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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Look at the screen name; it's pretty obvious which side I'd lean towards. But even I can see where the FF series, as a whole, can be found lacking. You look at a game like FF6 that had a massive list of playable characters (Many of which had fairly involved backstories), a great soundtrack, and an even more memorable villian (who actually SUCCEEDED in conquering the world). And when you compare it to the more recent entries of the series, you can see how the series has slipped a bit in recent years. And I'm not too much of an elitist to see that Zelda is damn good series in its own right. Though personally, I've always liked Zelda II more than A Link to the Past. (I've always thought that Link to the Past was just too easy of a game to beat.) (Never played Ocarina of Time either, so I'm not exactly the best person to judge the recent series of games). As for CT, THAT is arguably one of the best RPG's ever released. Boss battles that actually force you to use some strategy and thinkin'. A hell of a lot of replay value (to get all those various endings). And memorable characters with tag-team magic/attacking techniques!
  2. ......half the battle! <singing>: G.I. JOE!!!!!!
  3. I just get the ones I like. Can't be a completist, since I'd run out of space too quickly! It's funny: When I first started collecting Yammie Valks, I said to myself, "The GBP is just too bad-ass; that'll be the only one I buy." (It was that pic that used to be on the MW front page that "seduced" me! ) But then, they re-released the Roys and the FP's. I had some extra cash. So I said, "What the heck?" Then, Kevin closed up Valkyrie-Exchange, so I took the opportunity to buy the Millia Q-Rau and the 1/60 Max. Then the Stealth popped up. And now the YF-19. And......well, you get the picture. As far as the poll goes, I usually display 'em with stickers. I don't mind putting some extra TLC into the valks. But I'm still too chickenpoop to panel-line 'em just yet.
  4. One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is that the tampo skulls on the Stealth's tailfins are flush and straight. No worries about those dreaded crooked tailfin skulls. Though, if you want the skull on the heatshield, you'll have to place a sticker or decal on there yourself. Just some more facts to make your decision that much tougher.
  5. Well, since the poll is asking which form I care about most in the development of a new toy, I'd have to say the fighter mode. Yes, it's important that all three forms are balanced and looked proportioned "right." And granted, I usually display my stuff in Battroid mode and love coming up with cool poses in Battroid mode. But there's just something beautiful and pure about the fighter mode. I may pose my VF-1J Hik' in its GBP armor, but I still absolutely love the pics I took of it looking bad-ass in fighter mode.
  6. Rather than just get pissed over this, I figured I should channel my frustrations into something creative: I used the pic Carl posted on page 2 as a starting point. Figure if it could work for MW's own UN Spacy and the YF-19, why not the Beta? Heck, I'm almost tempted to use it as my own avatar.
  7. Or maybe it's about DJ Shadow, chronicling his collaboration with Dan the Automator on "Bombay the Hard Way: Guns, Cars, and Sitars"!!
  8. Damn. Didn't realize a lot of those plot similarities between Exo-Squad and the R-word. Thanks for the detailed primer Keith. I almost forgot about that out-of-left-field, plant-folk plotline. I personally liked the military strategy aspects of Exo-Squad, like liberating Venus before going after Earth (ala the Allies going to Africa before hitting Europe in WWII). Or the Exofleet realizing they needed the pirates help, after getting PWN'ED! by the Neosapians. For an American animated series, it was definitely one of the better ones. Don't forget Keith, CN is also the genius network that decided to cancel Justice League Unlimited. Now why Adult Swim doesn't try to re-air this series? Who knows? But getting back on topic, should we expect a new "Pointy Headed Alien of the Week" from the Shadow Chronicles?
  9. Just took a quick peek at my Alpha. And what if they added the nosecone of the Beta and had it connect between the Alpha's arms/boosters? There's enough of a gap between the Alpha's legs and hip/crotch to add another connection. Maybe they could have a chunk of the Beta's nosecone lock into this gap in the Alpha? It would add another connection, and along with the underbelly connection and the "Beta chest to Alpha boosters" connections, it could make the whole Alpha-Beta connection a little more stable.
  10. I guess it's practically official now: the Toynami version of this sucker may never get made. IF Toynami's 1/100 line becomes successful (Make enemy mecha), IF Toynami's other stuff like their Cinemaquettes become successful, IF Shadow Chronicles does well, ....MAYBE, just maybe, we'll see this thing resurrected.....But I'm not exactly hopeful. BTW, if HG and Toynami do troll this board, here's my little message to them: I've bought your MPCs and waited long enough for the Beta. But your treatment of your fanbase is lacking. Perhaps if you were a little more open in your actions and far quicker with updates (like say a certain Japanese toy-maker who revealed the CAD for one of their upcoming projects), I and others like me would be more patient and forgiving. In the interim, let me just say that I've fallen head over heels in love with Yamato's products and have spent the money I'd would have paid for a Beta (or two) on Yamato's Valkyries and products. Unfortunately, this is the net result of your two companies not being timely and not actively addressing your customers valid concerns and opinions. You can consider the lost revenues from me and other dissatisfied fans the opportunity costs of your "special' brand of doing business. I honestly do hope Toynami does well and eventually makes a transformable Beta. But like >EXO< said in another post, "I'd go broke just buying their stories. " And I'm tired of sitting around and waiting.
  11. 2008 is still a bit of a ways away..... I really do hope they take their time to come up with a good script. But I ain't exactly gettin' my hopes up. Regarding that Paramount poster, you know, Bones wore blue too.
