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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Wrong. They do link up, as they are essentially the same design (except for the addition of a few ratchet joints, the extra missile launcher thingy, and the extra missiles under the chest intakes). The problem is that the lighter blue Aoshima Legioss won't match up colorwise with the slightly darker blue Toynami Beta. Jenius has a pic of the two linked up at his review site. EDIT: Sorry, thought the original poster was asking about the Aoshima and Toynami connecting, not the CM's and the Toynami. Still half asleep here.
  2. This ep was a little more slow-paced than I would have preferred. * Wonder why the hell Tyrol would vote to leave Galactica. He's back to being Chief. He's in the good graces of the Old Man. He's got a job to do. Don't really see any reason for his decision other than to cause dramatic tension and to cause Ellen to be the swing vote. * Funny, but the real "big guns" Baltar pulled out were the President and the Admiral. * . . . Though, I'd be a little worried with the fanatics being heavily armed now. * Also, it was a little cheesy, but I enjoyed Tigh's "I feel it less with words." speech. Very MANLY MAN speech from the frakkin' machine!
  3. Personally, I'm a fan of the 1/48's knee joint. Being able to adjust the look of the kneecap in battroid and gerwalk (either close to the thigh or flared out away from the leg) is a feature and added articulation point I like too damn much. I'd have to go with the YF-21's because of what they did for the look of the fighter mode: by having those back landing gears twist, it allowed the YF-21 to have a much sleeker side profile. Without those little twists, we don't get the -21's signature sexy sleekness. That's what makes these particular landing gear "the best." If we're talking about ease of use and "solidness" though, I think the 1/48's landing gear are top-notch.
  4. Max <thinking>: I REFUSE to get beat by some punk-ass newbie at this shooting range. Ozma <thinking>: Wait....He called ME out of scale?!!!!!
  5. Any more progress on yours, Miriya? Would love to see what you've done so far with the green-haired one. Hope you're still working on it!
  6. Shaken, not stirred. As ruskii told me once (after I posed my own Bond-style pic), you need more naked, shadow ladies. P.S.--If Millia's butt was showing, I would've guessed Jennifer Aniston. Great pose with the Millia BTW.
  7. My apologies in advance for jacking your thread, logos. But I gotta shut some folks down and OVERKILL my point. Fine. I got enough evidence to back up my point: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3: The left bellyplate isn't touching in this photo: Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7: Even in GERWALK: Example 8: And it's not just a unique aspect of my custom or anything: Every Yamato product I own can stand perfectly well enough on its own. Doesn't mean I won't use a flexi for more dynamic mid-air poses though. But the YF-21 can stand on its own perfectly fine.
  8. I SO disagree..... The -21 can stand perfectly well enough on its own.
  9. You might want to try a wider A-stance with the YF-21. It might make it slightly more stable. Of course, then you have to watch out that you don't make it so wide that the sucker wants to do the splits and keel over.
  10. Thanks for the link! That Lumiya looks promising. Hopefully, those are ball-hinged knees I'm seeing there. Would have preferred a red light-whip too. But very impressive nonetheless. Legacy pack looks like a potential pick up too. Would like to see how Krayt looks with the mask on (and I'm a bit worried about his articulation), but adding a female Imperial Knight to the mix takes the pack over the top for me. No images of Build-A-Droid HK-47 though? EDIT: Nevermind, I found pics for my questions above: Here.
  11. Wow! That armored Scarlett is packing two huge grenades on her chest! I take it there's no way in hell we can keep talk about the movie-line toys out of this particular thread and keep it strictly 25th Anniversary related? (Even if I threaten to have Fast Draw send violators to an mini-Itano Circus-style death? ......) Wonder why they didn't show all the new 25th figures fully geared up? The Strato Viper looks tight. Don't like how the webgear on Outback doesn't match the original. If packed by himself, Chuckles would have been your pegwarmer of 2009. Wondering who the hell Altitude is (Though, I could see that body being used for Ripcord too.). Wondering whether Zap should have a moustache instead. Genuinely disappointed with Hasbro's "effort" on Wetsuit. C'mon, that's just another Torpedo repaint! Wetsuit had knee-high boots and short-sleeve arms. Stop being so damn lazy with your part choices, Hasbro!! Bummed that we're not getting a Covergirl yet.
  12. That movie never happened!!!!!! After thinking about it, I was reminded more of a certain captain/Emissary to the Prophets who nearly died because of his visions. Pretty sure Ron Moore worked on that show too.
  13. Hmmm, I could see using some Pilot Scarlett parts, maybe some Snake Eyes v3 parts (for the lower arms), a Cobra Trooper/Officer helmet, and a few paint apps here and there to make that particular female figure. .....Unfortunately, I've been putting my focus on making other custom figures: Considering all the cool figures I've either bought, modified, and/or customized lately, I really should post an updated pic of my main Joe display.
