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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Hmm "old" Quarter? This design may well pre-date the Quarter... Keep hope alive, brother...keep hope alive...
  2. He was in training to be a pilot. The show never really established how much stick time he'd had before climbing into a Messiah.
  3. Yeah, it kinda seems odd. Alto had the same fetish regarding flying in the wind but he wore a helmet.... A bit puzzling. They are dangerously close to overplaying the same songs like M7 did...
  4. I see it now. So then the leg supports rotate forward to sit underneath the Arm Carrier ships. The towers don't really flip backward, it appears the torso rotates and the center module counter rotates to keep the bridge on the topside of the ship. A fairly simple transformation compared to the NMCV Battle Carrier, but also reminiscent of the SDF-1. Now the million dollar question? Does she carry a buster cannon or not?
  5. The AUN developed the SV-51 from the tech used to build the VF-0, which were a series of fighters "testing" Overtechnology advancements. The VF-1 Valkyrie was a finished design, but was not deployed because the Nuclear engines were not yet ready to install. Both the VF-0 and the SV-51 used conventional jet engines. The Macross crashed on Earth in 1999 on South Ataria Island and Japan first secured the site for the UN (though my personal opinion, based on historical events of the time and how the world actually works, I would expect in reality what you proposed regarding the US taking control of the island would be most likely). I don't believe the exact reasoning for the rise of the AUN Army has been fully thought through, despite the explanations provided from various "official" sources IMHO.
  6. It really looks likes a compacted SDF Class Warship. The legs are compacted into the sides, the booms are compacted between the carrier ships. The cannon(s) I still believe are the booms. She either fires them like the old school SDF Buster Cannon or individually like the gunships of the NMCV class carriers. This is definitely a warship design as opposed to the carrier type of the NMCV Class.
  7. Hmm, could be. I like to believe that a situation similar to the mind control risk that Grace exposed in Frontier was the cause of the PC Civil War. For me that seems logical. The PC artifacts and the Var may well be left over weaponry from that period though or even the PD war period.
  8. OK, we need some translations on this one. It seems like SK is giving some background to the show...
  9. I caught that "Da" too, so it is possible that a Russian contingent could be the answer to these questions. Well I wouldn't declare Windemere is using the "SV" designator just yet. I am waiting for dialogue or written verification "in show" first.
  10. It is true that the the vintage fighter we have seen may not even be a variable aircraft, just a jet indigenous to Windemere. I also realize that it is likely that any non-NUN sanctioned variable fighter may be given an SV designation by Spacy, though a question remains where Windemere (assuming that is how they designate the fighter) would get that from? This has not yet been revealed. The disconnect is the technology where their fighters came from. They could very well be derivatives of an earlier generation VF-171 and the SV designator is either a Spacy one or they adopted it based upon their understanding of Earth history pre-Great Space War.
  11. OK, but it seems odd that an AUN movement would provide arms tech to a regional world and then allow it to become a NUN member world in good standing as opposed to remaining Autonomous. There is a bit of confusion there. We pretty much gathered that the declaration of war was a smoke screen to cover the true nature of the regional invasions, but why be a member of NUNG at all if you are aided by an AUN movement?. However all this still doesn't explain the SV series of fighters or their apparent derivative nature of the first gen Windermere fighters to the old SV-51/52 series of fighters
  12. These sound boosters coupled with the resonance explanation of fold song makes them far less offensive than the ones in M7...
  13. So how did you expand 1024x720 images to this resolution without creating a lot of artifacting? I noticed there is a screen overlay, but that wouldn't cover jagged edges when an image is blown up 2.5 x.
  14. Let's not and say we did.... One of the ugliest valks ever! Umm, if you've experienced or known someone who experiences PTSD, you wouldn't call it "whining" or pacifism You can join the service and easily find out first hand if you want... One theory regarding the religious attitude toward the "wind" is a religion similar to the Mayan Islander's worship of the Kadun in Mac Zero.
  15. Actually Mylene would be a fun surprise, not only for the audience, but also for Mirage....
  16. Yeah, I really like how the fight suit went from anime costume to functional, plausible design.
  17. What?? You can't kill off Lady "M" unitl we know her secrets. Messer? I agree, but I think he'll succumb to the Var and his pal will have to put him down, if not that then he'll fall to the White Knight... Is that her Sweet Sixteen present?
  18. It is beginning to look like their declaration is a cover story. If they didn't know what they are dealing with it may be a situation where they detonated a weapon they didn't fully understand and the residual consequences are now out of their control. This may be a case where the PC "created" the fold faults around the world to protect the "devices" they created (AFOS anyone) and the detonation of one of the devices is setting off a chain reaction of sorts. The invasions are an attempt to learn a way to stop the chain reaction and their pride will not allow them to ask the NUNG for help. Humanity has a better grasp on PC tech than other PC children so far. Perhaps the NUNG exploitation was less about economics and more about the artifacts found on Windemere.. It is entirely possible this is one of the PC "Outpost" worlds after the PD war, mentioned in M7
  19. Only problem with this "convenient" explanation is that after your race is decimated, you don't tend to care that much about the politics that once divided you.... I find it to be a very weakly thought out explanation, unfortunately... Loved the VF-31A action.. I think they may need to reconsider the pace of the battle scenes. I realize they are probably "real time" speed, but for a production, it was often very hard to follow.
  20. Agreed. Satellite is not going to spend its limited time and resources on a ship that will be in a scene for only a few seconds. CG takes a lot more time to build on the front end compared to 2D anime, so resources have to be planned.
  21. Entirely possible, but the canopy really lends itself to the SV series of old.
  22. A well thought out theory, but the circumstances really don't support it. We do not yet know how the Windemere came to possess "what appears to be" an early SV derivative, but I am very doubtful any Megaroad fleet would be out fitted with 1st or 2nd generation SV fighters when they were building VF-1 and VF-4 fighters en-mass at the time already. Regardless of the possible political ideologies from members of the inhabitants in the fleet.
  23. The Dulfim Class and Denebs appear to be the cap ship escorts of the day. The Galaxy departed during the Megaroad era so it stands to reason it had the same escort ships as a Megaroad fleet. It has been speculated in the episode thread the Ragna City ship is the NMC-01. It was the only city ship never to have a clamshell cover.
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