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Everything posted by Mog

  1. I actually had the opposite reaction for First Contact. I remember reading a plot synopsis for the film prior to its actual release and not liking what I read. But the delivery on film was actually much better. Sure, there's a handful of cheesy or overly dramatic one-liners. But the solid character portrayals are what still stick with me to this day. Picard going Captain Ahab on the Borg. Alfre Woodard's character being the perfect foil and "voice of reason" for Picard. And of course, Zephram Cochrane being totally different from the LEGEND that Starfleet and the Federation made him out to be. Loved that line where he says that he made the warp engine, not for altruistic reasons, but for money............and women. Made him a lot more relateable and interesting.
  2. ^^I'm sure a marketing dude at G4 pitched it this way: "Three words: Olivia. Munn. Wet." Just saying.
  3. Mog

    Yamato $2000 DYRL MACROSS

    Don't get my hopes up!!
  4. This might be what Morpheus was mentioning earlier. I believe G4 held a couple of contests where the top finishers would get a chance to actually compete on the Japanese show itself. A couple of seasons ago, one of these G4 American competitors actually outlasted everyone else and bowed out deep into the third stage. ....It's just too bad G4 hasn't been airing this show more often the past few months. I'd usually stop channel-surfing and watch it a bit. It was usually pretty entertaining stuff.
  5. ^^That is true. We haven't had one of those annual "The MW Forums are down for maintenance" week (or weeks!!) in a long while now (knock on wood). So, we gotta give credit where credit is due. Also, it's a pretty telling sign that this is generally my "go to" site when I'm gallavanting across the Internets. Count me in as one of those silent majority folks that's satisfied with the current scope and breadth of the MW forums. A good chunk of my interest and hobbies are already covered by this forum. And for those few times where MW doesn't cover my interests or go into enough depth on a certain topic (like say, sports or a more in-depth discussion/review on a TV show or episode), well, hell, there are other sites out there to cater to my other interests.
  6. I've actually found a much easier way to remove the arm/tailfin FP's: all you really need to do is grab the pointed end (near the hands) and rotate it downward and away from the tailfin. Just imagine you're winding a clock or turning a dial on a radio; that's the motion you'll wanna use. On the left tailfin, if you're looking at the outer facing side, you'll want to rotate the pointed end of the FP clockwise. With the right tailfin (also looking at its outer facing side), you'll want to rotate the pointed end counterclockwise. Never really had any problems getting the arm FP's to pop off this way.
  7. You might want to check out the YF-21 transformation videos posted by peolesdru awhile back. They're pretty helpful. Also, this little tip I posted before is pretty key to making the leg transformation into the bellyplates work: Linky. Lastly, if all else fails, you can try removing the upper kneepads. It will give you a little more wiggle room to get the legs to fit inside the bellyplates properly. I actually take them off when I transform my custom-painted YF-21 (The kneepads rub up against other parts, causing tons of paint-chips. ). Hope this helps.
  8. ^^Nice work on the 2nd and 3rd pics! Great poses!
  9. ^^So what exactly is this? A sequel? A DYRL-style retelling of the story? A side story that somehow fits in during the timeline of the original series? Looks interesting but would like to know more info.
  10. Hey, we all had to start somewhere. At least you have the right mindset about this, being willing to notice the minor flaws and knowing the areas where you need to improve. Sometimes it's good that we become our own worst critics. It helps us to become better. Good choice on starting with the small scale too. The tricks and techniques you hone working on these small details will help you when you move up to the bigger scaled items. From my own experience, the one thing you'll have to watch out for when you move up to the bigger scales is leaving obvious brushstroke marks when you paint slightly larger areas. Keep at it and keep us posted on your future projects!
  11. Oh you little tease! Very nice add-on features. Can't wait to see this fully done up!
  12. ^^It was frak. I rewatched it a few times, and he did say "frakken." It's just that Baltar's accent almost made it sound like the genuine f-bomb.
