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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I get the sense that the NUNS Garrisons are like US Bases in Foreign countries with certain exceptions. NUNS Garrisons utilize locally procured mecha by the host world and are comprised mostly of indigenous military. I expect that Federal equipment is never deployed to colonial garrisons permanently, though federal NUNS officers may be part of the command team. So it would be like a US base in South Korea, but the pilots stationed there would be required to fly the F-15K or the F/A-50 fighters as a member of those squadrons instead of the US fighters they would fly at home or in US Fleets. As for Merc Units like the SMS, it is also possible that they simply purchased the prototype VF-25 units outright and added them to their assets for the next "job".
  2. I would argue there is "science" behind it starting with MF. M7 told the audience it was science but no real explanation into how it could work was really given...
  3. Waklure already is being packaged as a idol group. Their first video is already on Youtube.
  4. Many of the early Frontier magazines and charcter books have environmental art in them and the Junya Ishigaki Works book has design sketches of the quarter, the Vajra and various other Frontier art he worked on http://www.ebooksart.com/2013/04/junya-ishigaki-works-robo-no-ishi.html.
  5. I like that explanation, I think I'll adopt it until otherwise corrected by the show...
  6. That's like saying M7 was planned to be a serious, War melodrama... It has little bearing on what it actually was.
  7. Well they did in M7 and it was what threw my viewing off the rails for about a year, before I gave it a second chance, just so I could speak to my irritations fully. When the series went into universe building the earlier complaints became tolerable (though I can't see myself watching it again, twice is enough!) We don't know how much Basara's fold receptor levels were and you are dancing on the edge of fanboyism to suggest he is "Super" in yet another aspect (I hate supermen)... I too would love Mylene to be Lady M, but we'll have to see...
  8. I used to think that but in reality Macross series' are a product of the market trends of their day. SDFM came at a time when MS Gundam showed that serious, well researched space operas could be popular. Most of the mecha shows in the 80's were gritty. M7 came with a J-Pop dominated story (I suspect partly because Mac II & Mac Plus were not as popular in Japan as they were in the West-hence serious mecha drama was waning in the market) MF came with a mix of J-Pop and Mecha drama, a 25th Anniversary show which tried to draw from all the previous productions. The music contributed to the success as much as the drama. MD has come with all the trappings of the current anime market to maximize the profitability of the show for the sponsors. That's Entertainment...
  9. Actually Frontier and Delta did that for me. Taking the time to explain how fold song worked made it easier to swallow than just having to blindly accept that music and song magically could stop a Quantum cannon blast or speaker packs with ACTUAL speakers worked in space. Add to that the incessant repeating of the same 2 songs for nearly half of the show (the songs weren't bad, just too much of a good thing makes it awful!). The notoriety of the show did, but her music was pretty solid to begin with.
  10. Further to Seto's point. The Galaxy Alliance members could be using all sorts of Valks of various generations. So much would be dependent upon their economic affluence, the potential threats in their regions, if they host a Spacy garrison or not, if they are developing their own variant of the NUNS specs. We could see variants of the VF-11 through VF-29 on colony worlds and fleets if they choose to go down that route. The Chaos Task Force appears to be a Federally funded Merc group (like the other regional ones in the Galaxy) with all the latest toys at their disposal to deal with the Var threat. Hence the VF-31 fighters, holo-suits, etc... I suspect Chaos would be the closest we'll see to a Federal force using the latest in OTEC advancements. MF and MG developed their own fighter variants from the YF-24 specs and we've learned from other media that NUNS does not share all the bleeding edge tech with colonies. So in effect, we have no idea what a Federal VF-24 would actually have had under the hood in 2059.
  11. Yeah, we watch anime and media in general to be reminded of how amazingly exciting and dramatic reality is.... It's a good thing entertainment is so grounded in reality or we might actually enjoy ourselves once in a while!
  12. IIRC, SDFM got an extra 10 eps due to fan demand for more of the show. ironically without it, we wouldn't have the Emigration Project that has dominated subsequent series until Delta. I am glad you are able to be keep your perspective on M7. I've seen some on these boards go all Trump supporter over the show...
  13. I don't recall who, but someone showed a comparison between the CVC-109 and the Quarter Arm Carrier and it strongly indicated the CVC-109 is larger. The Elysion appears to be similar in size to the old SDFN class warships, but redesigned with modern 2050's tech. It has been indicated that the design group responsible for the MQ also designed the Elysion's class (or vice versa depending on if you believe the Elysion is newer or older than the Quarter).
  14. I stand corrected. It is not unusual to re-use footage from previous shows to provide a link between them... SK retconned Zero by adding in Sheryl's ear rings so the Nome heritage would be visually linked for Frontier.
  15. That could very well be. Heinz appears to be the crown prince rather than Keith who is also a prince in the Kingdom, but older. On an unrelated note, the galactic color pallette is green for this series as opposed to the purple we saw in Frontier.
  16. Hmm, it would appear the shoulder pods are somehow connected to the codpiece or crotch. Perhaps that module slides down to fit in front of the center module. Unless they rotate around. At this point, the existence of a Quantum Cannon(s), where it is located and how it fires is a mystery. There is a strong chance the Elysion has one as she is a transforming Macross type warship.
  17. I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by Delta. SK has finally found an effective balance to cater to all generations of fans. Political intrigue and universe building for the first gens J-Pop for the M7 generation and to attract new fans Love triangles to appeal to the character drama fans Mecha battles to appeal to all us gear heads. Though with two exposition episodes already I expect the next few will be music centric and / or mecha battles if we are following the announced strategy of each episode being focused on a certain aspect of the whole story.
  18. I'm betting the Elysion will prove to show that much better than the Quarter did. I don't really see the "folding". I see the core has three modules. The center where the bridge sits and two outer modules that appear to be where the arms are attached. The three modules rotate differently to create the battle ship.
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