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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. Same... hopefully they still will
  2. There are 2 on Yahoo JP Auctions, ones about 70USD and the other a laughable 110USD. So glad I got my six while there were cheap!
  3. Ragnarok... I LIKE IT Or call it Nyanko
  4. Peng, I'm stealing your extended version paint job for my Robotech Macross Tactics Valks.
  5. So Nyano.... what are you christening the beast as?
  6. exactly! I've switched to using Registered SAL for all my BUYEE stuff out of Japan and its been getting to NZ in 5 to 6 days! for a 1/3 the price of EMS
  7. that looks good like the extended version!
  8. Tamiya primer, Model Master and Tamiya acrylics, Model Master Gloss Clear, Decals with Microsol and Microset, Future... cracks
  9. naa, its ok, this one needs to be kept alive.
  10. well... as long as your clear coat comes out more successful than mine tonight... My Future gloss layer that SHOULD have sealed in my decals decided to crazy crack alittle... but I wouldn't find that out until the Florys Black wash hit it and found all the cracks!
  11. ASSAULT BATTLE ROBOT Monster is a Heavy Weight Robot - HWR Defender is an Air Defence Robot - ADR Spartan is a Main Battle Robot - MBR Tomahawk is a Main Battle Robot - MBR Phalanx is a Space Defence Robot - SDR Looking at all the weapons and Defence systems your creation is rocking, and the size of it, it fits a few roles all at once, is bigger than the main battle models but smaller than a Monster and looks to be basically a one machine army on its one.
  12. Oh the joys of applying millions of tiny decals...
  13. The decaling begins, slowly. Then its weathering time.
  14. And... because I was bored and needed a distraction... I present Micheal Flattely's Vf1J River dance. Ignore the face palming hater in the rear
  15. And this one is definitely a "You have a Hulk? Cute... we have an ABR-01-Mk IV ANNIHILATOR "
  16. Hmmm I'm thinking thats not a HALT scene... thats more a "Whoa, easy big fella, how was I to know she was your sister, it was an honest mistake..."
  17. Functional and dangerous looking. Hell yes
  18. First clear coat before tomorrow nights decalling then another gloss clear on thursday night - then The Great Wall Movie, Flory wash and matt clear on Friday. ...ok and maybe the canopy, some vent detailing, the intakes, the lights and sensors...
  19. Looks good, now to weather that baby! Hands look the part too
  20. Thats a multi seater? Civilian or Military transport?
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