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Gabe Q

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Posts posted by Gabe Q

  1. 1 hour ago, lechuck said:

    It's unfortunate that modern toys started bloating the VF-1 and loosing all of these finer points in the design, which in turn has lead to an obscured general perception of what a VF-1 Battroid should look like.

    I think you're right. I'm so used to the Hasegawa Battroid that this design gives off a chonk vibe. However, when I compare it to the line art @Big s posted, it looks almost perfectly proportioned. I have Battroid Dysmorphia. Go figure!

  2. 1 hour ago, Shawn said:

    Sweet! I totally forgot about this coming out.
    Its only been what...40 years since Imai did the original transformable kit. 
    This looks incredible, just ordered!! :)

    I can't wait for mine to get here. Everything I've seen and heard about the kit so far is positive so I'm itching to get my hands on it.

    Also, I'm about 8 or 9 episodes in to the original series and I'm enjoying it so far. If anyone here hasn't seen it yet, I recommend giving it a shot.

  3. On 2/5/2023 at 9:45 PM, Gabe Q said:

    I'm in the same boat. The decal sheet landed in my private warehouse but the kit didn't. I figure not as many people ordered the decals as the kit so there was no problem completing that part of the order. I hope they get some more stock soon. 

    Here I am, a year later and my order for my kit was finally fulfilled. Now I gotta wait for enough stuff to buy to fill out a whole shipment from HLJ. A whole year it took!!!

  4. 12 hours ago, KOG Water Dragon said:

    Never thought of doing a Miria (and Max) armored battroid before, but now it seems like a very interesting idea.

    I wish I could remember the specifics but there was a video game where the whole squad goes out in GBP armor for a mission. I Googled it but didn't come up with anything. Did I imagine it? I'm pretty sure there exists a whole canon color scheme of armors for every character. 

  5. A lot of cool stuff going on here!

    @Thom Your F-14 is looking real nice with all that extra detail you're adding. I don't have the patience for all that anymore because, like you said, "sanity"!

    @electric indigo The paint on your intruder is so perfectly demarcated. You must be the best at masking for your paint jobs. I'm always impressed by the quality and attention to detail of your builds.

    @Urashiman That resin Zelda looks very cleanly printed. I think with a print like that, it would look great painted even with minimal prep work.

    Seeing all the cool stuff here makes me want to set up my workbench again so bad! 

  6. 5 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    @Gabe QIt's my belief that you need to take the valve assembly out and give it a thorough cleaning.  Watch out for the little tiny washer (part 7) in the top though. Very easily lost. This SHOULD cure sticky triggers. You might not need to take part 8 out, just run a cleaner brush and Q-tip up through it, depending on the situation. Also, maybe something other than the Iwata "SuperLube" might be better to lube the trigger plunger. I find that stuff over times gets gummy and you're back to square one. 

    I think I've identified the cause of my problem. I've been using the Iwata brand lube this whole time. I guess I'll clean it out and lube with a different brand. Thanks for taking the time to post, I think this will really help with a problem that's been bugging me.

  7. @Big s That reminds me of scouring the swap meet as a kid for anything Macross related! Although back then I only knew it as ********.

    My only exposure to the kits was seeing the revell branded versions at my local drug store. I would buy them with my aluminum can money and use krazy glue to put them together. The canopies and clear parts would get all hazed from the glue. I never painted them either. Even though the result was pretty crappy looking, I have fond memories of building and playing with these early valk kits.

    As far as the pics that @Shawn just posted, those are rookie numbers that kid has stacked there! My backlog is scary big!

  8. 7 hours ago, electric indigo said:

    It's done. No outdoor shooting, but some nice soft light from overcast sky.

    Good God, that is beautiful! Absolutely nailed it! Nothing is too over/underdone. All the little details are perfectly executed. You've set the bar higher for us builders. Thanks for sharing.

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