lost the UN Spacy kite.

    This is all very strange.

    I didn't say they were together, I was helping to explain the disparity in numbers.

    And after looking more closely at the image of the colony ships, unless they are so huge that the buildings are size of fleas, I'm more inclined to believe that they are more likely to be farming or pasture vessels.

  11. I won't put too much effort into the thinking about why it's the 11th fleet. M7 was the 37th colonization fleet. And 13 Megaroads and 7 New-Macross obviously doesn't equal 37.

    Reading the files at the compendium it says that 1-2 megaroads were launched per year, if they did this straight on till the launch of the New Macross was first launch it would equal out to 37. Although we have up to at least 13 New Macross fleets being mentioned with the 13th being mentioned in VFX2, so it would actually be around 43 really.

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