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Everything posted by NZEOD

  1. neither did I until last week. Found it on Yahoo.jp, seems to be genuine and not a recast and only cost me $70US. Arrived today at work.
  2. haha not so sure... most people dont want anything to do with the Bandai VF-1 range. Not voluntarily anyhow.
  3. there are two Bandai weapon kits, the Strike pack and Super Pack... neither show the twin mounts on the box art BUT the photo I posted previously above is supposed to be the parts layout as shown at a tradeshow of the Strike pack. Reason for the question is the Strike pack is 1700yen, the Super pack is on sale at HLJ for 800yen so if its in there I may grab 5 or 6 packs for that price. I'll have a ton of unwanted strike packs and leg tanks too if anyone wants them.
  4. pretty good for a scratch build!' Anyone know where the twin RMS launcher rails come from? I have boxes and boxes of the 1/72 Hasegawa weapons packs and its not in there so I'm guessing from the Bandai ones? Assuming they can be bought in 1/72 scale?
  5. you can change it up anyway you want, as, just like real world ships, even the same class vessels have changes and improvements made as each is built and even through out its service life, so no two ARMD Carriers would likely be identical to the day ARMD 1 first floated out of spacedock.
  6. Add another 3 white base VF-1 kits to the production line. Now building enmasse 2 VF-1J Delta's, a VF-1A Production Run 001, a VF-1A Production Run 5000, a VF-1J 30th Anniversary and a VF-1 Minmay Special ...and the Hasegawa SV-626Ba arrived today...
  7. They are all destined for the Hallway Display cases. Up to 36 cases now, already gone down the hall and up the otherside so now onto the second row below. As to hoarding useful junk, I strip printer copiers for the scanner carriage mechanism to use to open the Hangar Bay doors and to move the Launch Arm into and out of the hangar. Its a couple of guide rods and a belt drive.
  8. love to know how you built the Flight control station!
  9. nothing quite like having a bidding war on Yahoo.jp for an Experten VF-5000 Star Mirage and passing the time by placing joke bids on 100yen macross auctions only to find you win a 1/72 Angelbirds for $4USD and some weapons sets for $3USD!!
  10. no one currently knows
  11. once its done and I have the SV-262Ba done as well I'll drag them into the daylight for some decent photos
  12. the blue is candi blue, clear blues over a mirror chrome base. Wanted it as far beyond a NUNS valk as possible. Now its more Naboo Nubian cruiser style! Working on the Sv-262Ba in Candi Aqua and chrome next.
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