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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. I hope Ratchet chimes in soon... ::EDIT:: Just found out that the fool was banned. Good riddance.
  2. Dante74

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    They're not models, they're toys. They should be able to go trough hundreds of transformations without any trouble.
  3. Dante74

    The BEST valk?

    Wow! really?! Who would've thought.
  4. as Ranka?! To the organizers of MWCon '09: Maybe you should give Ryno a private room?
  5. And here I was thinking that I would finally own a Valk toy that I could keep on my desk and play with every once in a while. please please please let this be an isolated incident!
  6. Dante74

    Thunder Hammer

    The sharp lines on those parts just scream quality. Great customjob on a great...custom?...
  7. Because the VF-1 is smaller than those other two. It doesn't look tiny, it is tiny.
  8. waitwaitwait! Before you do that, let me just PM you my adres. I'd gladly give them a new home for ya.
  9. I had to go look for my jaw after watching that video... Why do modern jets need to be THAT manouvrable anyway? It's not like they ever engage in dogfights anymore, or do they?
  10. It works! Ruskii my man, you have outdone yourself! I hereby declare you the greatest poser to ever walk the face of the earth! Must've taken you quite some time too.
  11. Thanks Shawn but it looks like David beat you to it. link
  12. Greatest, bestest line up evaaaaaahhh!111 Thanks again swoosh!
  13. Thanks for the pics swoosh! Could you post some comparison pics with other 1/60's please?
  14. I'm sorry but I gotta say that make-up totally makes her look like a drag queen.
  15. Finally got back on. Item is being processed for shipping. wOoT!11
  16. Looking forward to your great pics as usual swoosh!
  17. Dante74

    Thunder Hammer

    Aaaaaah, the joys of living vicariously! I'm right there with you.
  18. Now that's good news for those of us that won't be able to attend. Thanks in advance!
  19. I have an active member too. Not twelve times a day like Ryno, but still, pretty active.
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