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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. The kids, or the valks? 417012[/snapback] HAR HAR! I've seen some cool kid-sized stuff at IKEA....
  2. It seems that the SH does eveything the legacy hornet is supposed to do just a little better. Worth the R&D cost? Probably not, but it was all politics and we don't need to cross that bridge again. I always wondered if upgrading the engines, changing the inlets, adding some RAM, and accomodating some dorsal CFTs would have been enough to increase the service life of the legacy hornet at a lower cost.
  3. Email me your pics, and I can try posting or hosting them for you...
  4. Looks great! Don't worry about the fact that trees don't grow in space and that a low-gravity planets can't support an atmosphere to sustain life. In space, no one can hear MWers rant about technical inconsistencies...
  5. I know you have spare -1S heads dude, wanna sacrifice one for the cause?? I posted more sh!tty high-flash pics in the toys section.
  6. Thanks for the compliments. I hope to take some daytime shots with no flash to do it more justice...
  7. I've always thought the CF scheme could look great, with a little extra trim and squad marking detail here and there. Here's a custom Blue Roses Squad junior officer team leader scheme. As you can tell from the ghastly paint color on the heatshield and legs, the valk is all stock except for stickers, paint on the chest plate, and a new head.
  8. The cockpit control panel on my 1/48 CF was glued in crooked. Can I get batty? 416238[/snapback] Yes, or you could just snap it off and re-glue. Had to do that on my CF so the friggin canopy (which is too wide and too foggy... boo hoo) would close all the way.
  9. That's a nice chunkey, love the improved landing gear and visor! What brand auto paint did you use?
  10. What you have there is a custom DYRL Max VF-1S with the wrong number For a hand-paint, that's awsome. Most of the guys on this board are airbrushers, but I'm in the hand-paint/rattle can crowd. Great job and good choice on your first custom, and keep 'em coming! Oh lookey - correct chest stripes
  11. That happens to me at home, but not at work for some reason. Try uploading them to host site like photobucket.com... We need to get you a new camera, dude!
  12. IIRC, "Mustang II" was one of the names originally thrown around for the F-16 (hey, they both have the same ventral inlet). Better than "Fighting Falcon" , but Viper suits it best.
  13. Forgot to mention - I also clear coated the head with Minwax Polycrylic satin. One solid coat, and then a light dust coat to simulate the texture of the brown ABS. It also hid some of my sloppy brush strokes , might want to try that for Kakizaki's shoulders.
  14. Honestly, it may be just some type of industrial acrylic - it find that it chips almost as easily as amateur jobs (e.g., stripes around back hatch, paint on leg pegs). It also comes off very easily with 90% isopropyl (well, at least the red stripe on the Hikaru 1J head did). The trick may be to just prep the plastic with rubbing alcohol and don't apply too thick od a layer.
  15. Only 2 of my friends know of my collection (childhood friends)- they think they're cool and all, but would never spend that kind of $$ on nostalgia. Of course, these were the F***ers who had all the toys as kids, while I had zilch . My wife says nothing and understands it's just another thing I do to keep my sanity when I can't crank my electric guitars. My 3-yr always says "Daddy, your robot fell down" when the valks are in fighter mode. All the valks are kept in a built-in A/V nook in the basement where it's cool and dark, so most house visitors don't get to see how weird I really am. Of course, my in-laws are staying for the week in the basement, so they're sleeping with the valks every night. Not a word from them yet
  16. After putting the head on, the color match actually doesn't look too far off (in bad lighting and under heavy flash)
  17. Post a trade ad: "Will trade all my minty white complete 1/55s for your yellowed, broken, cat-pissed, incomplete valks..." You will surely get what you want quickly.
  18. Days of paint mixing?? Ok I feel better , I only wasted 20 minutes. I noticed that lighting and flash also affects the color of paint and plastic differently. For instance, my color match is actually worse that the picture shows. How much better/worse is your match compared to the pic??
  19. Sh!t, not quite close enough. The mix I wound up with is about 20:3:3:2:1 Testors wood:white:orange:blue:black. In retrospect I should have use 1 part less blue and added 1-2 parts red. The color, with a tiny test drop dried on a hidden part of the valk, looked damn close, but looks too yellow when painted over a larger surface. This is bad because the plastic is more pink, and the leg paint is pinker still (damn you Haterist, you were right ). Oh well, maybe panel lining and stickers on the head will make it less obvious. It would also be less obvious if the CF could move around really fast to draw attention away from the head (and stand against an even more yellow gaudy wall)...
  20. ghostryder

    Dyrl Bgm

    Not sure of the title, but it's track 26 of disc 3 of the Macross Complete collection. OK, now move this thread...
  21. Since you already have a CF, you could put some custom touches on it (like ghostryder did). I've attached a couple of pics of one of mine. 414257[/snapback] WA, Did you ever finish up this bad-boy? You should really take a pic of your 1A/1J/1S Sundowners together
  22. I’ll be also trying to match the CF brown soon on your 1J head (thanks!). I have Testors brown, tan, light tan, and Model Master wood. I’ll let you know if I find a better match…
  23. original head thread Okay, now I remember that it was EXO who had a custom TV 1A head for his avatar. EXO, can you post a pic of this head again (otherwise we can wait for the ad). Thanx. It's too bad the 1/55 1A head is so fat from the front view, I thing the side view is pretty close to
  24. Well, if you're gonna do a TV Max 1A, try to make an accurate TV head : Something about the DYRL 1A head and Max's TV scheme doesn't mix... Check out Neova's recast 1/48 parts THREAD for DYRL hands. They're not the same as the ones I have, which got from Eternal D last year.
  25. This should probably be in the "how to customize..." forum, but - With all the wealth of custom decals out there, I'd vote for something original. IMO, TV Max/Kakizake is one of the most uninspired schemes out there. Hey, I've seen your MG customs, I think you have the ability and patience to come up with something sweet. And what's wrong w/ CF ? Here's my work in progress using my limited painting skills and stickers, a bastardization of a CF and Blue Roses scheme (inspired by Takatoy's custom super stealth).
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