  14. Very cerebral and dialogue-heavy this one. But me definitely likey. Too much good stuff to mention, but here's a few of my observations: * I really enjoyed that quiet scene with Roslin and Lee. Loved the little tid-bit about what they were thinking about doing with the Quorum (It actually makes a lot of sense, given the circumstances.) * I'm glad the writers didn't And like kaiotheforsaken said, Ellen really shines in this episode. * Loved the insight too into mind. I can understand his passions, his interests, and the frustrations he has about his limitations. But much like the mutineers, he's going about things all wrong. * Was it just me, or did * Lastly, is it possible Daniel is
  15. Sorry to come back to this, but I finally opened up my second Blue Beta this morning. At first glance everything looked okay. But I think one of two things probably happened with this particular Beta: - Either the factory worker had some greasy/dirty fingers when he/she was assembling this Beta. - Or someone at the factory got lazy and slopped some excess paint or grease here and there. Basically, there were a good handful of noticeable black/brownish streaks of paint, grease, or dirt on the following white parts of the Beta: * The white vector thurster(?) of the middle booster; * The back of the left thigh; * The back parts of both forearms (i.e., the white parts of the arms that eventually face the front when the Beta is in bomber mode); and * A couple minor sploches on the shoulders. Luckily, a wet paper towel removed some of it, and some sandpaper eventually got the more stubborn crud off. I know it's a minor nitpick, and it really didn't damage the figure. But the streaks were a noticeable flaw and would have bugged the hell out of me if I didn't clean them off. Oh well, I guess I got spoiled with that the first, almost flawless, Beta.
  16. I can imagine a young pilot, happy to be ditching the brown casket known as the VF-1A, thanking his lucky stars that he got promoted to squad leader..... ......only to see his new VF-1J is also Cannon Fodder BROWN! DAMMIT!!!!
  17. Unless I can use it for Jedi (read: Sith ) mind-tricks, it's no good to me. <waves hand at Hasbro employee>: Now, you'll go back to Hasbro, tell them to make a super-articulated and video game accurate Bastila Shan, and release that Bastila figure before the end of the year.
  18. ^^And why did every Joe in the damn cartoon have Snow Job's friggin' rifle?!!! Not really feeling the movie Night Raven's look. The Strato-Viper looks interesting. But I want something a little less misproportioned for the jets/fighters.
  19. What about the GBP-1S armored VF-1? Armored up the ying-yang. Has missiles to cover your backside. And when all else fails, you can break off the armor and still have the variable fighter. Barring that, the YF-21: * Dual-wielding guns, * Cool and unique design, * And if I'm going down, I taking down my enemy and going out in a blaze of glory.
  20. Well, it goes without saying that Damon Wayans with Homey the Clown, Men on Film, and a whole host of other memorable skits from In Living Color is funniest and best of the Wayans. Though some of his works are crappy, Keenan Ivory would be next since he was part of those memorable skits with Damon, did produce In Living Color, and gave us I'm Gonna Get You Sucka. The next less talented would be Tito (with his guitar). Then Jermaine. Then that annoying sister. Then Shawn (who was the fake "DJ" during In Living Color's first seasons). And lastly, would be ol' Marlon.
  21. Did the suspect steal a gallon of prune juice too? (Sorry, Star Trek inside-joke )
  22. Exactly, I was never expecting a stand-out, make-you-think type of film. If it's at least mildly entertaining, then good. But if it's so painfully awful that I gotta start making excuses as to why I like GI Joe ("I'm not a fan of the movie; I always preferred the toys and comic book storyline."), then I'll have to pick up the pitchfork. .....Okay, let's get back to complaining about boobage, hair color, and the least talented of the Wayans brothers being casted in this film.
  23. C'mon now, that's the kind of crap I'd expect from a Hollywood writer and not one of my fellow MW'ers. As DH pointed out, a Hitler-like portrayal would just be too cliche. I'd rather have a CC who's words are far more effective and deadlier than any gun could be. A person who could just quietly talk to the soldier guarding his prison cell, eventually get him to open the cell door, and side with Cobra. I don't want a cardboard, cookie-cutter bad guy. Like the Joker in The Dark Knight, I want a Cobra Commander who is a formidable opponent, a perfect foil to the Joes. I want a CC who sees the average American getting fed up and pissed off with all these $700 billion bailouts, these $800 billion "stimulus packages," rising prices for gas, CFO's still getting huge bonuses and severance packages, and the same old political bullsh*t. And I want to see this CC coolly, calmly, and with a subtle reserve convince these angry and frustrated Americans to join his cause. I find these kind of villians far more interesting. The ones who you can almost, almost side with (except for the whole fact that they have zero regard for who they kill and go about implementing their agenda in an absolutely wrong way).
  24. Excuse me while I go into full nerd mode : Wasn't CC's brother the one who's business or halfway house got burned down, got denied the insurance proceeds, became a drunk, and then caused the accident that killed Snake Eyes' parents and sister and not Cobra Commander himself? The Commander was definitely a used car salesman though. As I said before, I'd rather have CC portrayed as a charismatic orator who can sway hordes of people, like a twisted version of MLK or Winston Churchill. So, yeah, I'm with you on them using Marvel's take on Cobra Commander as a starting basis. I got nothing against the actor, but I just don't see the kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun pulling off that kind of gravitas. No thanks. I'd rather have a strong emphasis on teamwork and strategy (kinda like was hinted at here and there in MI3) with some Band of Brothers camaraderie and military strategy mixed in. I'm just gonna go into this movie thinking its a bastardized version of the much better comic book storyline. If it actually turns out better than that, then I'll be mildly pleased.
  25. Considering yesterday was February 2nd, I'm surprised no one tried to post a picture of Bill Murray or certain ground-dwelling rodent with the caption, "All this has happened before and will happen again...."
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