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Goodman Models

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Everything posted by Goodman Models

  1. The Lead solo plane flies upside down to the rest of the team in certain maneuvers so all the the unit numbers are right side up!
  2. Smoke trail test. Will be double the length and more yellow and white at the top.
  3. Those ideas are awesome, that's where I was going with it, but I didn't know exactly how to get there! I like gun pod hard point rather than the grip.i figure it transforms!
  4. Any Macross fans attending? I will have my Angel Bird and Oberth class! And I will be bringing some Super Sanding Block sets for sale! It would be cool to meet up!
  5. Very interesting! As a space destroyer, this class would be lightly armoured and nimble with a lot of firepower. Didn't last long in the show!
  6. Thanks for the kind words! It's won a first and a second at two shows! The decals went really well with a lot of softener...then they didn't! And I was half way. I mixed paint according to the instructions and airbrushed the rest. It turned out pretty close and is hard to see the difference. If I were to do it again, I would mask and paint all of it!
  7. Here's my first completed Macross subject! I did add some ground crew since these shots.
  8. Great idea and looks very cool. Interesting info Neozod!
  9. I have a spare canopy you can have...msg me.
  10. Sizing looks awesome! It isn't called "Super dimensional" for nothing! Nice job Mike!
  11. Great job on the photos! and interesting discussion on the weathering.. I had always assumed that clean, new paint jobs would be high gloss (i.e. Blue Angels) and then worn surfaces would be dull/matte. I will investigate this concept on my 1/72 Angel Bird that I'm working on. Another important element to not forget about is scale - something in 1/35 would appear to be approx. 20' away from your p.o.v in 1/1 or real life; if you look at something like that, a car or a train, some of the 'dirt' or grim isn't visible anymore in that perspective!
  12. I thought it was well done, very watchable film and interesting concept and themes. The hand held camera added a lot of grittiness and texture. I thought it emphasized how the characters and citizens in the furthest districts were just teetering on the brink. The tributes' battle was pretty intense and pretty dark. I'm looking forward to the next one. Oh, and it was a cool homage to Battle Royal which the director acknowledged as one of his influences.
  13. I have a set of those coming! I love the hasagawa set, so we'll have to see how these compare! cheers
  14. Goodman Models


    Cool! Love the "rising sun" scheme!
  15. That is quite amazing.. it must have taken hundreds of hours to make!
  16. Hi Petar, Great job on this! I love this kind of realistic take on these subjects! I have a couple of questions for you - the Banner photo, did I understand correctly that you shot it outside? Were the rest of the shots taking in-doors with a background and some light arrangement? They look great. I've been looking for the Minmay Special kit - did you scavenge from that kit for the decals or did you find an after-market decal set? Thanks!
  17. Super job! Could you please explain more about the lighting? I'm planning on lighting up some of the 1/72 kits.
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