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Everything posted by Vermillion21

  1. trust me, that's how I get through the days when there's no work to be done! 405028[/snapback] Boba, your work should never be done. The floors will always need sweeping and the bathrooms cleaning. There is also a lot of aluminum cans on the sidewalk that need collecting. 405088[/snapback] Ouch!!!!
  2. Man, I wish there were stores in southern california where I could just walk in and buy some Macross toys!! I typically get my stuff online ....
  3. Anyone know where I can get images of the box art for the Southern Cross body armour model kits? E.g., ATAC armour, GMP armour, etc? Thanks in advance.
  4. One cool thing about Southern Cross were the different body armours for each of the 15 armies ... ATAC, GMP, etc. Wish I had a set of those model kits ... And having never seen Macross 7, just how bad was it?
  5. I grew up on ST:TNG and loved it ... but like everyone else here ... I have my doubts about a new Trek flick ....
  6. Actually, he's known as R, not Q. 404799[/snapback] Ok - apologies for the oversight. But still, there should be a Q/R gadget scene in a Bond flick ....
  7. So, has anyone got their Yamato Garland toy yet? Comments? Feedback reviews?
  8. Kaos13 - If you figure out where to get one, please PM me!
  9. While I agree that the Toynami Beta will likely (make that highly likely) suck, or best case not meet expectations. Dude ... I gotta get me a Beta replica toy!!! The prospect of it being able to link up to the MPC Alpha is way too cool!!!
  10. Fly4victory - What's the Max VF-22 look like? Any pics or links?
  11. Checking the MW forums at work is too risky ... knowing myself, I'd probably get sucked in and 30 mins would fly by .....
  12. It is definitely a kit - not sure which one though. A few years ago, I found a cool Japanese website showing completed Mospeada cyclone models and saved a few of the images on my computer. Decided it would make a cool looking avatar. Thanks for noticing!
  13. Great story and I am impressed at the customer service you got, good for you mate!!!
  14. Where were you when you were writing this?? 404593[/snapback] Haha, I was wondering if anyone would catch that I was on lunch break 404682[/snapback] Ha ha ha - I've been tempted to check out the MW forums at work too!!
  15. All - Thanks for all the feedback folks and hey, I know I am just beginning to collect the 1/48 Yamatos, within my budget. Lowviz Lurker & Myk - Whoa, a little too serious, no?
  16. Are they kidding me? WTF? No Q? 404414[/snapback] Because Q is dead (God rest his soul, for 007 just wasn't 007 without him). 404418[/snapback] Yeah - but John Cleese took over in the last flick .... as the new Q
  17. Whoa - tough crowd of "critics" on this thread .....
  18. My favourite is definitely Dairugger XV, aka. Vehicle Voltron!!
  19. zeo-mare - Thanks for sharing the links to the awesome pics!
  20. Trailer looks good - then again, I was hyped for Steath too ...
  21. I think Daniel Craig is going to pull a "Lazenby" - only make 1 Bond film. Guess we'll see though, eh?
  22. I totally agree!! Unlike others, I really like Brosnan and his Bond flicks. Sure they had plots holes and were cheesy at times, but enjoyable & fun to watch ... exactly what a Bond film is suppose to do!
  23. Bump! I moved this thread, because I am a big James Bond fan ..... Are they kidding me? WTF? No Q?
  24. That's almost a 1/48 Yamato valkyrie!!!!!
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