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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. The 171 is how old now? Mayhaps it's getting to the age of the VF-11 circa 2040? (Oh, if only the 11 could make a comeback as this colony's cannon fodder...) It would be nice to see something else take its place. A mass-produced 19 variant (though I suppose it has too heroic a profile...), or maybe even a mass-produced version of the VF-25 would be neat.
  2. Gotta get me a copy of that Ikenai Overdrive ASAP... I hate pop music, but damn if Macross doesn't constantly keep sucking me in...
  3. So for those of us not in the know (namely me), was this the first episode, then? A MFrontier Deculture Edition Episode 1-type thing, maybe? Also, any other ways of getting to watch it besides VPN?
  4. Can't third the Thunderbolt rec, sadly. Too much Gundam cliche-y badness. Morose characters who can't say or do anything that isn't the epitome of melodrama. GMs being decimated en masse because they decided it was a good idea that TWENTY-FOUR ROBOTS go-kart race through a narrow alley with KNOWN SNIPERS waiting at the other end. Gundam eliciting awed gasps of "Gandamu!?" despite having only achieved a number of improbable victories in a few months. (They treat it as if the past thirty years of Gundam have happened rather than just the first 3/4 of the original MSG.) But back to Delta, how can I get a shot at watching this and future episodes?
  5. Since this one's just been released and rendered the Yamato offerings obsolete, what are people's opinions on getting a Yamato release for cheapo preassembled model kit purposes?
  6. Oh, that's right. Well, don't I look like the fool now? That'll teach me to go forum-hunting after an all-nighter...
  7. What's up with the leg plates? I don't remember the VF-0 wearing just those without the rest of the Ghost/Super add-ons.
  8. Wow, thanks. That's really cool stuff. They're... Well, they're interesting. The Super Attack pack appears to be the same old Strike pack with a Destroid Tomahawk arm attached to it... The Cruiser is additional fuel tanks (and/or reaction missiles?) replacing the leg verniers and missile/gun backpack attachments... and the Super Maneuver looks like a bunch of smaller kibble all over with additional verniers. I feel so out of touch. Like every week or so I'm asking "What's <X>?" about something from years, decades ago. My fandom does not run deep enough, it seems.
  9. @no3jim and @Lordindor - I suppose "detail-up" is something, but they've never gotten a full-body redesign the way the RX-78-2 has. Different shoulder armor altogether, not just a different pattern of panel lines. And saying that they're based on real-world aircraft so they don't have to/can't change is a bit of a misguided statement, no? Liberties were already taken in moving them away from traditional aircraft; there's no reason why they can't take some more liberties (or even return closer to their roots). But anyway. I just think it's a bit of an oddity, that's all. With the proportion issues the VF-1 design has that later VFs don't, it (and the YF-19, but that's something else entirely) could really benefit from a redesign. Compare the Hasegawa 1/72 kits. Great proportions on all of them, everything looks great, but similar parts on the same vehicle don't match from mode to mode. I just looked up the The First VF-1J, and yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Something like that applied across the entire mecha would be nice to see. Also, what's that about a three-mode Super/Strike pack? Not to mention the One-Year War version, the 1.5 and 2.0, the statue in Odaiba...
  10. ^ Why's that? Just too many minor tweaks coming together to make the whole thing incompatible?
  11. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is that blue? If so, seems like a very dark blue to me. Must search out more pics... EDIT: Blue indeed. That diamond/arrowhead motif is neat. Certainly works better than triangles...
  12. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They might be taking a cue from Gundam's book. There it's all backpacks all the time. Fast packs just don't cut it anymore. EDIT: I want to like the design, but the paint scheme(s) and the lack of backstory are keeping me off. I'm the type that usually needs a good accompanying story to enjoy a mecha design. That or appealing paint schemes. And this one has neither so far. (Neither did the VF-27, for that matter.) I'm hoping to warm up to it the way I eventually warmed up to the 25. I'm really digging that black and orange one so far, though. VF-262, was it? Here's hoping to see some battroid pics of it soon.
  13. To be fair, it pretty much IS the VF-1. You know, a "Ver. Ka" VF-1, if you will. It surprises me that Kawamori et al haven't gone about "officially" updating their 80s/90s designs the way Sunrise has... multiple times. The VF-0 kind of fills that role, as does the VF-25 to a lesser extent, but not the VF-1 itself.
  14. You may be right. I suppose I'm just not used to "bigger" scales in general. 1/144 Gundam, Yukikaze, and scale aircraft kits were my norm until recently. The 0S is definitely bigger than, say, most MG 1/100 Gundam kits, though.
  15. These are pretty sizeable, no? The 1/72 Hasegawa battroid is already nearly a foot tall. This must be monstrous.
  16. Thanks so much. Seems I can either trawl the animation screens or just say blah to it and leave it as is. I think I'll go with the latter.
  17. Hey, just repeating that slightly off-topic question again in case anyone has the answer: I'm working on the 1/72 Hasegawa VF-0 battroid kit and may have bent the front nose spike/boom (pitot tube?). When the VF-0 transforms to battroid mode on the Yamcadia toys, does that spike/boom/tube fold backwards? And if so, does it sit flush with the underbelly of the forward fuselage (as I currently have it), or does it jut out at an angle pointing "down" from the fuselage/"back" towards the wings and backpack (as I assume it should be)? Thanks again.
  18. *sees illustration* Oh Macross, why are you so Japan? (Loving the work. Wish I could get one of these. Keep it up.)
  19. Still showing as on sale when I clicked, too.
  20. Congrats to Lancelot on the nice job. I've got that same Revell kit, which is actually a re-issue of the old Monogram kit from the 70s/80s, hence the raised panel lines. Bad parts fit, raised panels, nasty seam lines, the works. (Although mine doesn't have the winglets... Well, it IS the D variant, so perhaps that explains it.) I've had it sitting on my desk unfinished for years now because I just do not look forward to all the work that has to go into it. Given its age, all the more congratulations on such a nice job. EDIT: Never mind about 1/72 Tamiya Tomcats, I was thinking of Fine Molds.
  21. Yeah, I just glanced at it briefly and saw that 10,440 JPY off. I tend to ballpark 100 JPY = 1 USD.
  22. Hey guys, kind of an off-topic question, but: I'm working on the 1/72 Hasegawa VF-0 battroid kit and may have bent the front nose spike/boom (pitot tube?). When the VF-0 transforms to battroid mode on the Yamcadia toys, does that spike/boom/tube fold backwards? And if so, does it sit flush with the underbelly of the forward fuselage (as I currently have it), or does it jut out at an angle (as I assume it should be)? Thanks!
  23. Arcadia VF-0A now on sale for about $100 off. Good time to hop on that if you want it.
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