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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. With the 1/48's it was best to remove the FAST packs before transforming because of the BP8 horror stories. I'm a little worried I might break it. I removed the packs before transforming just to be save. It's actually very easy to transform. I don't know what all the fuss with the hipbar was about, I encountered no problems whatsoever.
  2. I'm about to transform my VF-1S back to fighter mode for the first time. The Strike/FAST packs are still attached. Should I remove them before transforming or is it save to keep them attached?
  3. Talking about it isn't gonna magically create one guys. Link to old thread. Link to Graham's review.
  4. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but shouldn't there be more black on the Yamato instead of all the grey? Or is that because it's a prototype.
  5. lol! Those girls actually got a standing ovation from the crowd. They did a little fotoshoot with each of the twelve cars on the grid and the crowd was very,... uuuuhm,... supportive.
  6. I not giving up on Shinsen yet... ...must resist GG and Lunar.
  7. Porn, wood, now I'm all confused.
  8. I think I'll just get the non FP version.
  9. BUMP!! So no prototype/pics/CAD lines were shown at all at Wonderfest? Me sad...
  10. As promissed in that other pic thread, here are some pics of my new 1/60 VF-1S v2.0 What are you lookin' at? Yeah, that's right, just keep walking! Who needs revoltech when you can do this with the Yammie. We've come a long way More pics in my gallery.
  11. Here's a couple of pics of my new 1/60 VF-1S v2.0. I'll post some more in the 'strike a pose' thread.
  12. Transformed mine for the first time just now and everything seems fine.
  13. lol! I used to go to those kind of parties back in the day, but that was mostly because all the hot chicks were into that kind of music. I'm more into rock and jazz myself.
  14. Went to a racing event last weekend with various different classes being raced (bikes and cars) and made some pics. Formula Renault. New racing class Formula BRL. As fast as Formula 3 but less noisy and cheaper to enter. Superkarts. 200 km/h karts. Very competitive amateurs. Great to watch! Dutch Supercar Challenge. Drive anything you want, only limited to engine size and weight. Chris Vermeulen doing a couple of demo laps on his MotoGP bike
  15. Go watch it. Great anime. BTW. Love the mr. Bean avatar, but maybe you should consider using some pics of Rowans' daughter Gemma Atkinson. Much prettier than her father.
  16. Thanks! Well, when you come visit again, PM me and I'll show you around. Now, about those Valks...I'll shoot some pics of my new 1/60 VF-1S tomorrow and post 'em here.
  17. Got my VF-1S/Strike packs v2.0 today and....WOW! Best paint application ever. Totally sharp, no smudging, lots of little detail pre tampoed, perfect! It's tight and everything fits together very well. I only put on the Strike packs and haven't transformed it yet, but from what I can tell, everything clicks into place very securely. You can hold it by the Strike packs and zoom it around the room, that's how well it's constructed. Love the 0.2 mm panellines. Rainbow canopy looks nice but I could have done without it. I still need to transform it but from what I've seen, I might have to sell my 1/48's...
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