  12. I've read this like five time and I still can't make -any- sense of it. What? 419565[/snapback] Okay, this will be a little bit of a spoiler for those who haven't watch the show. But in Exo-Squad (which honestly is a damn good show in its own right), the leader of the bad guys (the Neosapians) contracts this disease that was slowly turning him into "mush." Hence, Keith's melting comment. As for the "dark matter" stuff, I personally don't know. But with the "alien invasion dealy", it wasn't so much an alien invasion as it was a "man's creation revolting against him" story. Sorta like BSG, but with genetically engineered human-like creatures instead of robots/cyborgs. As for the toyline, the toys at first were the original designs from the cartoon. Other than being mecha, I don't think you could say they were really inspired or derived from Robotech/Macross. The toys didn't transform, and most of them (not all) were just slightly-larger-than-human-sized armored mechs. It was only later, about the time the cartoon was getting cancelled (or little bit after the second season ended), that the Robotech molds and designs were included into the toyline. The Macross/Invid designs never were shown in the cartoon, but if there was ever a third season of Exo-Squad, who knows?
  13. Well, I was getting the "I'm a dead-serious, bad-ass" vibe from Leo's posing. That's usually a good sign: Dead-serious Leonardo = Good. Goodie two-shoes, "I'm the leader!" Leo = Bad.
  14. I'm all for more DCAU stories. It's too bad Cartoon Network, in all their infinite wisdom, decided to up and cancel the show. I just watched most of the second season DVD's of Justice League this past weekend, and there were definitely a number of gems in there. Here's hoping we haven't seen the last of the DCAU. The characters are just too damn good, and there's still a ton of potential stories for them to tell.
  15. I prefer the first poster (the one where Spidey's looking tired and worn down) more than this one. The first one just has more emotional "umph" to it.
  16. The Green-Haired One must have a "thing" for smart guys!
  17. Thanks for the compliments everyone. Even though it would be completely out of whack with the timeline, I'd like to think that Max in my picture is saying: "Dammit woman! Don't you ever, EVER, BURN MY COFFEE AGAIN!!!!" Nah, I wouldn't be that twisted. Besides, if you were Max, could you honestly blow the brains out of a hottie like Millia?
  18. I was in a bit of a "dark" mood when I set up this pose.....
  19. Mog

    1/48 Vf-1d Custom

    Congratulations on the wedding, Devin!
  20. As much as I wish I didn't, I gotta agree with you there. The trailer's been the biggest highlight of this summer's movie season so far.
  21. I finally got to watch the trailer last night. And I thought the sucker was awesome. Before, I wasn't all that that psyched for Spider-Man 3. But this trailer has me looking forward to Summer 2007. Maybe it's just me, but the trailer's taglines really whet my creative curiousity. What if being around all that crime and evil does wear Peter down? What kind of effect would it have on Peter's personality? What if the symbiote is just a reflection of something within Parker himself? As long as they keep most of the focus on Peter Parker and not the handful of villians rumored to be in this one, it should be an interesting sequel.
  22. Finally watched this last night. It's an okay film. And I gotta agree with a good chunk of what therealfolkblues says. Something about the whole "mass appeal" intent of film just rubbed me the wrong way. I think X2 got the right balance of appealing to the masses but statisfying the rabid fanboys. Here, that balance just seems "off." I also understand that it's supposed to be a continuation of the first two Supes movies. But I think this link really hindered the film. At times, it feels like Singer is trying way too hard to make this into an homage to the old films. Probably my biggest gripe of the film though is Lex Luthor. I realize they're going for the Lex of the old films, but I just don't find that version of Lex all that compelling or interesting. Maybe I've been spoiled by Clancy Brown's portrayal of Lex in the DC Animated Universe. But I prefer the Lex Luthor who's a cool, ruthless, and in control businessman with a drol sense of humor, rather than this flamboyant madman who likes to wear wigs. All in all, the film has its moments. But I just wasn't "Wow..."ed by it. So far, it's been a pretty average summer movie season. Haven't seen Cars yet, but there really hasn't been any standout, "Damn that was good!" movies this summer.
  23. SDF-1 (TV style) for me.............as long as it's taller than the 1/48's. Considering it's the flagship of the TV series, I'd like the toy's size to scream, "I'm the big-boss around here."
  24. I should still have that at my parents' house, in its box and everything. I was one of those kids that got more Go-Bots than Transformers. (They were cheaper, and I could buy more of them.) But I did get a few (and still have with all the parts and weapons) a few Transformers jewels: namely, Devastator and Metroplex. BTW, shouldn't this be in "Anime or Science Fiction" section?
  25. Ah yes, In the Pale Moonlight. Arguably, the best DS9 and one of the best Trek episodes ever. I agree that DS9 showed a lot of much-needed tarnish on the Federation's pristine image. But at its core, DS9 still has that Star Trek idealism and that hope for a better future. The personal growth that many of the characters go through over the course of the series shows this optimism the best. For example, Kira goes from being a Cardie-hatin' ex-terrorist to a person willing to liberate the very enemies she once swore to kill. And just as important, DS9 showed all the difficulty, missteps, and hardships that happened along the way for her, without ever destroying or neutering that "inner core" of Kira's character. So to summarize, I still think the Star Trek idealism should be present in whatever series, reboot () , or movie comes out. But it absolutely has to be balanced out by the characters struggling with that idealism.
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