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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Fair enough, then why was it not spelled in Greek (Ἠλύσιον) like Chaos is? The proper Greek prounciation would not exactly be pronounced elysion, but I get your point. I don't recall the term "brainwashed" used to describe it. "Mind Controlled" yes. We really haven't been told how exactly the mind control was achieved in ancient times, only how the PD did it during their encounter with the populations they found, post prison. One thing we need to be careful of with Macross is making definitve statements about the Macross universe. That isn't to say either of us are correct or wrong, just nothing should be discounted at this point.
  2. They also must re-code the audio because the GG versions won't play on my home theater media player because the audio is not supported, but Deadfish releases do.
  3. Zinjo


    WOW! I love our CG artists around here!!!
  4. So SK and company named an Arm Carrier after a Gothic Metal Band??? That's rather bold and equally obscure to most of the J-Pop audience ( http://elysion-official.com/ ). Perhaps it was just a phonetic spelling on how the Japanese pronounce "Elysium". I'll let others decide.... The Aether does transform to an extent when deployed, though would describe it more like fully deploy. The flight deck splits into 3 parts, which wouldn't work well on a planet with gravity and it's engines extend for flight, but there is little indication it has a storm attacker mode so far. I am not so sure that the VF-171's were from the other Arm Carrier though, I do not recall the Delta squad being advised Spacy reinforcements were on the way. I am also wondering if perhaps the Windemere are SA decendents rather than Anima Spiritia. The declaration of war was against the "Children of the PC" as if the Windemere did not consider themselves part of that community. The "relic" may turn out to be an ancient PD mind control device... That would make things pretty exciting in my opinion. The idea that disenfranchised SA soldiers, freed of the PD mind control, would be considered pariahs to their own people and as such not retain any love for their former countrymen...
  5. Yes, the design work is amazing. Not many have the skill to pull off technical drawings like that. To be proficient at character designs at the same time is even more rare! I look forward to your work!
  6. No, if you look really closely, only the SK anime character dies from heat flashing...
  7. I don't see where that was mentioned. The Windemere declared war on what appears to be a local alliance and NUN and laid claim to the PC legacy. The speculation is that if they feel they are the rightful heirs to the PC, then they may be targeting worlds with PC ruins or possibly planets that are researching PC tech. I wonder if perhaps when they belonged to the NUN federation that maybe a PC artifact of great importance was turned over for research and that is what couldn't be tolerated by the populous. So a revolution on the planet ensued and the new government cut all ties with the NUN.
  8. Not sure why the underside is painted red, typically that is the color of anti-barnacle paint (the UK has a blue colored paint) and this carrier doesn't look like it was designed for the water. That would make sense and would also explain why the fighters have Aether in their markings. If the VF-171's are based on the other carrier we'll need to look for Hemera somewhere on them. That would be a fun twist. Be careful what you wish for or the Birdman will get you....
  9. Based on the war declaration, I would suspect they will target worlds with PC ruins and maybe even Vajra itself (the world not the species) if they understand what role fold quartz has to fold song... This means any world with known PC ruins or artifacts will be targeted. It is possible that no one or perhaps only a few recognized the pattern of targeting worlds with PC ruins or artifacts. With this in mind it makes one wonder if they simply do crash and grab missions to research installations studying PC artifacts as opposed to full on invasions. Some worlds may have research facilities that study PC tech that is brought in from other planets. As for Tactical Sound teams, I expect they have regional task forces to cover areas of known space in the event of outbreaks.
  10. Maybe. I still think they are decendents of the Anima Spiritia army of ancient times, which is how they know to use fold song so well. Their runes appear to be naturally occurring fold receptors. If this is the case, it would reveal that the Anima Spiritia army were not necessarily all PC, but most were "Engineered" for this purpose. The fact that they appear to worship the Wind or Kadun also leads me to believe of all the PC engineered species they are probably one of the first and they may well know it. Though the spoiler would be if we had a Nome decendant in Walkurie to lay a similar claim...
  11. I wonder if the Japanese realize that this might be considered an offensive gesture by the British...
  12. With the advances in gravity control it is very likely. As already pointed out the M7 had a similar situation and it was a larger ship than the Elysium.
  13. I believe you are mis-understanding the Unification Wars. The Global government was established in light of the revelation of a potential alien threat, thus certain regions and nations took up arms against the incorporation to scuttle the new government. It wasn't all out WW III as portrayed in RT. The wars were more akin to regional wars against the World Government forces and in the case of the AUA, a proxy war with UN Forces using OTEC equipment as the AUA is not clearly aligned with any formal governments.
  14. Well there is the preview episode to consider and maybe we can expect some extras as well. MF series came on 9 discs originally and it was only 25 eps as well, so I wouldn't read to much into the disc count.
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