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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Any word on when the TRU 3-packs (the Air, Sea, and IG packs) are supposed to come out? Thanks to a lucky find at Wally World, I'm actually caught up for once on my figure hunt. P.S.--Thanks to the mod who fixed the subtitle. (I thought that last "thread" would have fit.)
  2. Since the old one has gone on to the great hallowed hall of super threads (link), I figure we'd need a new thread to continue the talk, news, and rumors about all things Joe-related. Considering it was a little over a year ago that this collection first burst onto the scene, it's amazing to see how much this whole line has grown. I really should take more updated pics of my current collection. But I'll get us started with some pics of the baddest LRRP group around: After a hard day's work..... Bow Down
  3. Generally subs. There's a bit of a subtlety lost in a dub translation. Whether it's a word choice or a voice actor's delivery, sometimes a dub just doesn't get a key scene or two right. I'm not saying dubs are never good, but the chances of mistranslations and outright errors are far greater in a dub than in a sub.
  4. They don't fly. Granted, I don't think I'd wanna mess with a Monster (including the old-school one).
  5. Maybe it was rational, but he was having one hell of a challenge taking on that Ghost. Even before he busted out the Limit Break mode, Guld had already lost one of his FP bellyplates. I don't think he could've played the "delay game" with the Ghost for too long. Plus, I don't think Guld wanted to leave anything to chance. Heck, the stupid Ghost left things to chance after it "just" disabled the -21's arms and legs. Guld did the "manly" thing: he finished the job and made sure he finished it completely. ****************** As for the poll, I'm going with SDFM Roy's death. Impossible as hell, yes. BUT Roy never screamed like a bitch throughout any part of it, he lugged his ass all the way to his love, never complained, beared the pain so silently that even Claudia didn't notice, and even chilled and played some guitar. Sucking it up, dying quietly, and trying to do it in a way that minimizes your loved ones' pain: THAT'S THE MANLY WAY TO DIE!
  6. Fair enough; I'll concede those points (and the stuff that eugi just posted too!). But we definitely need to see the Detective truly doing his thing. Yes, it's fun to see Batman kicking people's asses. But it's also pretty sweet when he shows his opponents just how deadly smart he is. Stuff like in the animated Justice League series where some foreign dude is spouting off in his obscure native tongue that Batman doesn't even understand him and can never break him for info. ......Batman simply busts out the dude's native language, and tells him flat out (in the foreign language), "YOU WILL TALK."
  7. ^^I know I'm splitting hairs here, but I'd personally prefer something a little more grounded in reality. Definitely dug the way he got a fingerprint off the shattered bullet. But I'd like to see Batman doing some more good ol' fashioned detective work and out-smarting/out-thinking his opponents.
  8. Next film? Batman: Detective This is the one key aspect of Batman's legacy that hasn't gotten enough film time just yet. You know Nolan and company can do justice to the brilliant mind and forensic skills that make Batman so damn good.
  9. I may disagree with eriku about liking the CMs set, but I totally agree with the above statement.
  10. "A ninja? I didn't know we had a ninja." NOW YOU KNOW. Pure awesome!
  11. Gotta disagree with you there, jenius. As is, I liked the movie and am quite satisfied with how it turned out. The bit-too-long-length was just enough that I'm really not itching for a sequel just yet. Besides, I really don't think there's enough material and story there for Nolan & company to have split this into two movies. Need I remind everyone of the two Matrix sequels? Also, I think most of us with a good background in the Batman mythos almost expected this movie to end with Harvey turning into Two-Face and setting up the third movie. But to his credit, Nolan didn't go with conventional wisdom. And I think the movie and the overall story arc are better served by that decision. Harvey's character arc, Batman's arc, and even Joker's arc are all better served by keeping everything contained as one film.
  12. All this talk about the validity of these things and the potential ethical ramifications, and we still have asked the most important question of all.......What do they TASTE LIKE?!
  13. I think a bunch of lineart pics of the fighter linkup were posted way back on the original CMs Tread thread. But actual diagrams of the linkup in process? Haven't really seen 'em. Let me put this mildly........HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fighter linkup is the one thing where the CMs version fails miserably. I think most people will agree that the circular chest pieces of the Beta are supposed to sit flush inside the arm thrusters of the Alpha. Also, the linkup is supposed to look flush, like it's one solid fighter; not the split level abomination that we got in the CMs version. This and the more lineart accurate/boxey look of the Toynami Beta are what I've been itching for. Yeah, I'm all too familiar with Toynami's terrible reputation. But on looks alone, I personally prefer Toynami's version over CMs offerring. And deep down, Toynami knows their New Gen MPC's are incomplete. Without Rand and his Beta, the stupid picture on their MPC bookcase spines is incomplete and unbalanced. Since they like to focus on rubber tires and "forever mint" bookcases, finish your picture Toynami!!!! Build a solid, ratchet-jointed Beta, and package it in a nice little bookcase so you can finally finish off your little New Gen. picture.
  14. I really didn't get that feeling. If anything, I got the feeling that the story between Bats and Joker was about a struggle between two polar and philosophical opposites. Also, that ending with Joker is very symbolic of a certain tarot card (the Fool, I think ). Essentially at the end, when the Joker is hanging upside down on one leg, he's acting as if his view of the world from that tied-up position is normal. He acts as if his topsy-turvy view is correct; it's the rest of the world with their right-side-up view that have it all wrong. Considering how cerebral Nolan can be, I wouldn't be surprised if this ending, this scene, and that interpretation were Nolan's original intention, even before Ledger's death. In any case, I think Bats was still the center of the film with both the Joker and Dent being the next major players of the film.
  15. Speaking of the earthquake, my 1/48 Stealth 1J and my 1/48 GBP Hikky both took massive stage dives. Pieces of the armors popped off, but surprisingly nothing broke. Of course, the Roy (who shares the same bookshelf space) was still standing proudly up on the shelf, almost like nothing happened. It just goes to show you, other than a pineapple salad, nothing, not even an earthquake, can knock ol' Roy down. Oh yeah, chunks of my SW collection toppled, and two of my MPC's crumpled down on themselves. But shockingly, my main GI Joe display held up like a champ! None of the figures fell or tipped over (I only use a display stand for one figure, but that fig' is an Air Trooper that looks like he's flying). But back on topic though, don't forget how wildly spread out everything in LA is too!
  16. Nah, I'm keeping the Blackjack as a 21. If I convert her to a 22, she's gonna change into a player's (and not a dealer's) version of a "21." In case you missed the earlier link in this thread or the one in the "Hey! What are you working on?" thread, I have been posting and will continue to post work-in-process pics (including battroid pics!) of the Blackjack in this gallery here: Linky. I still won't consider this bird complete until I get to sticker her up completely and panel-line her FP's properly. And yes, I know I haven't posted Gerwalk pics yet.
  17. Since the painting's done, here's a comparison shot with the original in fighter mode: Now for the bad news: When I transformed her into fighter, this sucker chipped more than Greg Norman on a Sunday. The worst culprits look to be the elbows, the shoulder pads, the bloody removeable knee pieces, and probably the upper thigh. Basically, parts that rub up against each other inside the underbelly were the worst hit. I also had a little bit of a chip on one of the moving intake parts (the one that caves in for the shoulder swing). Luckily though, most of the stuff that's really showing/exposed in fighter mode appears to be holding (except for the pivot joint underneath and behind the cockpit). Looks I'll be touching this sucker up after most transformations.
  18. Mog

