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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Got my two birds last Friday. (Major, MAJOR thanks to Los!!) Definitely digging this new bird, and can't wait to customize it! (though, I have a feeling the project is gonna stretch out a bit more than I anticipate....) Going from fighter to battroid is not too bad. But it's definitely going back into fighter and putting those legs back in and inside the belly plates that's gonna be the headache for most of you folks. I forgot who mentioned this earlier, but you'll definitely want to push the upper knee/thigh joint as far back as possible. When going back into fighter mode, the whole leg assembly shouldn't look like a straight leg; there should be a noticeable bend between the thigh and the UPPER part of the knee. If the thigh and upper knee are positioned like that, then you should have no problem getting the legs and bellyplates to lock up flush and with minimal effort. Any misalignment, and you're gonna have different parts of the bellyplates and beavertail not sitting or staying flush. As far as possible QC issues, I've only inspected one of my birds. But that bird has two minor issues that I've found: I have a hairline crack on the leg section that connects to the hip joint. Not sure if they didn't put enough glue or forgot some screws, but the blue chest/cockpit section wasn't glued down on mine. When I push down for battroid mode, that outside blue chest/cockpit section can literally slide off and just dangle off of the canopy. Again, these might just be specific issues with my one YF-21. Also, I wish the head/eye could tilt down a bit more like the 1/48 VF-1's. But overall, I'm quite pleased.
  2. Great mid-season finale! Definitely enjoyed the various character montages near the end; it felt like the series had earned the right to show these scenes. And it's about time a show rewards us with the "big goal" but still give us enough episodes to deal with the aftermath and subsequent follow-up. Lastly, let me just say that instead of "Guy Love" ( ), I gotta bad case of "TIGH LOVE"!!!! Even facing imminent death, the crusty ol' bastard got a massive set of stones!
  3. Beautiful work, Swoosh. Great lighting and great pose!
  4. "Shhhhhhhhh.......Hey....hey, stop jumping the ship.....Alright?....." Oh Gaius! You slay me. You really do. A by-the-numbers, but fairly necessary, episode. Wonder how many days have elapsed since the Admiral took the Raptor out? Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to next week's episode too. Now excuse me; I have my choice of eating crow, red herring, or humble pie. And Vermillion21, instead of getting locked up, I'm thinking they were almost spaced. Edited to correct the quote.
  5. C'mon now. She probably has some lingering guilt about Gaeta's leg and that dead chick who believed in her but picked a fight with the Six. ....Damn, that pussy's huge! It needs to get worked......umm, exercised.
  6. Alright, trying to catch up like a mad muthafrakker: Yeah, it probably is a big ol' red herring. Plus, I kinda expect Three to say, "Naw, I'm just frakkin' with ya', Rossie." That would be quite awesome. At the very least, we need to see some flashbacks or maybe a deleted scene for the DVD's? Yup, Anders is the only one (of the final four; who knows where the final Cylon really is ). Tyrol was back on Galactica and got Hera outta the way before Athena did some target practice on a certain Cylon. Tigh's obviously on Galactica. And they threw in some scenes last ep, showing Tory walking around with Zarek. I'm guessing Romo was tired of being everybody's pawn. He probably thought this whole "find a replacement president" bit was just Apollo's own sneaky way of justifying and bringing legitimacy to Lee's rise to the presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if Romo also lost it a bit after his cat died. Afterall, that cat was his last tenuous link to his dead wife and family. I'm sure losing that blasted cat didn't do much to improve his disposition or his outlook on life. Throw in his obvious disdain for politics (Ha! A lawyer who hates politics and politicians. Who would've thunk it! ), and Romo probably wasn't all too pleased with Golden Boy Apollo getting another break in his life. My own thoughts: * I was almost half-expecting Racetrack to buy it when she floated over to that Raptor. * Was pretty frakkin' cool to see EJO in the whole flight-suit get-up, and to hear his old call-sign again. * Kinda wish they had shown Husker holding the old lighter and showing it to Apollo (as a reminder that he's coming back). * The Tigh/Admiral fight was cool. Even amongst your boys, you don't talk mess about their women. And if you do call your boy on how stupid and/or blind his love for his girl makes him, better get ready to throw down. * Tigh's leading the fleet?! Aww frak.......
  7. I LOVE YOU, Swoosh!! Don't worry, Dante74. I saw that you answered my question earlier. (If that doesn't bring you any comfort, you can always "bury" your sorrows in Nanase.) With that potential elbow bend, it looks like I'll be trying TWO poses once I finally get this bird.
  8. More importantly, am I about to win our little MW bet? Sorry, Roger, but, assuming no one answers them in the interim, I'll try to answer your questions later tonight or tomorrow (Gotta chill with my girl now).
  9. Aww, damn; I need some tissue. How's the elbow articulation? Can it do a solid 90 degree bend?
  10. ^^Aww crap!! We're doomed I tell you. DOOMED!!!!!