  13. I think someone is making a mountain out of a mole hill (Granted, it's a MASSIVE mole hill, but still). I seriously doubt that somewhere buried in there is the final five's orginal ship. Remember, there was only five of them, and they knew the end was coming. I doubt they would have made their ship as big as Galactica. Maybe something as big as Colonial One. Maybe. But seriously! Look at how huge that HolyfrakkenshitStar is compared to even a Basestar. It'd make more sense to build that thing from scratch (than from the final five's original ship). Also, considering that the Colonial Cylons were already experimenting with organic technology, that there's a whole sh*tload of Centurions, that these Centurions probably don't need to rest or sleep, and given the amount of time since the First Colonial Cylon War, I can easily see them making this massive techno-organic HolyfrakkenshitStar on their own. It would just be their melding of the organic and the mechanical taken to an exponental level. But again, if your focus is so heavily aimed at the origin of this Cylon Colony, then you've completely missed the most important parts of this series and its overall story.
  14. Okay, that puts scale into perspective! So, can we unofficially refer to the colony as the HolyfrakkenshitStar?
  15. ^^I'm more worried about that "singularity" and all this happening before and happening again. Definitely getting that feeling that we're coming towards the end, heading towards a conclusion with this episode. The flashbacks kinda tripped me out a little. But I'm wondering: what purpose will these flashbacks serve in the finale? Were they just there to give some interesting background fodder for some of the key characters? Or will they provide insight into how everything ties together in the end? As for tonight's ep, there were a lot of nice pull-at-the-heartstrings moments. Here's hoping we get a satisfying (and truth about the opera house revealing) conclusion next week!
  16. Yeah, me and my boys have argued these particular points ad nauseum. As I once said, BSG is precisely what Voyager could have been. As for Enterprise, it could have been interesting if they kept focusing on the birthing pains of the Federation and man's first steps into interstellar exploration. Problem was most of your typical episodes for these two series became too run-of-the-mill, too formulatic. But we'll see what happens with this film. This last trailer actually/finally piqued my interest.
  17. As one of the few schmucks who hasn't fully read the comic yet, you should at least give the film this much credit: after watching the film, I'm itching even more to read the comic. If the film can elicit a similar response from other folks who haven't read the comic yet, then I think the film has served its purpose. No doubt the film will never replace the comic book version (Great pieces of art have a way of forcing you accept them at their terms and not your own). But I think it should be cool if the film acts as the proverbial "gateway drug" for the comic book.
  18. ^^Hmm, 4 against 2 . . .What a mismatch. I feel sorry for the Zents! Edit: Woot! 1K Club!!
  19. When I was skimming through the trade paperback a month or so ago, I saw that too. I think one of his buddies was trying to convince him to use the typical atomic symbol (the one with the atom and something like six electrons spinning around it), and Dr. M essentially said, "Screw that cheesy stereotype! I'm using this!" Definitely loved that little touch in the comic and was kinda bummed they didn't expand on it more in the film.
  20. Cute.....Heh-heh! The only thing I would've done differently was removed the green visor. With the visor off, it gives the -19 that evil, sinister eyes look.
  21. Just to clarify a bit, when I heard Hendrix's "Watchtower" in the theater, it actually gave me a big grin. Must be the BSG freak in me.
  22. Where's the "Watched the movie, intend to read the comic" option? I kinda had a Cliff's Notes understanding/background on the comic, so I went into the movie knowing most of the main points and plots. In a nutshell, I liked it. Sure, I kinda wished they gave more details as to why Dr. M chose the hydrogen symbol instead of the typical atom symbol (as in the comic). And I know folks are annoyed about the comic-within-the-comic not being there. But it seems to be a pretty solid film. At least the creative forces behind the film didn't try to put their own spin/their own message into the film ala V for Vendetta. At the very least, the film makes me wanna read the comic/graphic novel even more. Now whether I'll consider The Watchmen film to be a faithful adaptation to the comic book? I'll let you know once I pick up, read, and finish the comic. P.S.--What the hell is up with "All Along the Watchtower" popping up again in another sci-fi/comic/genre series?
  23. So at Arclight, did anyone scream out, "What don't you F*CKIN' understand?!" or "Let's not take a f*ckin' minute; LET'S GO AGAIN!!" during the T4 trailer?!
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