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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Clear styrene in general tends to be more brittle than solid colored ones (in my experience anyway). Bandai clear plastic is particularly troublesome because they tend to use thicker plastics in general. It's easy to cause internal stress fractures that'll mar the clarity of the plastic (though that shouldn't be a problem for you if you're going to be painting everything opaque anyway). When removing nub marks I find I have to shave small slices off little by little.
  2. Civil rights were literally a political agenda, though. When it comes to LGBTQ issues, sure the movies are more obvious about it, but then there's always been significant overlap between the struggles of the LGBTQ and other minority communities. Moreover, being social commentary/critique and being mass entertainment are not mutually exclusive (and in fact rarely are). At the risk of sounding dismissive, the full context of that quote isn't a directive to judge by character and not skin color. It's from his "I have a dream" speech, when he's talking about the vision he has for the nation. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." It's the world that he wants for future generations, not the world as it was then/is now or a set of instructions about how to get there.
  3. Decent episode overall. Nothing much to say, except that Kaname is quickly becoming my favorite character in the show bar none. Still hoping for a May-December Kaname/Arad pairing by show's end, or they trio up with Messer, or nothing happens at all. Though I just noticed in the opening Chuck's sister(?) checking out Messer from afar same as in the show. Maybe something will happen with that. The main trio are still fun, can still go in any direction and I'd be fine with it.
  4. Bit of both, I'd say. Certainly the movies have tended to veer more towards LGBTQ-specific issues than general civil rights ones. ("Have you tried NOT being a mutant?") Bryan Singer and Ian McKellen are both gay, which likely played a part in that trajectory.
  5. It certainly isn't REQUIRED to be sociopolitical commentary, but homosexuality and LGBTQ specificity does seem like an inextricable theme owing to X-Men being, well, X-Men. The franchise was always a fictional representation of the LGBTQ community as much as it was popcorn action flick (or, rather, popcorn action comic). And it's not like it has to be blatant about it. The comics wouldn't have become as popular as they are if they had been. First Class (yes, I will keep coming back to it) had a lot of social commentary in it, both in regards to LGBTQ discrimination in particular and social inequity/inequality in general, but it wove that commentary into the movie such that it could coexist peacefully with a summer action blockbuster. But really, my knock against the movie has less to do with "it's not LGBTQ enough" and more to do with "it didn't do anything new and/or interesting with anything."
  6. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Tangent: I noticed that the interval between the first and second planes veering off was longer than the same interval between the second and third, and third and fourth. Is the timing of that maneuver true to life?
  7. Saw it last night on a friend's urging, and... Well. It wasn't the worst way to spend $12, but there were certainly other, infinitely better, options showing around the same time.
  8. ...I thought carat was a measure of purity? As in how much of a gold nugget is actually gold as opposed to other elements?
  9. I wasn't aware the manga was still ongoing. Wow. Elysium is bad for many reasons, but I'm not sure I saw much Alita in it. (But then my memories of both are super faded, so... eh.) Either way, I'll take your word for it. I agree it CAN succeed today, just that given the current Hollywood blockbuster culture, I'm a bit more cynical about its chances.
  10. Well right, but I mean how much have you been itching to get more of it? I loved me some Mermaid Saga but I don't really feel like it needs a modern remake. But then again, I wouldn't complain if one came about, so maybe that's the sentiment here.
  11. How popular is Alita? Or rather, how big is the property as part of the (inter)national zeitgeist? She really seems to be time-locked to the 90s, and I'd find it hard to believe that this series specifically resonates with the modern day. It might be better to just make a new story using thematic/design elements from Alita rather than an all-out remake... I mean, I don't have particularly strong feelings about the series. Do other people here have strong nostalgia for it?
  12. I must admit, watching the raws does force me to try and keep up with the dialogue as best I can, which is definitely helping the whole language acquisition thing.
  13. I dunno, from my limited experience with gg (literally just this series) I find myself having a lot of fun with their work. Lots of Woolseyism in effect. That "He would be proud of you" thing? Yes, it's not literally correct, but it carries the same sentiment as the original while being neatly creative and arguably working better in English. There's certainly something to be said about their work distracting from the show itself, but still, I find their sub work to be, on the whole, fun.
  14. Have you listened to the various songs on their own? I warmed up a fair bit more to them after doing so.
  15. One minor thing that I enjoyed: The guns fire in extremely short bursts. The 31s' arm cannons especially are always animated smartly, with good trigger discipline(?) being enforced, which lends some small measure of realism to this show. I've heard that modern fighters that have any sort of gun at all (be it internal or external) can plow through their ammo reserves within a mere 20 seconds of sustained fire. Imagine how much more limited the arm cannons must be, and... well anyway, it's just nice to see that small detail is all.
  16. Noel, that's the cleanest pic I've seen of the Tomy Tec version yet. Nice grab. Seems the chest is a single piece, which is a smart move in my book. I'd been wondering how Bandai and others would deal with that aspect of the design (along with the shield). Tomy's version is hitting all my good buttons EXCEPT for size. The DX and Bandai kit look fine, but the compromises they have to make are all sorts of blegh...
  17. Will get to everyone's spoilers in one sec, but two things: 1) Tangentially related to the episode: I'm glad they finally found a way to get around the final bit of "anime magic" regarding the Valks: the gunpods, and how they move from beneath the fighters to being hand-held. I didn't realize how much of a problem I had with that until I started building the RVF-25. Mounting brackets are all well and good, but it bothers me to no end when they can't replicate that aspect of the designs.
  18. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Based on the Mecha Colle kits, the wings ARE slanted downward by default, though only the slightest bit. The anime has them doing all sorts of gymnastics, though, so you can probably achieve an X-Wing/TIE Interceptor look on the toy pretty easily.
  19. Another thing to note (just saw this myself): You need two mounting brackets in order to mount the gunpod beneath the fighter mode. Additionally, if you happen to get the RVF anytime in the future, you can't mount the gunpod at all, as it'll bump into the RVF's unique lower tail fin. (The Hasegawa kit rectifies this by simply moving the gunpod farther forward on the fuselage.) Does anyone know if the RVF was ever seen with its gunpod? I only ever seem to remember it in fighter mode with Ghosts doing most of its "fighting."
  20. I dunno. To my eyes, they point too much forward regardless of how you angle them to look remotely Anubis-like, and they don't form a smooth silhouette with the rest of the head, and... bah. Anyway, nice-looking toy. I'm not sure whether to choose between this or the various kit offerings. Well, definitely a Hasegawa fighter at least, but for the other modes, I'm not so sure.
  21. This is a limited edition kit, isn't it? Makes sense it would be discontinued... no?
  22. Others are seeing Anubis in the 262's head, too. I'm not. Where are you seeing it? The closest thing I think of is a bat, but even then it's a loose resemblance...
  23. You know what the obvious solution is to this anime magic problem, right? Release a three-pack of fixed-mode toys for roughly 100k yen. It's not like any of you WOULDN'T shell out that much dough... (I know I would, in a heartbeat.)
  24. I like this opinion. I don't share it, but I like what you consider to be the beating heart and soul of "Macross" and why.
  25. Not sure where else to say this, but just... man, I'd have loved to see a Satoshi Kon-directed Macross series. With two of its three pillars explicitly involving women, Kon would have been able to do amazing things with that show... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqq0nVu29g8
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