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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. With the 1/60 Yamato pending how many M7 Bandai's are going to find their way to the dumpster? If they are dumpster bound, all I can say is "What the F**K, don't chuck!" I am sure they could find a home for the cost of shipping and handing.
  2. Yamato already proved that too much metal in a valk is bad with the 1/72 Macross Plus line so picking the VF-19K over the YF-29 is wise.
  3. I am sure it says that in Japanese on the Version 1 verses Version 2 poster by Bandai. The general idea is Version 1 sucked here are photos, thanks for your money. Here is Version 2, see much better, now give us more money.
  4. Excellent custom paint scheme. Plus the new landing gear really and to the overall look.
  5. Glad that Yamato made it and wish it had more variety and a pilot figure for the cost. Yet the price was just too high and unlike the federal government I don't have other people's money to spend and their future earning potential to squander without care.
  6. MT, It sure looks great after all these years. In few weeks hope to return to models again. Sorry that sparky had fun with your electronics. Glad your house didn't get hit. Even with spike protectors, the nightly drill is to unplug before bed.
  7. The Japanese dialogue was selectable on 1, even though I couldn't understand it that is how I played. I am waiting for the price of Lego Clone Wars to drop so any new Gundam game purchases will be well in the future. Plus always try to get the free amazon shipping. Since the Gundam games are in Japanese perhaps I can convince the wife they would be educational.
  8. Thanks. DW Gundam 3. Wow my head has been in the sand. Sad that the price of DW Gundam 2 never can down.
  9. http://www.amazon.com/Bandai-MOBILE-BATTLEFIELD-UC-C0081-Playstation-3/dp/B0041XQF3I Looks like a 30th anniversary Gundam game was released for the PS3 in Japan. Is there going to be an English/North American release or did the poor sales of Gundam Crossfire diminish our chances? Edit: Here is the Japanese home page. http://ps3-gundam.net/
  10. For those that didn't buy it the first time around it does.
  11. PSP2 is that the PS Vita in the US? http://us.playstation.com/psvita/features/
  12. Alto's death and the YF-29 being a failed experiment would be a pleasant surprise. Funny that the supporting characters of Ozma and Focker are better than the lead characters of Alto and Hikaru.
  13. Kind of like GM? I didn't buy the 27 because I bought the 25 V.1 and thought the VF-27 would still be around in the future and at a discount. I think I used that bit of money to get the Yamato VE-1. But to keep the first run greenie exclusive to the loyal few, Bandai should do a slight color change and use the original molds for the re-release. With V.2 on the way does anyone think Bandai will redo the clear "fold" version of the VF-25?
  14. Nothing to celebrate... just see another opportunity to be denied a product, such as super packs and armor, due to "this store" and "that on-line" exclusive distribution. All I want to see from this is a general release of the fold booster that can also fit both the V.1 and V.2 VF-25 and 1/60 Ghosts. A Re-release of the VF-27 would be nice and an announcement about VF-171 production... even better.
  15. No, there are times I want to shoot down the wing-man. I hope with a new Ace Combat release we see a re-release of the old Bandai Felkin model and one of the Morgan.
  16. Expansions are fine if you get it on disk and not as a download. The one option I would like to see in the new ace combat is a way to turn off the stupid chatter. It is a radio not a cellphone.
  17. "For Heavens sake girl go and put something warm on" I really miss the John Pertwee/Brigadier years.
  18. Can afford the new 19 so I will be priced out of the 17, also. The only thing I may be able to get is Alter's 1/100 FRX-99 only because it is non-macross. Since I am unwilling to part with my old stuff there can be no new purchases even if I had the money.
  19. The Bandai 1/65 VF-17 could do the "normal" Gerwalk so I hope the Yamato can do the non-canon for the 17 Gerwalk. I hope even more the price will be below $150 USD.
  20. Has anyone else bought one of these? http://www.amazon.com/Thrustmaster-T-Flight-Hotas-Flight-Game-console/dp/B001CXYMFS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1306695442&sr=8-1 It only works on PS3 games, not PS2 games on your PS3, so Ace Combat fans are SOL but the stick is on sale and it makes Hawx a bearable substitute at $15.
  21. Its just Skeletor vs Roseanna. "I have you now He-Man".
  22. Marvel/DC Pirates is the perfect answer for too many superhero movies and sequels. Just ignore Pirates 2 and 3 were ever made and 4 is not that bad.
  23. For those that bought the Ultra Fire CD with the pick now here's the guitar. It has been almost three decades since I have had a guitar and if this was to show up...well...wife prefers Johnny Cash and think I would be asked to leave if started playing "butchering to be honest" Fire Bomber.
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