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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. I really like the color scheme. You get quasi-realistic F-15 plus a less pansey color scheme for the 'bot. This only works for Starscream, though... For Tcracker and Skywarp, how would they deal with the fighter color scheme, if not metallic blue and black?
  2. ...my wallet says: I can't keep up.
  3. I haven't watch M0 for a while... so this is neither a CF or Shin's scheme? Nice job on blending the grays, but I would have preferred something more subtle with a less conspicuous heatshield in fighter mode. That what I liked about the canon schemes. I'm surprised I actually like the Focker scheme better. Awsome overall, but if I'm buying another zero, I might wait for Shin -0A w/Ghost... might....
  4. Dude, this forum is full of "those guys" that like to talk about this stuff. If you don't care about the topic, don't post .
  5. Make the seam adjacent to the FRAME. Then it is hidden. 417771[/snapback] If the canopy bulges along the sides, splitting the mold along the cross-frame won't make it much easier to get the darn canopy out.
  6. All the valks with TV style arms (Max/Milia/Hikaru/Stealth VF-1J variants) and for some reason the CF (which has DYRL arms) come with TV clown hands.
  7. Seriously, how fast are the valks flying during ACM w/ Zentradi? With their weight and tiny wings, they would stall and drop like a a rock (ok, maybe a pumice stone). I guess the quick answer is, yes they could maybe fly on Mars with engines full throttle on a straightaway. Thanks all for the responses .
  8. Mars Plane Apparently, the experts have already thought of this. Now, have Shoji make this thing transform! ... and here's a papercraft! ARES_paper_model_1_.pdf
  9. I know, please re-read 1st post.
  10. creepy, but not as creepy IMO.... 417717[/snapback] What IS creepy is a hord of 4-yr olds wearing these showing up at your doorstep.
  11. OK.. what Stephen Hawking is saying is technically true . Let's assume that the sortie is far enough away from a massive celestial body so that there's no significant gravitational pull, and if there was, every mecha within the skirmish would be effected in the same realative way. I'm gonna let this topic go unless someone has something to contribute to the Mars question.
  12. I find a valk in water slightly more believable than a valk on Mars... wings work under water (eg hydrofoil), and now you have buoyancy to help.
  13. Is this the on you’re talking about? Pretty sure it has a standard 1A head. Definitely go flat finish. For a bright red scheme, maybe stick with just light panel lines first to see if you like the look before going hog-wild on weathering and battle damage.
  14. I don't think there's a way to mold a large scale canopy with any sort of side curvature, without a split mold (and thus the seam). I remember my 1/32 F-15 w/ASAT kit as a kid and that big-a$$ seam on the canopy. Ohh... the disappointment.
  15. I'll buy that . If tiny invisible swing bars can survive transformation at Mach 1, I can buy that... You're right about the gravity mines, unless the gravitational force was in the exact shape of the macross and stopped at the ground surface I will now stop bashing one of my fav episodes, and shelve my Sara Base II Martian Low-vis 1/48 ideas...
  16. Yes, I understand that the reaction engines can operate anywhere and that vernier thrusters would allow the valk to maneuver anywhere... but these don't keep a fighter IN the air when there's gravity trying to pull it down (unless those tiny vertical thrusters we see on the Super-O in DYRL are more powerful than I thought).
  17. There's no gravity in space, thus no need for wing lift. On Mars, a naked valk weighs upwards of 10,000 lbs.
  18. Something I was thinking about after re-watching Bye-Bye Mars - Can a naked un-modded valk fly on Mars? I’m no aerospace engineer, but if you consider that Martian gravity is about 1/3 that of Earth’s and that the atmosphere is only 1% as dense, you’re still having to keep a substantial mass up in the air with only 1% of the lift at a given speed (someone please check my fluid mechanics). Assuming the same Martian factors, I don’t see how normal space fastpacks would work either. Now I see why the Legioss needs a VTOL crotch thruster. Thankfully, Kakizaki only weighs 100 lbs on Mars !
  19. I'd like to think that some team and squadron leader valks had standard CF colors... although you got me, in that gummie Hikaru is in the cockpit. Someone (Jenius?) should do a custom Mars low-vis scheme based on the stock Yamato pinkey-brown leg color
  20. If you saw my color match up close, you wouldn't say so .
  21. something slightly scarier than that Rick Hunter doll... FYI, no bids on the ebay ad for these gems...
  22. ... and his son's collection. Haw haw, look at that panel lined Matchbox Veritech with DYRL "armor"! Awsome!
  23. Here's GutsAndCasca's collection: Brian, we need a close-up of that VF-1S CF!
  24. I thought the problem was airframe size - to accomodate something along the lines of a GE F110, the SH airframe would have had to been seriously changed. Shoot, even F-16s that had F110s needed a larger inlet/tail to handle the new engine and airflow requirements. The SH is in the same weight class as the F-15C, and the F414s are close in thrust class as the F-15' old PWF100s. The problem is the inherent drag from the SH airframe, which was not designed for high Mach speed or maneuverability.
  25. Yamato tried to add some realism to the 1/48 canopy by making it bulge a little on either side (see line art or front view of an F-16). The problem is that the cockpit opening is too wide, which translates into a too-wide canopy exaggerated by the side bulges. The fogginess and distortion is hit or miss, from what I've seen. Overall, they tried and succeeded to some degree. It looks dead-on from the side, and a bit porky from the front and top. But for a $120 toy, they could have used a better quality plastic.
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