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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rotating-Magnetic-Levitron-Levitation-Floating-Show-Shelf-Display-Plateform/311976672582?hash=item48a3423d46:g:moIAAOSwb7NZ2w8e https://www.ebay.com/itm/Magnetic-Levitation-Floating-Show-Shelf-Display-Platform-Home-Office-Decor-Gift/162656236346?hash=item25df11333a:m:mCm-KL-QwYCXpaV5RXTsnuw https://www.ebay.com/itm/Magnetic-Levitation-Floating-Ion-Revolution-Display-Platform-Tray-with-Ez-Float/232471176050?hash=item36205ca372:g:o6gAAOSwmhJZp-WQ
  2. and customising and painting every single ship they have.... including lighting them all up with 0603 SMD LEDS! Not fun!! And messing with other stuff on the side...
  3. on the side I'm also messing with having a Monster crush a bus with the graphics on the bus and a few bill boards nearby also say "TRUMP - Make the UN great again" and am working on a mobile for my little girls room using Macross egg planes painted in Alclad Candy while two of my models settle a few disputes on the printer Work continues on the 1/72 wall displays And I get sidetracked with the kids and other halfs X-wing fleets... including heavily modifying a YT1300 for the better half...
  4. This is the basis for my new diorama tiles. I have Anti UN Merkavas, T90s, Armatas, Namers BMP-3s and even a 1K17 Szhatie and of course ground troops Along with UN IFVs and Armour
  5. The decision was made to set up conventional armour amassing along the Kuwait/Iraqi border at Abduli. However this incursion was used as the perfect combat trial of the Destroid 04 systems with a unit of U.N.Marine preproduction evaluation destroids secretly deployed into the AO. As the conventional armour and Artillery units began shelling the Anti U.N, factions across the border, the Marines deployed rapidly over Bubiyan and Warbah Islands to hit the defenders in the flanks and cut them off from Basra. To achieve this they used the Marines Rapid Deployment LCAC's, with a carrying capacity exceeding 100 tons they were easily able to deliver over the beaches two fully armed 04 units each.
  6. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@30.5941929,48.2915215,131840m/data=!3m1!1e3 Like the Assault to take Basra in 2008...
  7. Picture this a moment... in the years 2000 to 2006, after discovering ASS-1 and having began development of Destroids... how were they deployed to the various battlefronts, skirmishes and uprisings of the U.N.Wars? ...
  8. Just ordered a ton of xigfrid 1/72 ordnance from shapeways so will have something to show very soon. Working on a UN/Anti UN unification wars alt Iraq war display... Destroids and armour assaulting a beach in 1/144.
  9. Pilots could possibly be used as casualties too...
  10. Infantry in 1/72 and definitely 1/144! I'd buy enough to justify it. Using them in city fight battle scenes as living and casualties
  11. Ahhh.... where can we get the zentraedi from?
  12. Got mine by air so not sure about that. They come in a bubble wrapped flat pack
  13. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    Get in soon guys and girls. HLJ has one pre ordered for me but won't let me increase that amount. Hobby Search let me order 2. They maybe getting close to full up on pre order quantities
  14. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    Costs me about 70nzd all up to buy and get shipped to new zealand. So.... pretty happy with that. Going to paint up some alt paint schemes.
  15. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    They are still appearing on Yahoo jp. Picked up 4 so far for about 45us
  16. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    Yeah cartoon torpedo boobs are a joke. This looks far more practical and believable.
  17. andthey still owe me a decal set for my 1/144 Destroid Monsters... seems to be taking an age!
  18. Thanks... just bought one each of those 4 buildings
  19. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    Already done with the Seventh Moon kit. I got one a few months back but its only the head and Outboard wings, not the forward canards
  20. NZEOD

    Hasegawa VF-31

    Mines getting done more like the box art than the recommended. there are one or two a week on Buyee.co.jp, I have 2 so far
  21. I'll post up some measurements in about 2 hours then
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