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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Did some more experimenting... I think I went a little overboard with that last one. More pics from this shoot in the gallery.
  2. From looking at your pics, I thought you already had one. You got skillz dood!
  3. Thanks guys! @MaveRick: I've been trying to get D.O.F. into the pics but only partially succeeded. Good thing I've got some more toys to practice with. I got the Canon EOS 450D (EOS Rebels XSi) and I love it! Now I just need to learn how to use it properly the the kit lens and the zoom lens I got.
  4. Bought myself a DSLR a couple of days ago and have been playing around with the many settings and possibilities. Here's some of the results. I know, pretty crappy still, but I don't have a decent flash and/or any skills yet. See more at my gallery.
  5. Dante74

    Macross Plus

    YF-19 & YF-21
  6. Great pics, but... uuuuuhmmm... how can I say this descretely... your head is showing on the 19.
  7. Thanks, but I'm in Europe. These toys shipping from Japan to the US and then to Europe has to be payed by someone and I'm pretty sure it'll be me.
  8. HLJ has it on order stop already?!?! Damn, I go out of town for a couple of days and it has come and gone.
  9. admires the crotch?... I'll get the Alto first and wait for the armored Ozma version if they don't include it with the first release.
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