    Fighter Comparison

    From the album: The Blackjack

    The Custom and the Original in fighter mode.
  19. Mog

    Fighter Side Profile

    From the album: The Blackjack

    Sitting Pretty on the Deck
  20. Mog

    Box Art Cover Shot =P

    From the album: The Blackjack

  21. Yes, that's what BMF stands for. Of course, if used as "That Millenium Falcon is one BMF!!," the abbreviation would stand for something else. Yeah, I saw the whole set-up at both Wal-Mart and Toys R Us. Didn't buy any of the figures though. Was tempted to buy the CW Grevious, but it looked like he had limited articulation. Snow Bunny Padme looked solid and well-articulated, but wouldn't have any place to put her in my collection. Sandstorm Luke? I already customized my own version of a DSII Luke, so there wasn't too much incentive for me to buy this latest version of the Jedi Luke. Honestly, at this point, there's only one figure (or set of figures) that I'd really buy from this year's SW figure releases. Going back to the BMF though, I saw one at TRU and the box for that sucker was HUGE!!!!!!!!! Seeing the sheer size of that thing put a big ol' grin on my face.
  22. I'd like to think that Bale cribbed some notes from Kevin Conroy, the voice actor for Batman in the animated series. But yeah, Bale is solid in differentiating between Bat's and Playboy Bruce's personas. Still wish his Batman voice had more of that smooth lowness that Conroy delivers.......Bale's Batman voice is bit too gruff at times. Yes, LowViz, I noticed it was a bit long. But I really didn't mind. Made me walk out of the theater very satisfied and "full."
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