  11. As long as nothing is "scuzzy" or "dodgey" on the YF-21, I think everything will be cool.
  12. Thanks for the responses, guys! One less obstacle to deal with for my little schemes. I'm gonna have some fun once I get these 21's in my grubby little hands.
  13. I was resisting getting into this series or just acting lazy about watching the eps. Heck, I was getting to the point of feeling like, "Well, I am a fan of Macross, so I guess I'm OBLIGATED to watch Frontier." I finally caught up these past few days. And dammit, ME LIKE!! The characters are likeable enough; the story definitely feels "Macrossy"; they have that wonderful and perfect blend of songs paired up with dramatic scenes; and that sweet, sweet mecha Pr0n.... Those looking for some patented Macross action should find their fill, whether it's Alto's crazy-mofo attacking style, Mikhail's sneaky sniping, Ozma's eyeball-pointing missile barrage, or finally seeing the K. Monster whip some beyond-industrial strength whup-ass.
  14. HELLS TO THE BELLS YEAH!!! I'm glad the head and cowl can move. Thanks for the quick little review, Alex! Brief question for all of you that have this bird in-hand: please tell me that this middle piece between the belly-plate fast packs is just some miscellaneous piece for the display stand, is not required to keep the FP's in place, and is completely removeable. It's the darker grey piece with the single square and two circular holes in the middle here: Moggy's got some ideas for them belly-plates.
  15. I have some general ideas. But I kinda want to have the bird in hand before I say anything definite or set anything in stone. I'm sure the devil is gonna be in the details, especially in the color schemes for the trim areas. Though, I'm sure anyone who's seen some of my posts in the old YF-21 thread will have a good guess of what I'll be doing. Double down.
  16. Well, according to the old GI Joe cartoon, all you need to do after being massively irradiated is burn your old clothes and get healed by some Indian/shaman dude. I had seen the comments about the whole Indy and the Flying Saucer Men floating around, so I wasn't too shocked when the story headed in that direction. Still don't like the idea though. A majority of the movie just seemed to lack a certain "oomph" to it. Or worse, certain scenes or bits just took me out of the movie completely (like the CG bits in that sword fight). The movie definitely has its moments (especially the snake bit). But in summary, it just felt like a rather mediocre effort all around.
  17. Just a paint scheme. The only major modding I've done on the mecha side of things is straightening out a gunpod's placement and fixing up some landing gears. <Glares at the YF-19> Most of my customizing and modding seems to be in the 3 3/4" scale.
  18. I know they're making a "Steeler" for that Armadillo vehicle. But without his signature head-visor thingy, he's NOT Steeler. Even though I decided not to get them all, it would be nice if Hasbro released the final two/three of the original 13. Maybe as a limited release ala Doc, a store exclusive, or a comic pack. Heck, it'd be better than seeing yet another version of SE, Storm, or CC released.
  19. Such a beautiful bird!! Please tell me that head turns. It'd be awesome if the whole head and cowl can turn. But I'd be cool with just the head moving just a bit. Two YF-21's for this kupo-spouting moogle! .......All 1/60 scales, right Dante74?
  20. Yup, those old 1/60's may not be perfect transformation, but they can still do some solid poses.
  21. ^^If I remember correctly, the called it HBT. Basically, just hydrogren.
  22. Regarding the insane lengths we need to go just to find these fig's, I finally caved in and bought online the last three figures I've been eyeing (Flash, Torpedo, and IG Destro). I guess I could've waited to see if they'd release more of these two waves. Or maybe, I could've waited a year until they released their "Hall of Heroes" sets. But I have a nagging suspicion not all three of these fig's would've made the greatest hits cut. In any case, I've got the figures I want until Wave 9 comes around. Wonder if we'll ever see Hasbro release the following in this line? * Strato-Vipers (C'mon Hasbro, you know you can re-use the CG torso for these guys); * Rip Cord (Why do I feel Hasbro won't do this figure because of potential confusion with the live-action movie character?); * Tunnel Rat (And why hasn't this guy been made yet?!!); or * Motor-Vipers (The STUN was a meh vehicle concept, but something about these guys' blue-on-blue uniforms just worked. )
  23. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......hrmph ............... I guess there's other things I can do while waiting for the YF-21 to come out like: * Put the funds I was gonna use to buy the 21 into a bank or an investment and earn a little interest; * Earn some more cash while waiting; * Buy a few other toys I've been eying; * Look at the current value of the dollar and see how much more the 21 would've costed me. Again, what's the big f'n' deal? If you've already plunked down some preorder funds, would you rather your money pay for a rushed, half-assed job or nice quality product? At least, you've already paid the money and don't have to worry about coming up with $200+ when this thing is finally released. And if you're really hurting that much for the cash, just cancel your preorder, and request a refund. But hey, if you wanna stress, hem, and haw about this minor thing, you're more than welcome to burn yourself out. The situation could be much, MUCH WORSE (directs you to my avatar and signature).
  24. That's a nice bit o' Low-Viz luvin' going on there.......Nice!
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